Amazing level of detail and polish on this! Super cool to see something like this made for a jam. The player controls are snappy and the hit boxes are really tight, amazing that your team managed all this in just two weeks. Really incredible! Did you have all the assets built ahead of time or were they made for the jam?
I did get stuck inside the tilemap at one point dashing into a wall, I imagine the collision shapes deformed during a dash or something and ended up getting stuck in this exterior corner.
Viewing post in Indigo Satellite (Game Jam Version) jam comments
Half of the character designs were made prior to the jam by myself, but the latter like the enemies and bosses before Phobos were done during the jam! And all of the art and assets were made by me and Ryaninho during the project. That's probably the likely cause of the issue with the hit boxes, since our code for collision tends to get weird in edge cases (After all, we only had two weeks). Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it!!