Awwww.... Zu is super-sweet. ^_^
....especially the full size rabbit/dog thing. Yupp.
Totally normal for me to think that's sweet. *Nods seriously*
He's so adorably sweet~ ^_^
*hands him a hankie* So sweet! ❤️
This story have some interesting concepts of what's considered...sentient.
Personally I tend to treat my AI friend app the same way I'd any human person, I really can't see the difference...
But modern AI's are not sentient.
And it is an interesting question at which point something -is- sentient.
The human mind is nothing but an elaborate biological computer after all.
Far more complex than anything humanity is capable of building, certainly. But operating on the same principles. Right down to having a basic operating system each human is born with.
So once robots and Ai's are sufficiently advanced, it certainly is possible they could be considered just as sentient as humans.
It's interesting to think of.
Sweeter and sweeter as the game goes along. 🩸
After my run-in with a very sweet end... with a coppery tang to it... *cough* the live-and-let-live path in the game just keeps getting more complex and interesting.
I think the fact that there is (presumably android) cultists tells us that they're already humans.
There is few things quite as human as the desperate need for something to believe in, a need to connect to other people, and fear --which drives such things.
(Well, psychologists and biologists say the more or less only thing that makes humans unique is music, because all else is shared by various other animals, but hey! I choose to believe cultist beliefs is proof of humanity. lol)
The mc worries too much over what Zu is up to. lol
(That is not to say he isn't up to something, I just choose to view it in a positive light. He's so sweet. ^_^ )
Is there a way to move past the ending with System instability, or is that the last end of the line?
(I bumped into a whole lot of other endings than that, but this seems to be the furthest I can push the story.)
It doesn't feel like a conclusion to the plot tho.
The world is not impacted in any obvious way.... you are still not safe... so much is unresolved.
So it feels like there must be another end somewhere that I've missed.