Finally got my web browser to play it...
I like Ryan. ^_^
...I don't like the mc.
In general I like the game tho. It's a bit short, and I think the creator could really build on this idea and do more with it.
It has the potential to be a really good game.
Especially if it becomes long enough to make Ryan a more subtle and slow-burn yandere, that slowly drives away or kills everyone around you, while manipulating you to love him and only him.
Captivity is best when it's used as a last resort when all else fails.
But this game is a bit too short for longer manipulation, so I see why it is the way it is.
I still hope the creators will come back to work on making this longer some day.
As I said; I really like the premise of this game...and Ryan. ^_^
(The artwork is pretty nice too. ^_^ )