Thank you so much! You have much better accuracy and reflexes than I do. This is not a genre I excel at as a player. Well done on that score. Waiting like that is the right thing to do, though I was hoping to make it tempting to take earlier as the pace picked up.
Yeah, the healing is pretty unsatisfying, right? I need animated hearts and sound effects to make it clear. The healing is immediate, but it's really easy to miss that it happened (also maybe you uncovered a bug if it didn't apply right away?
When the jam ended, I had gotten ever increasing enemy attack speeds, though the spawn speeds remain constant (other than the occasional wave). But the player's attack speed never changes, so eventually it will hard stop you because the enemies will attack faster than you. My next update post-jam will include the player also speeding up so it is still technically the same game just forcing you to play faster and faster. Then audio because the lack of audio makes me sad, but I ran out of time.