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A member registered Mar 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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It been so long so I have to start from the beginning.

Ah right because he is a deer! X3  I forgot just how deep the existentialism is!  Danny!  Being who you are is important but be natural and do not let it be all that defines you.  These new sprites do look better!  Aww!

Mind your head! XD  I love how everything is rational.  What happens if you actually get to live your fantasy.  Scared but reply.  Nothing wrong with being honest, but phrase it to downplay concern if you must.  Don't like it, but this isn't our world, so things should not be all the same, answer.  Zeke mixed feeling.  Now that what being a good friend IS!  He can be so cute! ^^  Hard not to overthink!

A co-existence with sperate species types of places in order to optimize efficiency, it's not intentional separation, it needed separation in order for things to be smoother.  In some cases, this could be useful for real.  Mhm, after all we don't want anyone who stranger than normal strange, we must still have decency!  God... saving grace this is friend group and in private! X3  ROFL, in part because I'm not one for this scene either.  Yeah I prefer moderation and not displays, but he does look good.  Cute! ^^  Oh he's hot! X3  DMV DX

Cringe but normal cringe.  Let see if I can repeat... food first. Things start to really matter here, but I can always come back.  Stay.  Fries.  I don't like mindless things either, do something with good reason, live a little is fine, but not too much that you lose reality.  Me neither! ^^;  Well he IS super cute! :D  Even if you want to part with the name no need to be so harsh, they are both you, you just have a preference.  Always something to be admired to those who actually pay attention to others by being aware of how they make others feel.  Accommodations are nice but should be in general for each issue.  In short THEY are hopeless, no wonder I'm bothered *sigh*.

Drink.  Middle, don't want to intrude.  Birb!  Hilarious at my own expense I don't drink! DX XD  Greatful for the consideration but drink liberate here! XD  Oh deer!... That is sad...  he will sort of my bird of feather, that shyness!  I love that feeling of being genuine.

Dance.  Bit much but they are supposed to hype it up.  God it is E M B ARESSING to be singled out like that.  I mean in this case not wrong!  Danny.  Sensory overload is a thing!  I've shut down over it before!  Good question!  The light playful ribbing I do enjoy.

Too cute! XD  It's bothersome, but sometimes you just have to move on and enjoy it for what it is worth.  Oph but cleaver when hit by something you forgot you made exist! XD  It looks nice and is considered a private area and isn't going beyond that, aok!

Danny, while I like the others, I'm a sucker for BF.  *sigh* ever thought trying to stand out is an ALARM? seriously...  Does have some standards, but I guess it he mixed messages feelings that throw off.  It is a bit unfair but also a bit much.  Part of life, not whole life.  When so much is off from normal you know something is up.  ... Stick with more immediate concerns.  It helps a lot to have a walkthrough.  Taking care of oneself is very important and so to others.  It is important to be able to lean on each other.

The unknown always begets fear!  I LOVE LORE!  It is a good name!  That is an interesting reveal!  Aw... but I wanted to see more!  Bleh cold soup!  There are some perks!  Oy... and oyl... X3  !!!  Don't forget what reality is and entails!  Wiskas! <3  Aww!  Wouldn't want your bones in another's body after all!  DAD! D:  Be careful around children they will pick up on things, like it's something normal!  HARSH and SUDDEN but not entirely unreasonable, aside from the fact that belongings are in there!  Long as there is way to fix it.  Oh... now if that is the case, it does sadly make sense to have collateral...  Ever wonder what it like to inherit a mess someone else made?  You can either make it better or make it worse.

Only by calmness can we find the best answers.  Sleep be kind.  Clarity is important for sanity.  Cannot express that enough.

Mondays they always blue.  Cheers!  Wait no its not that kind.  Things won't get better by wishing, take action, take responsibility.  ROFL!!!  Yeah he bad at toast.  Oh god, one of the problems of big families.  Hah! Didn't expect a QT!  Funny but weird way to use strife to cope with strife and then be forced to live the pain you created as an escape from your own.  Exactly don't deny the mess you made.  OMG wut, please get out of my face! ^^;  Oph!!! Did not expect this development!  Perhaps something to mend.  WORDS TO LIVE BY!  Moving on isn't as easy for those who may have some sort of emotional attachment, it's the hell I suffer, when both my love and misery are one.  Help is one of the most important things we can do for each other.  Heartfelt to a level that make me sniffle.  Cute and sweet too!  Oph good questions, to the point, but also sidestep, damn.

Yay Explore!  Laws seem fair given scientific findings.  Always important to think about the amount of effort it goes into making quality goods and even memories.  Nooo I'm not finished! Darn! XD

Hitting the nail on the head!  I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to be my sona, so much power that is double edged if not careful!  Oh cleaver!  Jeez if creations could talk to the developers!

Change yourself to be a better person.  Do I ever need to make some changes of my own.  Could call it Divine Cervention! X3  It is amazing how thoughtful those with less can be.  Advice!  Now that is a truly horrible thing, for there was no real choice allowed.  Interesting no horse play allowed.  Do our best and move on.  his what?  Always a mistake to think you are the only one with problems.  A person like is deserving of love, for he gives love.  It's never about one over the other, it's about both in turn and/or together.

Time skip so can assume things were fine.  That is very sweet.  Confusing, convenient, and curious, such can be how things go.  I guess that is what throws me off, they start off with saying something odd, but then slowly started sounding a little more normal even if still them style.  It keeps setting a strange vibe.  They may not be that bad, but it feels like they are trying too hard even though it may be natural for them.  It confuses my perception *shrug*.  Think I got what I want to say here, they do all this meandering, to do something nice, but with clear ulterior motives, the combo becomes awkward from the sudden shift.  Going with the flow is great, unless it crashes with itself.  In this case though it only being supportive in own way and not going over boundaries too far.  It certainly is something to wrestle with own feelings and to not judge too harshly.  Greatest part in being allowed to see more than one side to them.

... Always a problem if one doesn't have organizational or prioritization skills and get lost in own world or frivolous things.  Even I get distracted too easily at times for my own good.  There though is the kicker!  It was the fault of another!  That desire to take responsibility thought is something worthy of respect.  Oph its surprising how much it can actually matter what you wear, never forget that.  It can be frivolous, but it's about what kind of message you are showing, time and place.  Fooood, we ALL need it.  Information OVERLOAD!  I know I do that... *sigh*.  Smart ass! ^^  Hard to not think deeply sometimes.  It is just a game, but it doesn't mean can't learn from mistakes!  Learning, growing, and moving forwards, all important.  OMG! XD  Having trouble figuring out which ball game is being played here! XD  The choices! You are killing me! XD  I am like Mike only if I am unfamilar with something.  You mean high "three".  Yeah, one reason I don't enjoy baseball, a lot of nothing happens.  I wasn't expecting that either! XD  That was perfect!  Can't blame them here everyone does this!  WOAH that is just perfect!  I like it when something can say many meaningful things at once!  The hidden danger of baseball, spectator injuries.  Does go to show you how important it is to be aware of your surroundings and others.  God, that why I don't like medaling too much.  Photo for the memories.  Now that was CUTE!  Easier to accommodate when you got clear visual indicators that have fixed definitions.  No idea how much anger I have inside, and that does include losing my own car as one of a plethora.  Worst situation to be in, is to lack situational awareness of the situation.  Sad fact at a time like this humor is all you got.

