I can't see what i'm commenting because the background is black and the text is black. i also can't see your game instructions whoops
Cool stuff:
- the beginning presentation is really high tier
- neat music
- it's fun to control and the game mechanics are good. you taught them without text which is good. i did get stuck at the beginning trying to figure out what to do but eventually i learned you can jump through the brown but not the green ceiling. i wonder if there is a more intuitive way to show that for beginner players, or maybe start off with the jumping mechanic only for about 10-20 seconds so they learn how to jump up reliably first.
- good use of a clear simple health bar and the blood to show when you are doing something wrong (jumping too far/falling). this game feels like it was made by somebody who knows what they are doing, first one of the jam like that i've tried to be honest!a
- the mechanics are pretty unique, yes, it's jumping on platforms, but i have never jumped with these physics before and it's pretty fun. you can tell the parameters were fine tuned so it feels good
- good level design - it started off easy then got harder
-it feels like failing should have a higher punishment. i fell like 3 screens and it only took 1 health off, and you have like a million health. so if the mechanic is there, but it barely affects the tension and release of the artform, it's like it isn't there at all, if you know what i mean. It also seems like you gain health as you go up, so it worsens that effect. i am not sure what the gameplay point of
- Obviously it's a game jam game, and the mechanic is good, but with only the one mechanic, i started to get bored after a few minutes especially when i got stuck on a harder section i had to redo. i did want to finish this, but i was tired of jumping. that may just be a me problem, but something to consider if it's turned into a full game. it also might help if the levels were a bit wider so it was less restrictive, but then it would be harder to design with the verticality of it being the core mechanic also. maybe have a section where you are supposed to change direction and go left or right or something so it's not constantly going up. for a larger game later on. this was my favorite one so far though. good job!
- be aware not everybody uses QWUERTY keyboard (i'm on dvorak) so if the game doesn't use the "physical" key it can control weird.
Thanks for sharing. good luck on the JAM