No, still doesn't work for me. This gives a sequence of 4-2-1-3, but nothing happens. Should the next thing happen automatically, or do I need to do something else? And where is this projector you mentioned? I can't find that.
Yep. You have the right code. I think I know why it's not working. There's a yellow bird that needs to sit on the roof of the well so It can hear you when you are doing the code. Go into the Greenhouse. Up to the upper level in the elevator. Don't take the elevator back down yet. It takes you all the way to the top so use your mouse to go down that area and you will find a window with a switch. The window opens and a yellow bird flies out of the greenhouse. The projector is also there and it says Blue, purple/pink, yellow, white. Go back to the well and the yellow bird should land on the well. Click the rock that is third from the left. It should let out blue orbs. Let them fly to the statue and make a sound. Next one is second from the left-pink/purple. Furthest to the right- yellow. First one on the left is last- white. I think it's the bird that is the missing part of the puzzle. It flies down into the well when it hears the right song.
Thanks. With this I was able to complete the game. This confirms that I had some difficulty navigating the game. Sometimes the scrolling is unresponsive. Conversely sometimes when I try to press something near the edge, the screen starts scrolling. I understand this might be difficult to get to work right, but maybe some kind of indicator to show where you can go would be helpful? Anyway, great game. I'll try the other one and hope to see more from you.
That's awesome! I'm glad you got to see all of it! There's a ball that follows the mouse and that is what collides with the sides of the screen to move it. It just needs to follow the mouse faster. I remember the gold bird/well level had issues when I messed with the speed. If the greenhouse door was on screen right when the room started then it wouldn't open when you clicked on it. Weird stuff. I'll finish chapter two and then open that one up and see what's available to speed up the view movement. Thanks oOpyromancerOo!
Oh that's probably the reason it went so slow. You would have to make sure the pen had contact with the screen the whole time. I'll bet the invisible ball that follows the mouse thought the mouse disappeared occasionally. That would be really frustrating so good job getting through to the end of the game!