Me too, in spite of everything I got, I don't have what I need, to allow me to move on.  Grr... this is why I've come to have such a general resent for those like THEM!  They go about sticking themselves into places, then wonder why the hell no one wants them, all the time!  that is NOT being supportive, that is INTRUSIVE!  It does not represent ALL of THEM and THEIR KIND but it's the most VISUAL and SEEN kind!  GODDAMMIT!  STOP MESSING WITH OUR LIVES THEN PRETENDING TO BE THE VICTIM!!!  STOP THINKING YOU HAVE TO BE SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT!!!  This IS my anguish about ALL of US having to be portrayed as something that DOES NOT DEFINE US, BECUASE the ones we are supposed to TRUST SAY SO!!!  That is what IRKS me is the disrespect for boundaries like it is nothing to them.  In this case they took advantage of situation for their own gain by making assumptions, even if some are true without knowing the whole story.  This is why I ME MYSELF like to analyze things so that I am not misinterpreting things.  But to even question something is "Diabolical".  Give me a fucking break!  There a reason each letter is its own letter!

I ask though the flip, why is it good things happen to bad people?  Why is we try to defend the bad behavior of others?  Why is it people aren't being held responsible anymore?  Can we even call people people anymore?... I shudder...

We need more stuff like this, genuine connection to others.  It's complicated though because we should get along regardless of our differences, yet our differences are what is keeping us apart.  We don't know how to talk to each other anymore.  We need to show we truly and honestly care about others... so many of us these days are in the dark or ignorant of reality...  This is what get me here, this what I love, when I can truly find a way to place myself if temporarily in another's... hooves.  This is how you send out a meaningful and universal message.  Make us feel it as if it was us.  This something serious, this is something real, and this is something that defies categorization.  This could be thought of as "The Gift of the Magi", to offer something even when you technically have nothing.  The thought of another over oneself.

Live for today but never forget the past, learn from it.

You clearly poured your heart into this, so I can only pour my heart on back.  I wish to meet others in the middle, but that is its own struggle.

Even if there are delays, letting us all know what is going on is important.  I would rather wait for a good release, than a rushed production.  This does not mean it has to be perfection, all it needs to be is good, ideal, and fitting.  Take your time to weave.

Legan, boy does that description fit me.

Still doesn't get it yet.  Aww!  Only by using the known can you begin to know the unknown.  Interesting, never believe you have won just because things are going in your favor, not when you still have others upset. It's another thing to try to understand something that can never be understood, only madness can be found.  It also looks like bottom of a leg and a foot, like a boot.

Love differs greatly based on what you love and why you love it.  Truth is important, truth is valuable, but if only ever the lie is known it would be accepted as truth.  What happens if a Truth is but a cleaver Lie and if a Lie is merely a Truth not believed?  Is an enemy always truly an enemy?  Hrm...  Curious.  Ohh she knows!

I see now something far more sinister, no longer confined to one space!

Can't blame him for the bit of eccentricity, can we? Hehe.  May be a bit sudden but that how it is, slow and gentle.


This is the sad state of thing we are in these days; control is exerted though either respect or fear.  Unfortunately, fear is becoming much more prominent because people no longer understand what respect even is...

Por naive child...  Hrm... Oh boy one small but big scene with a lot of hidden info, but not sure how much of it is even needed for us to know.

Life... Life is but a series of actions that all take course depending on how we react to them.  Damn I had a feeling!

Huh time skip???  Oh!!!  Now that isa good name for the ending, happy, but it feels unsatisfactory, like a bunch... hrm... kudos! :3

Private moments like these are wonderful.  As fun as it is to be home, it gets stale, you are walled off from the world.  At least he prices are $5 less than here!  Murr!  Cute!  Its certainly an idea and there it is in a private location, I don't like it having no meaning, but that privacy is more my concern.  They do have a point in the sense its good to have options, art is good, but it can be rough these days as carrier when you have countless artists, it becomes a competition, even if unintentionally.  On the other paw, does it have to be nursing?  There are other trades or lines of work that can be done too.  Next up is my dream that has been crushed through lack of means to encourage it and how much effort involved, leading to lack of confidence and no support.  To say I'm burnt out is true.  hum... jealousy mixed with the idea you have to stick with "your own kind", line of thinking I truly despise, I mean they not even family!  There that is what I resent the idea of protecting from those outside, when the actual danger is from those who are inside!  That refusal to think the problems stem from within the group itself!  Biggest mistakes come from the smallest misconceptions.   Aww!

Wait am I playing a different game? o.o  Nevermind!  Lucky bastards! XD  Yep some people do be that crazy, at least only they get hurt and not anyone else.  No more missing squeakers please!  He goes on that side! ^^  Never neglect to appreciate the simple things.  Oh he just had to do that huh!? XD  In privacy so ok.  Cartoonish for sure, but good enough that I'd say it passes as art!  Wiggly noodles! X3  BDAMON!  Barely heard of it.  The one thing not understood, if you don't go by the rules, then the rules in turn do not include you either!  We need to stop trying to double standard things!  YIKES! XD  Just because all are gay doesn't mean all are into the same things nor does it mean it should be promoted as such!  While I'm curious, I don't want to force it, besides I like getting in slowly.

That was fun!

*sigh* such is nature of oversaturation of the market, novelty wears off when there is suddenly something "better".  Exposure therapy does help a lot but it depends on how its done and just how much exposure, don't overdo it!

In general, it is all about how things are paced.

You have me curious! :3

Taking care of real life is important.  Putting some of your real-life experiences into your work somehow makes it feel believable.

There is no lie that ai is a powerful tool, but its highly flawed as it lacks the ability to give things that human touch.  The AI can make an initial thought-out concept, but unless you comb through and adjust everything to fit your own style it is poor.

One thing I know for certain is the two ideas I have for VNs are too complex for the AI to ever properly handle, for there are a lot of finer details the AI won't be able to illustrate.  I want depth not width.

My ideas also require a lot of understanding how various parts of society both do and don't work.

I'll have to check this one out again later.  This one felt it had a lot to offer.

Ok think I figured out where I went wrong / what I missed.  Lead to part I don't remember even seeing before!

And after some time... caught up!

Crazy maybe.  No, can't keep running..., but can't keep letting it all out either.  No one ever expects their own words to be used against them so that is why one should not forsake their word.  Be mindful of what you preach, if you cannot practice.  It is infuriating, but I stand to be no exception.  To move on is to not dwell and to not dwell is not to forget.  Ties into MM I think.  I love it!!!  :///3  That is why I love him, hew il only bend for the right person or reasons!

!  He just said it! :O  As long as the love is honest and reciprocated, not under threat or duress.  It is nice to honor the fallen, but be aware of the scope, and do not overdo it.  There is a difference between one single known be few and many known by many fews.

This might be a bit double standard as what Chris did does not amount to what Russel "did" by far..., however if they implemented a zero-tolerance policy as a result... *sigh* not fair, but they felt compelled to be strict.  She is very sweet and understanding!  If anyone can help it is Rus.  Hrm?

Two people hanging out together doesn't automatically make it something more, annoying that ANYONE does this in the first place.  Honesty!  This is what frustrates me about people, even I am guilty, having expectations of something form the start only for it to crash once the reality catches up.  I want to feel for her, but it feels like she keeps setting herself up for failure :/  Some may be clingy, I know I can be, but you need to tell them to back off and give space!  Expectations after all do work both ways!  So, it is just as much these guys are setting themselves up to fail too.  COMUNICATION people!  In the end though we all need help, even from ourselves.  Medication has its uses, but it only ever deals with symptoms, never the root cause, we must take steps to better ourselves to not have to rely on it.  Good gods..., the only thing scarier than being manipulated by people directly is being manipulated by circumstances or people indirectly, which only makes it easier to be directly manipulated, it robs us of agency and dulls our perceptions to the bigger picture even before someone else comes in to shut it further.  Bullying and ganging up on people should not be allowed and should dealt with properly not forcefully, by ANYONE!  There is no lie I've wanted to kill myself a number of times before.  Even putting Nate to shame and after I found I was able to tolerate Nate's level.

