Operator is a character I've been designing since the mid itch days they literally originate from the itch forums, before I even joined yodding or anything lmao. They were my take on a 4th vanilla cast member and that's how I pitched them originally.
Over time the concept has evolved and developed, taking the core ideas, vanilla methodology and aesthetic, and just making it more and more based. Nowadays they're more of a take on a "villain" (plural if you believe in personalized hustler antics which is cannon to vanilla in fairness) of the vanilla roster.
The inspiration for the moveset and aesthetic is mainly CoD and Titanfall but also other movement shooters like quake and whatnot. For this character, time and movement are resources in of themselves. Setup and aggression are the building blocks used for emergent vanilla esque gameplay. Minus the uninteractive lame exploits (hopefully).
@Gooply Dooply and @Ace 0f Shades are my co designers and recently we came up with a few new mechanics to add to the character. So I've once again given the doc another pass with these new mechanics (written in red text). So I'm trying to get feedback on those as well as the character as a whole.
If any of yall are still here, here's the link to the doc again. And also, totally join the Bracketeering server on discord it's fire and also where I do all the stuff for operator to this day.