This is a great puzzle game! You have a good eye for puzzle design, the solutions were eminently discoverable.
A few of the puzzles are solvable with fewer bombs than the player is given, and I think it'd be a fun extra addition if the game acknowledged "more efficient" solutions with a little ribbon or something :). Level 17 might be a little too broken though, I was able to complete it without using any barrels and only one bomb by pushing the fire pot onto the highest moving platform, and then lighting myself and running directly across into the skeleton's alcove.
Overall, the biggest issue in my opinion is just that the physics needs a little more tweaking and polish. A few times I bombed barrels to places I'm pretty sure they aren't supposed to be able to go (ex. Level 13 it's possible to bomb the leftmost barrel all the way onto the platform with the rightmost fire, making the puzzle uncompletable). Also, sometimes pushable objects would fall through moving platforms, even if they were at a full stop.
I greatly enjoyed your demo, I'm looking forward to more levels! :)