Shocker to see another fanmade version of Inflation Roulette! Now I don’t feel alone of me making my own version! 😆 I even beat it on my first try, just one time where I got hit.
Here are some thoughts and criticism:
- If the AI is holding the gun, the game doesn’t explicitly show which player gets targeted and inflated, but it’s not that hard to deduce based on what size they are.
- There’s no point in shooting yourself, because you’ll pass on to the next person regardless. I was hoping if doing so will not pass to the next player and you’ll go again. However, the random chance will go down from 1/5 chance to 1/4 chance, 1/3 chance, 1/2 chance, and guarantee live round. The twist is that it won’t reset the chances to 1/5 chance UNLESS if someone shot a live round. I know this is subject to change (Ex: Using a more traditional ‘Buckshot Roulette’ chamber system instead of 1/5 chance of live round), so let me know otherwise! ❤
- Even though I won on my first try, the screen turns a little darker that won’t allow me to see what that text and image says upon winning.
- No popping. 😭 (Totally understandable though)