He's accumulating a lot to be sure. Although technically that's all down to the player: He could be 100% pure, or only have experience from one of the adventures. But yeah, 1 was effectively being used like a toy and not even knowing, 2 was all about being trained, and this will be more "know your place" overwhelmed by power etc kind of mind fuckery. If you're a turbo nerd you can think of it in terms of password cracking: the enemies in 1 just...had the password. The enemies in 2 use a dictionary attack. The enemies in 3 are nation-state-level supercomputers that just brute-force it in no time. Or, to look at it another way, they don't need gimmicks because they ARE the gimmick. Advantages of being spooky :D. The defense in 3 is all going to be "How do I avoid getting immediately crushed?" And there will be ways, but that's a very different starting point.