A Star is Born.  Aw...  Holding hands is fine, it is not something outright sexual.  No need to hide who you are, just be mindful of your surroundings.  Time and place.  That is why I love him, he does not ooze and exude Gay, he maintains being professional as needed.  Yes, he has had to loosen up a little.  This is what I call "Simple Gay", they keep it low key and do not let it dictate how they act.  Be careful about fear of judgement, for while it may hold you back, it also can lead to behaviors that cement reasons for the judgments you fear to be proven.  Do not want to act in a way that validates what you fear.  The assumption of judgement leading to that judgement happening.  Now it is right and fine to be able to admit who you are, but here is no need to be making it some big announcement or celebration as its importance is only to you.  Being able to let things out is important, but it needs to be in a safe space, safe spaces themselves though can be VERY misleading.  What I find ironic about media out there is people trying to portray Gay as a behavior or mannerism when in fact they are Gay themselves just trying to promote their own attitude and views onto others.  Do have any idea how that makes other people feel and think?  Fighting something can be just as harmful as giving into it, it's about balance, do not let either side consume you entirely or you will lose who you are.  No argument that people have validation issues, but the issue is how we get hat validation, it needs to be sincere.  Honestly that is how I feel like I never measure up.  These next message here, that is the sort of thing I want to pose to ANYONE no matter what their IDENTFIER!!!  Stop trying to ignore problems just because it suits your own interests!!!  We do need to move on from our past, but so too do others need to allow us to move on.  That is right, it all starts with responsibility.  Ok this cute! X3

I am left more than pleased, what you are doing, is all I could ever ask for people to be doing, to reign things in, be realistic, but not give up who we are.

You sure "caught" my attention! X3  Let me see!

DAMN!!! and that was only the first part of it! :D

Ah I see what you did!  I'm lucky to have seen things like this before!

While it wasn't exactly what I had in mind I had tried pitching to you, it still accomplishes desired goals!  That just makes it so much more perfect!

While I'd always like more content, nah this perfect, 13 sends that duality message!

Also, I SAW that HIDDEN message! :P

Always easier to consider your thoughts when not caught up in the heat of things.  There always is more to things.  One thing I wonder about though is what happens when you start swapping around the surface and the deep, how do know what is real then?  Uhm... even for me and how I do go about things, trying to make a metaphor without outright establishing the connection of what you are alluding to, what the heck is anyone supposed to think?  Funny, it actually ties into my previous question I thought I posed at random.  

One thing we ALL tend to overlook, people aren't always going to be the same people you used to know.  A good person could end up being brought down a bad path, a bad person could brough to a good path, never forget he two can tango and swap back and forth!!!  This is actually something that annoys me greatly about ignorance, is not understanding the conditions and circumstances and the feeling the past is the present!!!  People CAN CAHNGE!!!

Honesty, we all need it more from both each other AND ourselves.  That is actually a big part of problems, people masking and hiding things, then wondering why in the end everything falls apart.  You can't keep bottling things up to the point it makes your crazy!

That where things always stand to go wrong, where does the ACT end and REAILTY begin?  You blur that distinction and of course you're going to try to argue nothing wrong happened!  "Oh it was a joke" "I didn't mean it" then why is there someone HURT in ways that can't be taken back!?  What happens when you cause harm as result to very ones you trying to protect because of careless and mindless actions?  What happens when you create drama that doesn't even exist beyond a mere act!?  In the end keep the actual objective in focus and don't cause unneeded complications!

That is the other thing, it one thing to cause hurt and pain in form of small scrapes, it's another to actually maim and impair them.  Do not confuse the two!  Words are one thing, actions are another.  Having morals is important, it possible to have differing morals, but the idea is they should be net positive and not interfere with others too much.  With many things it often takes a third party to help us see.

That right you cannot go about ignoring problems, you can give it a rest, but do not dismiss them.  To be able to worry about actions is a sign of caring.  No matter your standing being able to apologize is important, but you must mean it.  People who are unable to separate things are the worst, but we all do lump things together, so we must work together to unlump them.  That is also the problem is getting involved in things and forgetting we aren't children anymore, so we should not be acting like we are.  Being able to feel guilt is human.

Let us be constructive towards each other, not destructive.  Its sweet but it's true, we cannot go back, but that does not mean we have to discard the past.  We can always build our future based on the past in order to overcome the present, constructively.  If everything was never real, then why do things only grow more chaotic?  Getting carried away tends to do more harm than good, because there are no restraints.

He is a "good" boy! X3  Label all you want, can never defy your birth, but glad they are having fun with it!

*star eyes* that is what I most dread are those who like to show off like they are most important to others and that they think they always have the "rights".  This is one of my foremost concerns about everyone and anyone for there is more than one way to show off, but he worst is those who do it in Public Spaces by any stretch of the term.  I do not like those who are vain or hide behind others.

Very Nice CG!  Now now don't go classifying things too much!  Don't want to be too catering to the stereotypes, right?  Ugg... that is how quickly one goes too far, you go from talking about freedoms for all to restricting freedoms for a few, PICK ONE!!!  It may not be your taste, but that does not mean you have to keep bashing it!  Double standards are death of many arguments! Now she here has a good point, a good book will do that to you, it's only a problem if you come to think the story replaces your reality.  It nice to be sensitive, but what happens when everyone is too sensitive or not sensitive?  Suddenly you get walked all over because you are being forced to bow to the whims of others in effort to keep peace.  This is why I apricate being more straight forwards with feelings, no games!  Makes it easier to also solve issues!  One thing I hate about things like status is how it causes such shifts in behavior that make it hard to get across.  One cannot just expect to get their way when they say nothing at all!  Being possessive like that is NEVER good!  Who says it has to be about a single individual?  It could be a group or even a concept!!!

Quite the time jump here, but I suppose it means nothing of note happened.  Never underestimate what change in appearance can do, better or worse.  Hey at least he bothered to check for others watching! X3  Lol, but hypocrisy hits different depending on it being a serious situation or not.  Forgot to add in men are pigs! ^^; , but no this is seriously stuff we NEED to get AWAY from and stop acting so freely into such behaviors!

Generous on the choices here!  These are inside jokes, so fine, it is their thing!  Oph! That is the harshness of being progressive but dropping the ball!  You say you're FOR something, but you got NOTHING to back it up!  So, it ends up being a lie!!!  That the other issue not adapting to changing world but expecting the world to adapt to you.  In the end there can dimwits on any side, all you need is something convincing enough to fool others.  Leader are supposed to be responsible not brash.

Manners are important, but don't be too stiff!  Even if of the top of the head organization is important!  I can't blame others for having some fear of math!  Corruption is typical no good, don't forget where you came from, don't lose yourself completely!  Things like this, here in private, among those you have connection with, this is what I'd want! :/3  Hehe I tend to be in such a philosophical mood at night!

Oh that damn lion..., can't blame him but *sigh*

It annoying to hear from me, but what my concerns all revolve around is our behavior and how far we push things, regardless of "sides".  Of expectations compared to reality.  May be confusing but the more I say, the more invested I am in it, even to point of arguing with myself.

Great break into the world intro.  Detailed but focused though the characters eyes.  Ah good to know there is a default name!

