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A member registered Oct 30, 2023

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You can't change Sammy's thiccness unfortunately but you can change her Breast size at Dr. Nikolas lab but only after the first mission i think, and you have to pay, or you can just open the cheat menu at the top right of the screen and then just click customize and it opens the same menu.

There really isn't a "best" origin, the origins are for like roleplay so the "best" origin(s) depends on what role you're trying to play.

For example if you wanted to play a more naturally slutty character the exhibitionist origin wouldn't be a bad choice, though Sam will refuse to wear the more conservative underwears in the game. 

But if you want my opinion the male origin is the "best" simply because its the most interesting of them and presumably will have the largest impact on the story.

You need to go through the main story of the chapters that you're missing the events for and make sure you've taken all dialogue options and make sure you've done all side content for each chapter. 

I'm pretty sure all the events you're missing in ch.7 are in the sandbox mode but you need to finish the chapter before you can see them. After you finish the main story of this chapter go to sandbox mode click the "INFO" button on the top right and it will bring up a menu, both Tsubasa and Tomoe have events, click their pic and then go to objectives.

The only lesbian content I've seen is with one character and it takes awhile for not a whole lot of content but if you want to check it out anyway all you need to do is :

1. Take the bus to the checkpoint area and go to the Scrapyard.

2. Click the walking guy bubble on the "Action" part of the Hud to explore the area, if its the first time you've done this a girl named Jaylee will talk to you about "scavving" which lets you find both random scraps that you can just sell and useful items that can boost your happiness or lust temporarily.

3. Keep scavenging in the scrapyard and you will keep running in to Jaylee and eventually she will open up her own shop in the "Car Graveyard" part of the junkyard.

4. Talk to her over and over again and at some point she will tell you she likes you and invite you in to her home . 

5. You did it! At least as far as i remember that's all you need to do and you should get two repeatable lesbian Scenes one in bed and one in the shower.

P.S. I haven't played any of yet so there may be more to Jaylee's content and or new lesbian content as a whole that I'm just not aware of but I hope this helps.

It's still getting updated on Itch, it's just the more major updates that are added.

Did you not see the the pictures showing where every hidden item is? There just below the GIFs on the game page.

Some of the hidden items need certain cloths/accessories to get so just cycle through them as you unlock stuff.

I assume you've tried reinstalling the game if that hasn't worked then it maybe an issue with your device it self, like a memory issue or something. 

Can't say for sure though i don't play this on android.

There is a icon on the hud at the top that tells you what part of her cycle your character is at and if she can get pregnant, its in between the intelligence stat and money icons.

Pretty sure it's not in the game yet.

The status of the game is "released" so I don't know if dead is the right term but this is what the game is. There are mods on the discord sever (linked at the top of the game page) if you want to change things up a little bit.

P.S. if you want to know if a game is still active check the more information tab it should be right above the downloads, this is true of all itch games as far as can tell anyway.

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For happiness one way would be, when ever you shower, masturbate (I think you need 50 lust?). You should be able to do this as many times as you want if you pick the Former male origin because they always have enough lust assuming no other perks are effecting your lust.  You should also make sure to eat consistently as it can reduce happiness and you get a boost to you happiness when you eat.

For the Strength and Intelligence your Origin might be effecting one of, or both of these stats. For example the Bimbo origin has a Fitness Minimum of +20 meaning you can't go below that unless you have another perk effecting your Fitness Minimum, but it also has a Intelligence maximum of -60 and a intelligence multiplier of 0.2 meaning you can't go above 40 intelligence with out another perk effecting your Intelligence maximum, and any time you would gain intelligence it would be reduced to 20% of the original value.     Multiplier Example (5 x 0.2 = 1)

So I would recommend looking at the other Origins to see if you like a particular one.  A thing to know is if you pick the Former male origin in like two in game weeks your character can get one of the female origins depending on your actions like if you don't bother increasing you intelligence you'll get the Bimbo Origin.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the game isn't really about making a "perfect character." Your character is always going to have flaws which makes since considering the context of the game, you are literally expected to fail your first mission.

Your confidence will go up if you are consistently happy. 

I'm not sure if the change happens based on time just passing or if it only changes after you go to sleep but in my experience it seemed to change after sleeping. 

You can also get some temporary confidence from getting drunk.

