Some spoilers in this review.
I think Yuzhan is trained to put himself far too much.
I have heard of men with his condition that have become great hunters by learning to relay on their other senses.
He'd make an excellent lookout guard, for one thing, because of his hearing.
His language skills will be useful in diplomacy, and with a well-trained horse, he could learn to ride alone in time --especially with the colorful clothes people wear. He'd make an excellent spy as well, because he'd be underestimated, and his hearing is again an asset here.
Gathering information would be easy for him, even if he cannot sneak around on his own.
Everyday life may pose some challenges, but he could become a valuable asset to any leader if he was trained right, and not pampered and treated as an invalid.
(I know someone who had equally as bad vision. And it was barely better with glasses on, although they could play WoW surprisingly well for someone who only saw colorful blobs on the screen. lol)
Humans excel in adaptation, if given half a chance.
My speculations on his future aside....
The game is surprisingly good!
I love the idea of a game that treats an arranged marriage in a REALISTIC way! (And not the romance-or-refuse-it stuff I see far too often. It is always an option, but never a guarantee --which you seem to understand.)
And so far everything in the game is very nice and realistic, and your new husband is adorably cute. (And very pretty indeed. ^_^ )
I honestly would have LOVED to see him learn and thrive by your side, and become a worthy ruler in his own right.
Men have overcome far worse handicaps than he has.
I have no doubt he simply need to learn what his strengths are and lean into them, and let you help him with his weaknesses.
The scene where he cries is so heartbreakingly sad it's hard not to cry at it. That's how you know it's a good scene. When you can feel what the characters feel. ^_^
I AM surprised at the potential to refuse sexual acts, considering most arranged marriages are very heavy on having children. (Many cultures also places high enough value on virginity to need proof of it being lost on the wedding night.) Your people would almost certainly expect it of you.
But I must admit I know very little about the Mongols and their habits (and most of what I know is war strategies and conquest stories. lol)
And, of course, the fact that you are a war leader might make pregnancy cause problems.... One can see why the role traditionally fell to the non-childbearing gender. At least when it came to war.
(But I do know that the Mongols have help from the whole tribe with child rearing, so once the child is born the burden would be far less. Not to mention your husband is unlikely to be a warrior --although I HAVE heard of Samurai's who did not need sight at all to fight battles. Some used a blindfold to challenge themselves, and many writings tell of how to rely on intuition and hearing over sight, if my memory serves me correctly that is.
Some of this is even mentioned in the book Warrior's Meditation.
Of course Mongol's fight from horseback, and he'd be beyond useless as an archer.)
I look forward to see more content from this game.
I would LOVE to see him grow and thrive, and how the two of you work together to create a great...not sure Kingdom is the right word... But still.
Genghis Khan did not rule purely by brute force, he relied on diplomacy as well, and the unification of all the Mongol tribes.
You have the strength, he has the mind.
You'd make for a very great Powercouple.
Even if you have no ambition to rule both of you might see the value in this.
Doubly so if your husband discover some plot by his father to maybe go against you once you let your guards down or something. (Giving you a timeline to unify the other Mongol tribes --the only thing that can truly defeat the chinese army, if my memory serves me.
I fear I haven't studied military strategy in years.)
And if Yuzhan loved to read, odds are that he is schooled in both chinese military tactics (he may even have read Sun Tzu's Art of War --depending on the timeline of this story), as well as poetry. Both very common topics at that time period for the children of an Emperor.
And if he wished to excel to please his father (as most children do) then he would likely have studied their strategies in preparation for when he was old enough to lead an army. (An aristocrat son would never be a common soldier, in just about any culture I have studied. With only some very few exceptions, and they are usually tribal people.)
Knowing the strategy of the enemy would be a great boon.
Having the knowledge by Sun Tzu would be an even greater boon.
(Or perhaps as great. Both are important.)
Of course... I am merely speculating and throwing out ideas here. lol
Feel free to use what you wish, if you so wish.
I am just looking forward to reading more of what promise to be a fantastic story! ^_^