Why does a job and one you are suited for, have to be so hard?  Handsome!  Concern.  Gentle not pushover.  Interesting.  He does have a point, but.  This wolf guy gives off similar vibes as my sona.  And so, he Ran off for the moment! XP  It is something I struggle with, to break free from.  True you must play by the rules, but no need to be so rude either!  If you are in a position to help do so, so long it does not get abused.

Always running from our problems, even the ones we create, instead of facing them.  It is shameful.  Having some manners is important, we are not wild animals.  Makes sense to have such a regulation, so long as neither side oversteps nor gets out of hand.  He has got a point!  There are reasons for favoritism, but we all could use help.  Looks are great and all, but what good are they if they don't function?  That rule seems reasonable.  Hard not to stereotype at first.  Be honest.  The best kind of exam is ones that a e simple and to the point to demonstrate whatever is required.  Magic sure can be unfair.  Hehe just like my sona expect focused on only one discipline/type.  Hehe that is cute, I couldn't help being curious either!  Most rations are typical just really bland.  Understandable but also not fair.  Still gives reason to prove them wrong.  Words are one thing, actions are another, only when they both align do you have truth, this is but a small setback.  That is right no going off the deep end, take your time to build familiarity!  Hrm!?

I want to question, I like to question, but I don't get the feeling for it here.  Why?  Ignorance of reality is how we all fall and may take others with us in that plummet, we must not be blind to our own faults.  Between Eizo and Ran, I see the duality that is me.  Details, answers, joy and sorrow.  As in all things the greater the population the less control.  Interesting worldbuilding!  Indeed, this how I present my sona through different worlds, I am nerfed or conform to their systems, no longer such a demigod.  Cowards always fight from the shadows or have others do the work for them.  Indeed, an incompressible void and expanse of a space between others makes sense.  To be hated by your own family, that goes for any sense of family too.  Power should be used to protect, not to dominate, a line that is surprisingly easy to cross.  The bigger the issue the greater the grudge, the harder is to overcome, and the more distracting they become... *sniff*...  just what is wrong with us???  Have to give a helping hand but still need to be rational about limits, there are lines that must be realized, but only by experience can they be moved.  

Keep it civil.  Hrm.   Pretty!  Oh boy keep it civil! X3  Nice to be given a chance!  Simple MG!  Effort!  Oh gawd tough!  Funny I think each option is equal here they are all true, but me Modesty.  Oh, I would love to do that but now is not the time.

Valid arguments both ways!  Be Civil!  Ran first for it for Ran.  Colorful?!?  Do I sense Hercules like tasks?  Always interesting concept, sometimes multiple causes make the same effect, and sometimes the same cause can have different effects!  Details!  Being able to flex with the changing times is important but so too is remaining true to your origin purpose, never lose sight of it, or you will have something that is not the start at all.  Uh... that sounds like ANY old person!  All forms of Transplants are never perfect and can easily have complications, do bear this in mind!!!

Crafty, do be aware how similar forms of infiltration work!  Modesty!  Chess!  Murr!  Not all negotiations are so straight forward, sometimes you need to move some pieces around, careful though!  No time for funny stuff!  One time to lie.  Lol... It is actually interesting to peer into ways of life others have grown out from, got to know exactly what it is that used to be, don't take things for granted.  Don't frown at old ways of life just because they are old.  Lack of technology does not mean lack of perception.  Logic!  Cool!  Interesting!  Something like this, worry.  Sometimes have to focus on the goal. 

One question though, what exactly do we look like?

Also, wonderful the CG artists! They each do work that makes it seem like they are nearly the same person!

Oh, nice little extra tidbits and interactivity!  Room Number hehe.  Some strange character designs, but fine for now you are only starting or they only side characters, or to be fairest species that not often depicted.  Characters sure colorful in a pleasant way that works together! :3  He cute! So are these two! XD A little too easy... Wonder what is up with their eyes?  Good question!

I hope this not route select as only one of these feels right... even so I can come back!

Lolz that was funny cause just other day was told 15-minute wait, and it only took 2, here we have Exact timing! XD  Too soon to take sides! Lemons! :D

Hrm.. maybe this selection?  Not a lot to go off of, but it's enough at least!  Did a good job of making me curious about them all!

T: ... ... ...  Silly yeen!  Truth!  Share!  Not for or against so I'll say yes. <3

C: The prices! DX  Guess can let that slide! X3  Brownies! Going to say nice, don't want to be too thick to soon.  Gah don't know what to say here, but I feel this important to him. Wags!

S: uh... wut!? DX  Oph... wut?  It was his color after all!  That what they are wasting their time on??? Sorry it's too stupid for me to call it cute :/, another time then?  Well, that felt like there were more details that could have happened, even just a few lines as to them working on it.

R: I try to be modest.  ERROR Click E-H and game locked, won't respond!  So too with A-D.  Yes, I want the cake, but I do not like lying! So, no.  This tiger X3  Hrm.. one is too strong, one HEY! I like both! Last normal.

B: Sometimes you need some encouragement and someone to be beside you to get you going!  Derp! XD  I guess I wouldn't be too confident nor pessimistic, best part of working as team.  Hrm he is a bit lax, but he is not used to being independent, sounds like me.  Mycology... my college y ? XD  PUN PUN!  Nice try there deer!

That name works this time, they all like the place after all!  Rumors bad!

Simple and fairly to the point!  Will be able to know more about your direction you are going next chapter!  Also, like how you have exactly 5 save slots! :P

New computer so lost saves files, bur this allowed me to see the extra intro, if not already knew about his issues, it would be baffling until later.  This also may give mention few things to mention form earlier things.

Religion, I'm not super into it, nor against it, I feel it has its place, its design is to complement our lives and not dictate it.  With that in mind it's easy to see how far those on either side overstep.  The one thing I value from religion is the teachings of humility and being grateful, the striving to push away the darkness that clouds us on whole and individual.  What I value is being able to be a person who cares.

I forgot how exactly Ben and Eric met, was glad to reread it.  Once again at the Chris/Russel Classroom thing, Russel never struck me bad to being with just different, his calmness and balanced level of forwardness set me at ease.  Sorry Byran still not one for those kinds of parties.  It's always nice to be charitable, but got to make sure it gets used as intended.

That is actually a good point, there is actually quite a difference between an outgoing straight and an outgoing gay, but there is overlap, and that is where the confusing comes in.  Introvert/Extrovert is different category from Straight/Gay, meaning you can get different combos.  Not all gays are like Nate, Byran, or Carlos alone.  Gay is not a singular behavior.  We should never be portrayed as such limitation, so we too should not act in heavy accordance with that limitation.

Sex without connection is pointless, you are just a tool then of limited value.  There needs to be something to it at least.  While I'm not a fan of fins, I have to admit they do make Zach looks super adorable! :3

Nothing I hate more than accused not being able to defend themselves, guilty or not, because there can be details and side of the story missed.

That right reign in those perverse thoughts if you can, no need to alienate anyone because of them, restraint is important!  Time and place, and that is now or here.

Hrm... either it because I made a different choice or its just added content to the earlier parts of game, but got details I don't remember seeing, still interesting!  Might be you swapped around route selection point?  Could I have made a different choice somehow that prevented me from Carlos?

I'll have to look into this because only gotten Neutral content only, and game keep crashing, using Win 11 instead of 10, never had this issue.  Also, could it be because I'm using the skip function?  Either way it feels like it's something I'm doing wrong.

Interesting character creation thus far.  Why is always bad news? D:  I love the level of detail, lots!  All that anger... for what?  It just allows you to be controlled!  No trust no society.   Hrm... strange choice.  Hard to know which choice here is more important but that the point, I think.  Poor guy...