Yeah as of right now there's not a whole lot to it (as far as I'm aware), mostly just there as a little more flavor, but maybe Sam_Tail will elaborate on the mechanic later in development. 

Maybe something like "smarter" Sammys getting better prices for buying and selling items and "dumber" Sammys can do a "favor" for similar results so the intelligence state doesn't become OP.

It effects how a few of the quests can play out. 

For example the first mission where you have to go to the pub and get info from the private detective guy, if you are smart enough you can just threaten him for the info and it will end there or if you do one of the other options he can ask you for help to get evidence that the man he is watching is cheating on his wife if you are smart enough you can get both the info you need and money he offers you in advance and just leave.

It also can have an effect on different repeatable events like having sex with bar patrons when you ask them to do anal if you are smart enough you can convince them to this can be helpful if you don't want to risk getting pregnant.

If you don't already know you can increase your education by going to class (duh) and studying in the library on the second floor. 

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No I started this playthrough from the beginning.

Also using the "Lewd" skill did not work at all for that boss.

I don't know if it was a bug or if the RNG was just awful but when I was fighting the ravager it would not do its sex attack. 

I had to fight that boss 5~6 times before it did it.

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It's in vault 64, go to the top left of the residential area and there should be an elevator that you can turn on. You should be able to find it on your own from there.

It's in the bottom right room in the residential area, its in one of those bags that have the pics of all the different girls.

!!Minor Content Spoiler!!

Just keep interacting with them at some point they will invite you to drink with them and after that if you just keep interacting (playing soccer and drinking)  with them some events should happen.             Being horny may help with some events.

(E.g.: showering with them after a game, losing a bet and taking off cloths. Both can lead to sex I believe)

Check the potion crafting menu for the cheapest potion to make with the highest sell price, if you are desperate for money and can't make potions with your left over ingredients you can sell them in the storage menu, I think you just right click on them, but you should hold on to them unless its an emergence.

For the most part early game you should not keep any potions for personal use just put them up for sale because you have very limited inventory space at the beginning of the game which should be used to collect ingredients and essences, and don't forget to make the horny dust to get essences easier.

Don't know if this is a known issue or not but my code for the keypad in the "hub" area was only 2 digits (73) no matter what I did I couldn't open the door, even tried looking in the files for the code but ended up corrupting my save in the process.

  Every character on that list (Sammy, Poppi, Nile, and the shark girl) is a character that you don't have to worry about if both doors are closed, that is what the list was about, why would I put Ari and the slomo girl in that list if both could still get you even if the doors are closed?                       Of course I didn't mention them in the comment about what you didn't need to worry about. 

You need to worry about them!

P.S. I literally said in the first line of that strategy "all you have to do is use the plush a lot more often" if you are doing it enough Ari can't kill you and regarding the slomo girl, with most of the other girls unable to get to you with the doors closed you can spend more time on cams watching her which will keep her from getting to you.

You didn't mention any thing about it in your first comment so I was just making sure, no need to be rude just trying to help. 

Also if you're still having trouble you can just leave both doors close and all you have to do is use the plush a lot more often, then you don't have to worry about Sammy, Poppi, Nile, and/or the shark girl killing you and you can focus on repairing, waiting on Nile's heart to fill up, and getting the gallery stuff in between using the plush.

That's how I beat it anyway.

P.S. None of this is to say the RNG is fair or good, the entire point of this strategy is to avoid most of the RNG issues.

You know she won't break the camera if you look at her for a few seconds right? There is a heart above her head that fills up to let you know when you're done.

send me a friend request on discord, I have the same name there.

Ok ill uploaded it there, but is it ok for me to share links in the comments like this? I don't want MonsterBox and/or Itch mad at me. 

Is there a way for me to send it privately?

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Yeah I can, but how do you want me to send it?

also the game over animations are not available in the gallery so you'll still need to play to see every thing.

p.s. I might not see your reply for a while

I like the game a lot, all the characters have a lot of personality in their animations and designs (and in the few bits of dialog) and I like the different tasks you have to complete so you're not just sitting there doing nothing for like 5 minutes.

My main issue with the game is the awful RNG, I can't speak for others but I died about ten times in a row just because the plush would disappear the second Ari pokes her head in the doorway so by the time I've found the plush I was beaten to death with a broom.   (I did beat it eventually)

I hope the RNG is tweaked in the future so something like that doesn't happen nearly as often.