Mole and little mouse look at gigantic carrot!
Three dimensional scene for today based on good and kind animals. My friends. I can see them every summer. At my country house. So, mole and mouse are looking at the huge carrot. Which has grown up. And, they think, what they do with this carrot. Big and delicious carrot! Mole and mouse still watching it, try to observe. And think.
It is excellent summer day around theme. It is most summer weather at the street. Most casual summer day. All good and kind animals are living here. They, always, have a summer. And, lots of things to do.
“What the way so big carrot has grown up!”, – surprised mole!
“Yes, so here it has grown up, some way!”, – agree little mouse!
Now little mouse and mole will pull it out, from the soil. And it will be very delicious carrot.
“How it will be delicious. Excellent carrot!”, - think mouse.
“So, it can be a soup. So, this carrot has grown up here. Such a magical kind. Huge carrot! It is for everyone! And even, it will be some parts of carrots for other days.”, – mouse thinks.
Mole look at the carrot from one side. And little mouse from another side.
So, right now, they find a things to do for all day long. To get some ideas, how to pull it out. So, big carrot. And to share it with other little animals.
“We need to grow more of these carrot!”, – little mouse speaks!
“We need to ask seed, it is good to ask rabbit!”, - mole speaks!
They are going round and round this carrot and think about how to pull it form the ground. It is excellent weather. Grasshoppers are singing in the grass. Little sun, Sky. Grass. And even such a huge carrot!
So, this is a moment of joy for little animals for today. So, there is a little house. And they can to sit in the house for a while. To drink a tea. To play computer games. To learn. To have a free time. So, here, little animals have excellent place! And, at the back, it is also something growing! Radish. Potato. What a good place!
There is little water near. To refresh. And to have some fun. But this time, it is better to back to carrot question! Thanks rabbit for seeds!
Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.