Hrm interesting, but the fact that we are already anthro does complicate things and terminology a little.  I'll need to think more along the lines of super animals, beyond the normal.

I prefer my weres, but the way you write this, could prove very interesting.

I miss this VN so a lot!!!

After having found Chapter 1 exciting my interest and curiosity is certainly interested.  It's beautiful already!  Do what you can to keep those feelings and this VN will be more than worth it! :3

As much as I love the fetish and would love them all to be able to gain, the story always comes first, and cannot put too much strain on the artist.  Worst and Best case is Fanart to fill in any desired gaps that is felt the sprites lack by the fans themselves.

Good Story, Good Characters, Good Mechanics (if any), Good Game. :3

Forgot Morris in Loop.

Concerning lack of ability.  Lore time!  Not the DMV! Anything but THAT! XD  That where is falters, when its vague...  Practice makes perfect! Or well relatively...  Can't know right or wrong without knowing right and wrong.  Ah food negotiations! XD  

Aww! It just pops off? XD  Hrm... feels like its referencing the old demo!  Aww belly and puppy!  Hrm good question!  Which part was the REAL magic? X3

X3  Cute!  Thinking with portals, or??? XD  Lore!  Social media! :3 Wait Social Media! DX..X  Limit makes sense.

Dapper!  Darn wish these characters had sprites, but they may not be important enough.  Aww!  An indent? o.o  It debatable for sure, but must remember to B U D G E T !

Seems smart!  Equal does not have any one form, for it is a balance or Equilibrium.  Hrm... avoid it?  Interesting name choice or is it fitting?  It one thing to offer suggestion, but his something more...  Ooohhh!!!  And here bits of problem with not having something to signify the individual from the rest..., they become irrelevant as an individual :/ Some wonder why they are now getting ignored... Oh boy lets stay on topic I reckon!  Owch self inflicted!  It is inherently meaningless, we must give it meaning.

Hrm... lack of information is scary.  Hehe what is this a Video Game? XD  Lawl!  LAWL!

That was interesting, but not sure where you going with it, next update will tell though! :3

It is true.  Reinforcement itself is hard to break, even more when one does not look for things to affirm it, that simply happen, that end up affirming it anyway.  That is why it best to find exceptions where some belief hold false.  It is struggle at times to look for them when everyone else wants something to be seen in one way only.  I am not happy to have my own difficulties form things I've seen and heard.  There are things I want to be wrong about, but its hard when those creating this information are also the same ones trying to fight it.  How to judge something that paints itself in a bad way, then tries to deny it?  Though all this fits in with what you mentioned.

CH 4 Start:

Hard to both want to care about others yet have some sort of power hungry desires.

Oh Sidd! XD  Oh dear! XD

What could be the truth could be but clever lies...

Clumsiness runs in the...  Both uplifting and humbling are but lending an ear and a hand.  Being alone in your own thoughts and point of view is one sure way of leading to madness... *sigh*  Hehe.  Olive branches...

Oh Cole! XD  ... Admitting that everything is not as it quite seems, that even the best ignores the rest, never easy and very real struggle...  breathe...

He has got a point but time and place right? XD  or maybe...  Oh the meta! XD  Mmm behind every bully is another one...  I see...

Can't lie I have some of my own issues like that, but worst is that If I do try to break free, something else I can't control will bar my way.

XD  Yeet da Yeen! ROFL! Owch!  Nothing is ever quite how it seems...  God damn you little bastard! XDXDXD  Honesty!  ROFLMAO! OMG!  Sometimes all it takes is to ask.  And there the Ref! X3  Oh that is rich! So much... Oh gawd please don't! XD   The right thing... the hard thing...  hrm...

I have a feel for what is going on, but not enough for the whole picture or all of the connections.  This getting deeper yet still.

Been forever for me so not sure what build I last played aside form seems Fife lessons?  Also some tail animation! :3

Yes.  XD  Yes  Try  Silly liz!

No cat naps! X3  *sigh* Yes  XD  I wouldn't be confident but this a team thing.  At least tried.  Jeez... I had forgotten about all that... D:  *sigh* have to let it out but gently.  I hate the idea of it, but this isn't my life, this is jus the way this one goes.

This isn't the dog's body I'm looking for! DX XD  Fewd!  Understandable, but how are you going to convince me now that they think otherwise!?  Could just say it part of caring too much.  When in that case, they were asking for it!  I can't handle spice! DX  Whom to ask? Lets go for someone different? Hrm...

I don't enjoy doing this, but...  Eheh hehe uh... fine... this could be worse. For him its something alright.

Never easy to do something that feels wrong.  Must admit I could never hold my own quite like that.  It was one thing to deal with part ass, but not the same with a full ass...    I hate it, nothing is worse than feeling all that pressure..., but being able to let go helps.

No long face please...  Thank you.

Judgement comes from repeated actions or words or lack of.  One judgement stands to impact another.  Yet not all actions or words are as they seem.  In the end uncertainty is frustrating.

Nothing worse than people out here believing in something that can't actually be proven.  Mostly in the way they state it, and that they think it to be fact.

Aw crap...  Seriously?  He scary he adorable!

Daww! XD  Aww! and more Aww! XD

Oh I could tell something like this was coming since the first build!  And then this because of last build!  Hrm... too many coincidences, they make for convent excuse...  Wah What!? XD  SALMON!  BRUSHIES!  4th wall o.o  This is... wrong???  DX

Hotdogs for... hot "dogs"? X/3

That was good!  As always that feeling of not having anyone out here that really knows you, no matter how well you may otherwise get along..., but even then there must always be someone.

Doing it for money, status, or prestige should never be the goal of ANY sort of works, as it does end up degrading quality from over ambition, greed, or vanity.  Trying to force to much big or hot topic issues into something causes it warp from its intention and shift focus on things that have nothing to actually deal with the plot.  Even worse is having fanbases assuming thing things about the works of other and clashing over it.  Toxicity in general comes form ignorance or disregard for the feelings of others.  One bad apple does not ruin everything unless they are on top, but a whole mess of them can ruin anything.  No one wants to be forced into something or have propaganda thrown in their face.  It applies both ways.  Differences or status do not guarantee you are "better".  This why is important in works to portray various angles, not to show what people do but why they do it, but don't try to justify it like its reality.  Even an "Expert" does not always get things right.

To my point as well cannot keep forcing one side opinions in other's faces.  Need to highlight even the places where your thoughts may falter, where you lack the proper information, or are simply unsure.  There is nothing more annoying than having people trying to state opinions as fact.  As can be said not all truths are actually true and not lies are actually false, it all depends on  who is saying it and their perspective.

Meaning and purpose that is what we all search for, but we cannot over or under reach.  I value asking the bigger questions that stand to have meaning to all.  For you can start with some exact question, then after the answer ask WHY?  then keep asking WHY? and you will go from small narrow scope to the big wide ones.  This is what I apricate the most about works and how thought provoking they can be.  This is what you are aiming to do.  Intertwine the connection between the moments to bigger questions we often do not think about as often as we perhaps should.

We are not the world and the world is not us.  We do not need to conform to society and society does not need to conform to us.  We must understand things by first knowing we may understand nothing.  We are always learning.

I never like making others feel bad, but I value being honest, perhaps even brutally honest.  Both the truth and the lies can be just as ugly after all, but I do not like masking things more than needed.

What happens next on this adventure? Time to see.

Never easy knowing your doing something wrong, but like anything it takes getting used to.  Easier to know its a joke when among those familiar.  That is right, be honest.  Hehe.  Hah! XD  Religion has its place, but it should not be used to dictate everything.  If only malicious things were all an act, but when they are belief, why that sounds like religion!  Imposing!  Don't expect things to always be so merciful.  Oh?  Aww!

