Is there any lesbian content? How to get to it? I played for more than an hour and I don't get any erotic content except for avoiding getting raped at the pub. Is there anyway to get any lesbian content
The only lesbian content I've seen is with one character and it takes awhile for not a whole lot of content but if you want to check it out anyway all you need to do is :
1. Take the bus to the checkpoint area and go to the Scrapyard.
2. Click the walking guy bubble on the "Action" part of the Hud to explore the area, if its the first time you've done this a girl named Jaylee will talk to you about "scavving" which lets you find both random scraps that you can just sell and useful items that can boost your happiness or lust temporarily.
3. Keep scavenging in the scrapyard and you will keep running in to Jaylee and eventually she will open up her own shop in the "Car Graveyard" part of the junkyard.
4. Talk to her over and over again and at some point she will tell you she likes you and invite you in to her home .
5. You did it! At least as far as i remember that's all you need to do and you should get two repeatable lesbian Scenes one in bed and one in the shower.
P.S. I haven't played any of yet so there may be more to Jaylee's content and or new lesbian content as a whole that I'm just not aware of but I hope this helps.