I think you may have misunderstood what my reply was trying to say. Yes at the end I did talk some about where it would make sense to bring it up if the author did ever want to go back and add trans options, but that wasn't my main point.
In their response to me, the author stated not just why they didn't want to add explicitly trans options because they didn't think they could do it justice. Which as stated is perfectly understand, I 100% get that. So I suggested a potential work around, i.e. keeping it ambiguous. That way, they wouldn't have to worry about doing trans character's justice, but wouldn't be fully excluding them. They said they didn't want to do that kind of work around, and stated their reasons why. Which is what I was responding to, since I disagreed with their reasoning.
"The author also doesn't address ageism, or ableism, or neurodivergence, or religion, or a plethora of other identity issues." This was actually kind of my point. From my understanding of what the author said, in their second reply, they did not want to keep it ambiguous if the MC was trans due to, at least in part, wanting to be concise in their messaging. My point was that, the game doesn't really address gender that much and so that, in my opinion at least, making it ambiguous doesn't really affect that messaging. Similar to how it being ambiguous as to whether the MC is say, autistic, doesn't really change the messaging.
I know that making changes would take time and effort, this is why I tried to keep my suggestions to things that would require relatively small changes. I apologize if it came off as me being pushy, that was never my intent. My intent was simply to state something I did not enjoy about a game I otherwise really liked, as well as give my thoughts on it as well as the author's response to me, and to give some suggestions for how the author could go back and address it, if they wanted to.
This is what I meant by my preface, here's my thoughts, here's how the could address it, if they wanted to, but at the end of the day, it's their game, so it's entirely their call whether they do or not. If they decide to take my suggestions and either make it ambiguous or add explicitly trans options, that's fine, if they decide they still don't think they can do it justice, and that they don't want that ambiguity, that's also fine, I'd be a bit bummed, but that's not the end of the world.