And THAT is just how IMPACT what you wear has on the way others perceive you, but what matters is who sees you, for its also true no two will see it all in the same light.  Yes to me he looks just as good!  I can understand both stances here, one is simply because of ownership and while in good fun may be goign too far, two makes sense, if it was a stranger, but who says whom is bleeding whom dry?  It is possible to have different levels of status but still otherwise treat each other as equals, for equal is but a sum of parts, not an absolute state.

XD but can you blame him?  One of the reasons people aren't so willing anymore to help the "poor"...  Lol.  Interestingly makes them look more noticeable!  Always them theatrics that ensnare the gullible..., but do you know how that changes things for those who are honest as a result?  Really his mind went THERE? DX XD  Getting turned on by rejection? O.o  o/../o Such are the dangers of dependency and being sheltered, not a good feeling.  Consent first, no pushing!  To not keep things bottled up is why I write this, yet others will judge anyway.  With a personality like that, hard not to like!  Yet others would find that ugly for not getting in their line...  mmm indeed thieves not murders.  Yep there is a difference, can't be lumping everything all together after all!!!  I uh... can't say no...  ooohhh!

And of course bad take from bad...  And that is BIG thing to BOTH side of LAW are not all they are portrayed to be at all times.  That is right there the very hypocrisy I despise because none ever think they do them.  Am I immune? Doubtful, but its not always so easy the more elements involved...  even more the fact that thing go back and forth to show there are even larger issues.  This is why laying things out tends to help, before things become impulsive.  Sometimes both are both right and wrong, for nothing is always as it seems.

Certainly a twist I should have seen coming.  I do apologize for all this, but it is all what it makes me think of and about.

Its surprising that I came back here just in time, where I left off over a year ago.

For it to open to same yearnings of times since past.


Uhm... fine.

Side note that I'm always curious about how the sprites have changed over time.

How often even I wonder the things I could have done differently.

Self means one, so its an usie! D:

Friends support friends, keep them from making mistakes too.

Mending isn't easy when your afraid to make the mistakes again...

Its an established culture and conduct, don't try changing it please.

Blep! <3

XD I thought there was too much!

Can he get any cuter? :3

Good questions!  Good questions.

Oh the uncertainty of the implications and feelings... I think this one?


As important as some things are or were, when you have other better means to achieve similar results, it time to step away from less cruelty.

Unneeded rage always does more harm than go for it also lacks focus or direction.  Hate only creates more hate.

All the want for be good don't mean can't have some bad.  *sigh sniffle*

Thee is always beauty in the past.  Don't fully discard it ever, learn form it and build from it, on the parts that made them great.  Eradication leads to alienation.

No matter how I come across I do always feel like a failure, I just don't always think about it.

??? Well one feeling does not mean the other must be true.  Don't be hasty! But don't let me stop you either!  After all we are talking something once done can't be taken back!!!  If already is though? Was never any indication, no give away, so it better not be in name only!  The whole point of it is the desire to be the other, so anything short ends up be half ass, improper, and/or confusing :/   Make it believable with honest effort, else you will have other problems that can't be helped...  While I would not have interest, I will always maintain personality is most important, and good one is what is provided.  In the end here if what I think down there is true, that is what the deal breaker keeps being, for it was not what the others were looking for.  It none fault, its just preferences, and one of the harshest things none realize about being when they choose to go through with it.  On both sides certain expectations are had, and when they aren't met at even the fundamental level, it all falls apart, time and again, but like anything there will be an expectation somewhere.  Its as much about what things are as it is what they are not.  What saddens me the most is that they are good person, they do not make it the focal point of who they are when they interact, that is what I apricate the most.

Labels are important, for anything that has a name has a label.  There is no need  for anyone to go around wearing their labels as a badge of honor like everyone must know.  Its always nicer when it more casual and sincere, done in confidence.  This is what softens the blow of the revelations, for by then you know the person as they are and not for their labels.  Just because you are something does not mean you must act like it, there is no proper DEFINED way, so don't go following some sort of trend thinking its a must.  Respect, Responsibility, Kindness are what we must all strive to have.  They have it, so in that regard I love them.

Mhm and that the other issue too, if you don't somehow fall into an establish and fundamental category, no one is going to know how to treat or regard you in turn.  In the end that uncertainty is what forms the barriers that make it like you don't even exist.  You could say for them to choose which to treat you as, but what if they can't make up their mind?  Even worse is that both these identifiers cancel out the other, because one is to be opposite, while the other is to be neither, having both is in even greater conflict and confusion!  Don't just throw things out there and expect them to stick!  The sad part is that in the end these people bring it upon themselves through no fault of their own, but because there is no concrete definition of what it is compared to how they treat it, the preach and the practice don't match up.  I hate feeling this way, but this is all no fair to anyone, this lack of clarity over something that should be simple.

This why its easier for SLGB, its more clear what you in for and how to address them on a basic level without having to maintain an extra layer to every mention.  This leave only focus on their personality then. I can argue that its a learning process, that its something to be built up to get used to.  Again though, what happens when what you see does not fit the given definition?  Your back at square one on how to handle it.  I'd say the larger issue is the lumping together or that anyone can claim things without a proper way to verify those claims.  This can be applied to a number of other issues being balled up too.  Suddenly there is no clear way to deal with issues then when its unclear how to define the particular issue.

It saddens me greatly to say these things, but I would not be saying them if there were no issues.  Its exhausting, but I do it because this is my way of trying to care.

Its been awhile.  That is quite the new Startup and Main Menu.  Quite the intro!

Insert here information I posted elsewhere from first build...

Nothing quite like that music! :3  An interesting blend he is.  Sadly that is what we lack these days civility.  For a weapon be but only a tool of the wielder.  Ok I think I like this guys personality now at least! :3  Don't boast unless you can back it up after all!  Ooohhh they KNOW each other! X3  *sigh* singers and their contracts.

Respect and Responsibility have a way of going together.  Oph! XD  Love is both about being protective and about letting go, too much of either will stunt growth...  Honesty! <3  Emotions, a matter of when and where and how far.  The best sort of relationships know where the boundaries lay.

They both are certainly handsome!  Oh dads...  Oh boy barely following along here!  Them loyalties, which category do you value most, which represents the largest threat?  Who is the real enemy and how close are they?  Hard to say what abut this guy is genuine and what is an act...  Woah! WOAH! O.o  Guess no time to make sense of it all yet... I'm no grand master at chess.

Oph! and Again!  I hate subterfuge, but is must when trust is like a currency... D:  Who says those of differing status can't have similar issues?  True nothing is absolute, but complexity can be a nightmare or madness, suddenly what is even real?  The more layers the harder it is to function reasonably.  Hmm... they friends like that.    Sometimes we all need a good talking to so that we aren't lost in our own worlds.  Indeed one cannot go about doing anything they please, but doing nothing at all about things stands to be just as bad, both are guaranteed to bite you, just a difference of when!

Overprotection means underprepared...  Its exactly my story in this sense...  Differences are to be expected, but being able to embrace them is the harder part, for first we must understand the differences and why they exist.  Learn from our differences to be able to accept them.  A lie is not always a lie, a truth is not always a truth, there will always be exceptions, to even expectations.  It better when things have simple and clear answers, but here will always be a natural complexity to things.  The issue is when we start trying to bury everything with complexity that is no longer functions, causing things to implode.  As I always say its not who you are that matters, its what you do, for what you do defines who you are.  Control always is an illusion, to be shattered as quickly as trust, for you will not know everything that happens all the time.

