Definitely not your Wb or chipRAM, that were assumptions I took based on the most common errors described. Like an airplane accident, it's generally caused by a conjunction of factors: the limit on number of actors, your play style, and now a new discovery:
The bones launched by the red skeletors were not being removed when they go off screen, so, they were *also* accumulating. So, that was the modification I did on the post edit. But to confirm it further, one more test, this time I removed them completely (applying the Muntzing method):
Also in the plane accident analogy, at this point I'm completely exhausted, have put many sleepless hours on this issue, and I'm prone to commit errors at this point. Like exhausted pilots do when under absolute stress. So, I may even put wrong files up for your testing (this time is just the WHDLoad on the link above, to make sure). Sorry, but doing an Amiga game of this scope, for free as a single programmer, no matter how advanced are the current tools, is like swimming against a very strong tide, several miles from any beach on open ocean. All this for a free game on a very niche platform. That's important to have in mind when it's about game rating.