Yeah heh, I totally forgot. It's been changed now, though. The reason I changed it to the end of February is because my break from working on Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate was during the month of January so I wouldn't get burned out from continuous work on BFNSU (it also let me start working on an upcoming BFNS series entry that's planned to be a bit different than previous entries in the series codenamed BFNS DH (Development Holder), which will likely be mentioned in Progress Update 17, and I've also created a channel on the JSG Discord Server that you can join here for announcements relating to that project named #bfns-codename-dh).
Now that development will be resuming in a few days on Monday, that will give me a month to get more work done on BFNS Ultimate, and get it closer to the release of the Beta 1 preview version for development testers, which is still planned to be released sometime in the next few months.