CCCoooooolll!!!  Darn I wanna see image of his avatar proper! X3  Yipe! Waiting like a good boy???  Home is where you stand to be the most comfortable and secure.  Nothing is as scary as when fantasy and reality blur.  Just how deep does this all go???  Oh that got him good! XD  Playing a balance act is hard when everyone is telling you contradictions.

Oh I see...  This is a showman, doing his things, with elegance and grace, class.  Where have our times gone eh?  Now that was uncalled for!, yet... XD  There is always a hitch.. or is there?  I hate these kind of mind games...  ugg... now word for deep cover operative? ^^;  Oh... Crap!  Jeez just when the abyss can't reach new depths...  !!! No you do not just jump off at 10k alt!

Fells like its all over, but I see a few possible ways you can still, ahem, spin it.  The question simply is which?

Lets see what this newer old VHS has on it!  So starting from the top.

Religion has its place, but this ain't religion.  Marshmallows!  Did I mention how cute Tobin is too?  Rock beats everything... right??? Aww!  A truth that not all are comfortable with.  See Food eat food! X3  Now that is religion.  Course I'd still love ta see da Big Burr, but he not important enough char I reckon.  Nothing better than helping out for honest cause!  This is what goods friends are, both supportive and keep each other from bringing themselves down.  WOAH THAT IS AWSOME ANIMATED!  Poor cute feela...  

OMG IT SO CUTE!!!  Math!  Parents are not the lord, but they can offer guidance not demands.  Wish I liked going camping.  Aww!  There he is!  Toothy smile! ^^  Wags!  Hehe good boy!  Nothing wrong with being gay, but not everyone HAS to know, if it comes up it comes up, no need to market it to public, just you yourself as you are will do.  Acceptance cannot be forced, its a process of getting used to something.  He is so adorable!  And so something starts...

Respect, Responsibility, and Kindness something we all should have for ourselves and for each other.  With it we get Trust and Generosity.  Yes, please be merciful! X3  Retail always seems much easier in a smaller store.  Always nicer when things are more casual.  When you want to admit it, it shouldn't be so hard, but the pressure that is what makes it hard...  Beautiful!  Hehehe.

Ah the sax! :3  Aww he so sweet!  Hahaha Fox's line is priceless! X3  Too outside ears the skit sounds rude/harsh/cruel/dark, but when you know its an inside joke the context is then something a lot different!  Some people can't tell if its antics or being serious in places ^^;  One thing to have a big guy on top of you, its another to have them LAND on top of you! X/D  While I don't read so much anymore, there is never any denial of that good smell!  Panic causes irrationality...  I hate that, asking an innocent question and then treated like dirt.  Hah! How did I guess that was him from the start!? XD  Who says tough guys can't cook?  Now that just cruel!  Not sure got he chops for this one! XP  hehe that was adobierble!  That is right that is how a gathering should be!  Depend son how you define "bump"! X3  I'd like to be squished like that!  What money I do have I don't feel particularly deserving of.  Oh boy don't go there! XD  Oh that adorable! X3  Good Ranger Boy!  Dah stereotypes, but its different when it for fun or an act, careful.  Choice! Choice? *Shrug*  Ha! Got im!  Love creativity!  Now that is a natural beauty!  Sounds religious, but not without merit.  Good, while try not to overthink things, important to be aware of others feelings.  Aww!  ! :3  Really can be hard to break from what we are used to...  Cuddles!

Oh that is so sweet! ^^  Hehe whoops!?  Beautiful!  Hard to take pride in something if you don't have in any pride in yourself, and no it cannot be bravado or other fake, it must be honest.  Having an eye for others is not easy, don't want to misread.  Nothing better than feel god tunes to feel good, get out all the sad or angry drama away away shoo, no tunes like that!

Don't forget anything!  Never anything wrong with expression, only when and where.  Constructive not destructive, we all need to remember that!  Damn this was too obvious...  Being able to illustrate pictures form words is something I highly value, for I can be quite descriptive, but can't draw.  I have no interest in this "fashion craze" things out there, but fashion itself has is own importance.  He has a point, but films are another medium is the issue, they are exactly physical, but they also aren't as old as other art forms that society has put any in museums (at least in VN time period).  Jeez like dealing with his father all over again...  Surprisingly using math to create graphs can be used to create some interesting art pieces by using them as a sort of base.  But I like being happy!  Hahaha he may have money but he is not stupid!  Not always so easy to tell all the mannerisms of others let alone why.  Yay he wags too!  Hrm, wishful thinking?  SALMON!!!

Wuh Wat!? o.o  Oh good music!  That law is there for a reason, but less people and more responsible people, then more yeah sure no need to be so harsh.  I wouldn't but this ain't me!  Ooohhh!  And that part of where I failed, so damn used to public that couldn't handle college...  Aww! Hrm...  Lawl Figures! XD

Aww.. poor guy! XD  Nother wagger!  Adorable! :D  Nothing is as maddening as having what you worked your whole life towards stripped away because of mere whims of another.  Never forget ANY family can turn on each other...  Hrm strange?  Oh those who rely on coffee...  Never had a girl either you say?  Nice and casual! Also blue! :3  Aww...  No hiding, no forcing, just because one does not conform does not mean others must conform to them.  Keep it simple and it will be easier to find what to look for.  Meh..., but least I can understand why in this case! :3  Thee always is a point to it because they give you direction, but he problem is it never takes your feelings into consideration.  While in company now?...  Oh neat and CAMEOS!  I simply like that is was positive and uplifting!  He IS cute! X3  Oh she seem like a rebel, but a standard rebel. :3  Fewd court!  Wonder if they have any trials? XP  Oh hehe!  I value honesty, but so many never what to hear it...  Protect each other even from themselves!  It may be awkward, but personality first, labels second.  Do not let the label define your personality, let your personality define the label that is you.  I cannot stress it enough.  Ooohhh!!! Why does that song feel so on point!!! :D  Hahaha now that good storytellin!  NOTHING beats genuine passion! :D   ! <3 I want some too! X3  *sigh* its not needed, but it not up to me, just please don't go overboard!  Ooohhh shot to the heart! <3  BLEP! <3  Aww!  Hehe again it probably not what I would do, but you are egging me on! X/3  That was cute!  Overexploitation of any form leads to the downfall of said society or group.  God how many times do I have to repeat that line???  Even we here are NOT IMMUNNE!  Aww darnit! D: Those doubts... ever crippling...  Oh what this now?...

As great as things are with modern times and technology, let it never be forgotten the beauty and simplicity of things and times past.  Never forget the roots, but ne may build off of them!  Always retain something of where you came from, sadly even if it hurts.  What matters most is what you do with it.  Its nice to be able to trust others, but crushing when broken.  Aww...  Hope something that always seems to be in short supply in many places, so we must help make that hope for each other.

That is what hope is, the ability to take a step forwards and move on.

It may be rough, it may be annoying, but I write this all with both thought and feeling, mind and heart.  I wish to see the better side of things.  Progress takes both time and support, it is never sudden.  Respect, Responsibility, and Kindness, that is the goal.

Its been Awhile, but seems I ought to start anew.  Already the new title screen is nice!

Its probably not the first time hearing this, there are a fair amount of typos, misspellings, space gaps, and caps or no caps where there should or should not be.  Going to need to fine comb the entire dialogue again at some point.  Its only seems to be roughly every two or three lines, yet not enough to be too annoying.  I know you are trying your best.

Always love the floof!  Still not big on religion, but I still believe in it having its place.

