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A member registered Feb 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Well, I tried setting it up as a file in a folder as hard drive and launch it from inside the emulator, but that just got me a Panic: Illegal Instruction error. But really I don't know what I'm doing. I'm more confident using the Amiga or C64 versions. Is there any difference, e.g. graphics or such between the versions?

No, what I mean is that I replaced the ROM TOS with the game TOS. I probably shouldn't be doing that - it didn't even seem like a good idea at the time, but I didn't know where else to put it. How do you mount it?

Since the game files are in TOS format, I replaced the ROM TOS, so I guess the answer to your question is neither. But I'm really not very competent at messing with Hatari settings and have never worked with TOS files before. Aside from replacing the TOS it runs on the default configuration. Anyway I did get the game running both on C64 and Amiga, so I think I'm good. 

How do you use the ST files? My emulator (Hatari) says they are invalid

Try reading those pages that are left all over the place.

I was playing with a pen rather than a mouse actually, which is probably not what you programmed it for. That might be part of the problem. I hadn't thought of that.

After the helicopter, if I looked straight down there was a white ball which followed me wherever I went, much like a wheel. It disappeared when the next zone loaded. Cat pyramid sounds nice.

Wait, am I riding a snowball (after the helicopter)? Spectacular ride though. Wouldn't mind seeing some more interactive content in any future installments.

Thanks. With this I was able to complete the game. This confirms that I had some difficulty navigating the game. Sometimes the scrolling is unresponsive. Conversely sometimes when I try to press something near the edge, the screen starts scrolling. I understand this might be difficult to get to work right, but maybe some kind of indicator to show where you can go would be helpful? Anyway, great game. I'll try the other one and hope to see more from you.

No, still doesn't work for me. This gives a sequence of 4-2-1-3, but nothing happens. Should the next thing happen automatically, or do I need to do something else? And where is this projector you mentioned? I can't find that.

Excellent little game, though it could use a save feature, and the sluggish scrolling is rather irritating. I'm stuck in the puzzle with the coloured lights though. I assume it has something to do with the bamboo sticks on the surface, but I tried interpreting them as number of clicks and sequence, neither of which works, and lastly as number of balls, but it looks as if that isn't going to be right in 100 years because they just shoot off a random number each time.

LOL. Yes, I did try that before, but I guess that was before I collected all 4 items. Combine the two, and it does work, thanks.

I have collected 4 items (key, armour, bag, potion), but I still can't get down the stairs. He just walks right over them. I'm using FA-UAS with A1200 standard settings.

I can't get down the stairs in the dungeon version.

I scaled my screen content to 150% from Windows settings. Then it fit perfectly, even after I scaled back to 125%.

Excellent on all accounts. Clever and challenging without being obnoxious. Teleports should work both ways though.

This is most excellent. But only the exe has voice? Although the bin is the larger file? I only just test ran the bin, and had no sound of any kind.

It's an audio issue though? But yes, I should probably try it on another computer.

I get terrible sound on Win10. The couple sounded normal, but the TV program was choppy and slow - much slower than the subtitles. 

I can't play it at all on Win10. It freezes up when the voice comes on and then eventually crashes completely after a while.

Is that thing at the end supposed to run through walls? Doesn't seem quite fair. I also managed to fall off the map a couple of times while trying to evade it.

Hmm, can't run the p8 file. I get syntax error and runtime error. Fun game though.

Running around and shooting. Nothing unusual under the circumstances. I'm playing with a Wacom pen, if that makes a difference. But I have played a few more games, and the issue has not re-occured.

My character is stuck on the wall. Is that supposed to happen?

And I did manage to win using my own chess board :)

I have tried both on Brave and Chrome.

(2 edits)

The chess board looks messed up, like some of the squares are displaced. Does it only work on some browsers? Or is this part of the challenge?

Hmm - Chaos Engine for Spectrum?

More girls? Yes. More ways to pleasure them? Yes. More kinks? Yes. 

Isn't the tape supposed to fix the shreds and/or torn message? Nothing happens when I click it on either of them. I am using the fixed version.

I tried again from an earlier save, and this time achieved 100%. I don't know that I did anything differently except last time I saved immediately after killing Claudius while this time I saved before entering the castle for the last time and completed it from there without furhter saves. Don't know if that has any bearing on the issue.

I killed Claudius, but after fighting (and getting killed by) Laertes, the game still tells me that I haven't avenged my father and Claudius is still king. I finished on 94%. Am I missing something, or is it bugged?

Okay, I launch the exe directly after download, but I still just get a white screen. This time with some music, and I can quit with Esc, so sound and keyboard input seems to be working, but no gfx.

Please, some advice on how to run this on Win 10. I managed to unpack the executable, but when I run it at best I get a white screen. Most times it doesn't do anything at all. 

Yes, thanks for fixing it. I only just tried the game, but it looks promising

Yes, it was. But I just tried the new version and it's working fine now.


Hmm. Sound disappears as soon as I mouse over any of the buttons in the start menu.

I experienced the same issue and after another save I was entirely unable to resume the game. Seeing as there is only one save slot this is rater inconvenient, so now I am keeping copies of saved games.