Lets see what this newer old VHS has on it! So starting from the top.
Religion has its place, but this ain't religion. Marshmallows! Did I mention how cute Tobin is too? Rock beats everything... right??? Aww! A truth that not all are comfortable with. See Food eat food! X3 Now that is religion. Course I'd still love ta see da Big Burr, but he not important enough char I reckon. Nothing better than helping out for honest cause! This is what goods friends are, both supportive and keep each other from bringing themselves down. WOAH THAT IS AWSOME ANIMATED! Poor cute feela...
OMG IT SO CUTE!!! Math! Parents are not the lord, but they can offer guidance not demands. Wish I liked going camping. Aww! There he is! Toothy smile! ^^ Wags! Hehe good boy! Nothing wrong with being gay, but not everyone HAS to know, if it comes up it comes up, no need to market it to public, just you yourself as you are will do. Acceptance cannot be forced, its a process of getting used to something. He is so adorable! And so something starts...
Respect, Responsibility, and Kindness something we all should have for ourselves and for each other. With it we get Trust and Generosity. Yes, please be merciful! X3 Retail always seems much easier in a smaller store. Always nicer when things are more casual. When you want to admit it, it shouldn't be so hard, but the pressure that is what makes it hard... Beautiful! Hehehe.
Ah the sax! :3 Aww he so sweet! Hahaha Fox's line is priceless! X3 Too outside ears the skit sounds rude/harsh/cruel/dark, but when you know its an inside joke the context is then something a lot different! Some people can't tell if its antics or being serious in places ^^; One thing to have a big guy on top of you, its another to have them LAND on top of you! X/D While I don't read so much anymore, there is never any denial of that good smell! Panic causes irrationality... I hate that, asking an innocent question and then treated like dirt. Hah! How did I guess that was him from the start!? XD Who says tough guys can't cook? Now that just cruel! Not sure got he chops for this one! XP hehe that was adobierble! That is right that is how a gathering should be! Depend son how you define "bump"! X3 I'd like to be squished like that! What money I do have I don't feel particularly deserving of. Oh boy don't go there! XD Oh that adorable! X3 Good Ranger Boy! Dah stereotypes, but its different when it for fun or an act, careful. Choice! Choice? *Shrug* Ha! Got im! Love creativity! Now that is a natural beauty! Sounds religious, but not without merit. Good, while try not to overthink things, important to be aware of others feelings. Aww! ! :3 Really can be hard to break from what we are used to... Cuddles!
Oh that is so sweet! ^^ Hehe whoops!? Beautiful! Hard to take pride in something if you don't have in any pride in yourself, and no it cannot be bravado or other fake, it must be honest. Having an eye for others is not easy, don't want to misread. Nothing better than feel god tunes to feel good, get out all the sad or angry drama away away shoo, no tunes like that!
Don't forget anything! Never anything wrong with expression, only when and where. Constructive not destructive, we all need to remember that! Damn this was too obvious... Being able to illustrate pictures form words is something I highly value, for I can be quite descriptive, but can't draw. I have no interest in this "fashion craze" things out there, but fashion itself has is own importance. He has a point, but films are another medium is the issue, they are exactly physical, but they also aren't as old as other art forms that society has put any in museums (at least in VN time period). Jeez like dealing with his father all over again... Surprisingly using math to create graphs can be used to create some interesting art pieces by using them as a sort of base. But I like being happy! Hahaha he may have money but he is not stupid! Not always so easy to tell all the mannerisms of others let alone why. Yay he wags too! Hrm, wishful thinking? SALMON!!!
Wuh Wat!? o.o Oh good music! That law is there for a reason, but less people and more responsible people, then more yeah sure no need to be so harsh. I wouldn't but this ain't me! Ooohhh! And that part of where I failed, so damn used to public that couldn't handle college... Aww! Hrm... Lawl Figures! XD
Aww.. poor guy! XD Nother wagger! Adorable! :D Nothing is as maddening as having what you worked your whole life towards stripped away because of mere whims of another. Never forget ANY family can turn on each other... Hrm strange? Oh those who rely on coffee... Never had a girl either you say? Nice and casual! Also blue! :3 Aww... No hiding, no forcing, just because one does not conform does not mean others must conform to them. Keep it simple and it will be easier to find what to look for. Meh..., but least I can understand why in this case! :3 Thee always is a point to it because they give you direction, but he problem is it never takes your feelings into consideration. While in company now?... Oh neat and CAMEOS! I simply like that is was positive and uplifting! He IS cute! X3 Oh she seem like a rebel, but a standard rebel. :3 Fewd court! Wonder if they have any trials? XP Oh hehe! I value honesty, but so many never what to hear it... Protect each other even from themselves! It may be awkward, but personality first, labels second. Do not let the label define your personality, let your personality define the label that is you. I cannot stress it enough. Ooohhh!!! Why does that song feel so on point!!! :D Hahaha now that good storytellin! NOTHING beats genuine passion! :D ! <3 I want some too! X3 *sigh* its not needed, but it not up to me, just please don't go overboard! Ooohhh shot to the heart! <3 BLEP! <3 Aww! Hehe again it probably not what I would do, but you are egging me on! X/3 That was cute! Overexploitation of any form leads to the downfall of said society or group. God how many times do I have to repeat that line??? Even we here are NOT IMMUNNE! Aww darnit! D: Those doubts... ever crippling... Oh what this now?...
As great as things are with modern times and technology, let it never be forgotten the beauty and simplicity of things and times past. Never forget the roots, but ne may build off of them! Always retain something of where you came from, sadly even if it hurts. What matters most is what you do with it. Its nice to be able to trust others, but crushing when broken. Aww... Hope something that always seems to be in short supply in many places, so we must help make that hope for each other.
That is what hope is, the ability to take a step forwards and move on.
It may be rough, it may be annoying, but I write this all with both thought and feeling, mind and heart. I wish to see the better side of things. Progress takes both time and support, it is never sudden. Respect, Responsibility, and Kindness, that is the goal.