Evil is but a corrupted and twisted form of something virtuous.  Even religion itself is not immune, as instead to used to help, it gets used for self serving, only the most cunning know how to mask their real intentions.  Its is a means of healing, not a weapon to sway minds into cruelty.

I know I had an earlier concern over the sprites, but it seems to fixed, and they look good.

This bit at first dinner is new!

Nature is truly beautiful, but must take good care of it and be careful of what can go wrong.

Not keen on mixed either, but there is nothing wrong with it, it is only my lack of familiarity or being used it.

Nothing worse than knowing there is the same cruelty even among those deemed your own.  Aww!  That nice new detail!  Toothy smile!

Ahh this scene again, sometimes the best way to diffuse a situation is to have something unexpected or unrelated occur! XD Damn girl! XD

Can't expect anyone to automatically understand anything.


Who says handsome guys can't do cute thing? X3

Holy baker!  BUGRER! *drools*  No fruit allowed on it! *shrugs* Haha, sadly this is kind of how religion is used to change minds, but at least this is a harmless instance.  Damn I want those cakes!

Oh darn!  I hate those who constantly try to pin blame on others instead of trying to find some real solutions to problems.  People who refuse to even talk things out.  Oh why did I not notice that sooner, HE is wearing colonial style!  Fates can be cruel...  His concerns are valid, but his behavior is not.

It may her choice to not have children, but SHE got CARELESS.  This wasn't an event against her will at all even!  To top it off trying to go behind his back over it too?  The hell!?  Take some damn responsibility!

There is no lie that many men are problems, but woman like this are just as bad.

Its a shame all around people never growing up and whining when they don't get their way over even the smallest things.

I am not so confident of the sentiment of God, but I am in the sentiment in not giving up, yet the belief in that makes the belief in God.  Sort of one way doesn't quite work, but the other way makes it work.  The hope in humanity makes God's hope in humanity, and that is where the faith is, for without it there is also none in God.  They aren't exclusive, but I'd say faith in God is the same in having faith in all of us.  I reckon though some of the scriptures say this though don't they?  God is not friend, friends are God, not an exact entity but a state of connection that brings about the existence.

Children are always a delight from how they have simpler minds and views.  Interesting game thought, just don't go giving them any ideas ^^;

*sigh* there are rules for a reason and they can only be bent so far...  At least the proposal seems fair.  Now that was a fight! Well done!

Negativity begets negativity, the further one strays the harder it is to pull them back.

Oph! careful with those family sizes!  Least hey can handle it!  BRUSHIES!

Belleh! ^^  There is no lie its nice to be known and recognized, but it differs depending on what kind of attention you are getting and whose attention you are attracting, be careful.

Anger and frustration often comes from a lack of understanding and improper outlets only end up creating more it to go around.

But.. FEWD! D: XD

Best way to sow chaos, keep it shifting like a whirlpool... Do get to see the dog, sort of.  What did you expect you idiot? *sigh*

Its is always crazy domino effects, sometimes they take a long time to show results for better or worse.  You have enough content by now I can say with conviction that it is coming along wonderfully.

A bit of an overload at first, but its exciting!  Seems Ace first. Trouble socializing properly is my life!...  Evil spam! Go away!  Can't argue with good manners!

WOAH!  Are you sure that was karaoke!?! o.o I got chills!  The passion and the tone! Wow!

After that next one I... I seriously can't stop crying.  Its amazing there are so many songs out there I don't know about that are so deeply touching.  I mean I do get emotional at times, but this is something else!  *sniffle* nothing is better than that honesty that comes from the core.

Making me want to curl up into a ball with this third one.  Despite any appearances I give, I do not have much self worth, I just don't really pay attention to it.  I'm not capable of doing THAT to myself either.  Still makes wonder why I am still here.  I am logical, but i can't help but feel too.

If only everyone could be pleasant and more relaxed like this KitBur. <3  Jokes! X3  The pronoun stuff can be confusing, just don't expect people to grasp it when they not been raised on it, and don't go crazy with it either.  That sounds like an interesting sports blend.  Conventions are nice, but mind your manners!  I no like bugs either!  Expect for a few perhaps!  I could go for some seconds... BOING! X/3

Oh that neat! And I see what you did there! X3  Oh that was cute!

Big guy coming through! XD  Better than an airplane!  Heh I'd like to see it too!  Is it Murr or Burr? X3  Express! HUFF!  FEWD!  Another confusion part for me here, but lets not get into that.  If only more of them were fair, that confusion can go both ways, can't lie.  Damn this guy looks good too!  So many options!  Adorable! Though not one for extra limbs *shrug*  Hehehe murr! Its nice to be supportive and helpful.  Murr...

Hehehe!  Big boys! X/3  Damn hotels and those sensor things! x.x  Eye candy!  Buffets! Wish I could eat more!  Nice for places to have such options, but it clashes with the reasons you give them a tip...  Lovely! <3  Small World eh? X3  Oh yeah that some overhang!  Its a delight when the staff have a sense of humor!  Lol...  A lot of my thoughts exactly, it one thing to want to make changes to yourself, but need to be aware of the risks and how to mange them, need to have some balance.  LOL!  Something about being wedged like that... not a fan of super loud thigs either, dial it back a little!  Hrm... competition did seem a bit interesting, but i think it more because of whom I seeing it through.

Ah reminds me of meeting a few Fuzzbutts, not knowing them much personally.  Hehehe BOING!  Ugg... here might the foremost example of the culmination of several things that exist today that didn't used to, making things more confusing...  All these mixed messages being tossed around about so many things...

*sigh* When you think you know someone...  Hrm... track for C sounds like hint of bad boy with cool, but more relaxed.  OH BOY ROFL, that was some good timing!  Yeah want someone who will treat you like a person, not some object.  Lol!  Eee! Not one for forwardness but it was restrained just right! :/3    From the heart is BEST!  Letting go can be so hard...  Surprises are nice yes, yet that secrets is what causes them to fall apart a lot...  Darn... and NICE!  Forwards, but suave!  Damn I want some of that too! o/../o  Oh that belly!  Aww!  Hey that MY joke! XD  Not all surprises are welcome... What did HE do for this happen?  I can understand not wanting to always go with tradition.

... WHO THE F comes up with this random S?  Bored people I swear!...  Nothing better than having friends, but its ideal to maintain contact.  Rarr!  Languages on their own is tricky enough, but when you start messing with them internally, things are going to get messed up.  Fat is fine so long as you got muscle to handle it, its similar with any other sort o cosmetic changes.  Nnnggg murr!  Course I'd love to know!  Please sate my curiosity!  Sounds neat but stressful!  Teamwork first, no I in team, all are important!  Now that is strange...  Being a leader or organizer is hard, even more when you are trying to accommodate people of varying tastes or interests, but hat when you take a more well rounded approach, even if not perfect.  OH! I can feel her pain for sure!  That is frustrating to have something like that happen!  Aww... but beef!  Harsh but you did neglect getting to know him properly.

HUGS! <3  Belleh!  Fine to want to be called something different, but can't expect those used to calling you a certain way to go with the change.

Mmm... makes a lot of sense, but for now I think I've said enough, the tease is who is it I will pick first? Not telling! Not yet anyway!

This has been quite fun and enjoyable!  I myself may not do half of these things, but I'd say its all a question of comfort, interests, and circumstances.  I love how this VN aims to connect by being realistic and not based on reality.  It presents more an ideal we should all be aiming for as people, regardless of our differences.  It isn't about anyone person over any others and no makes things be all about them or their own issues.  Supportive, kind, and encouraging, even in the face of others not getting it.  Dealing with and addressing negatives instead of discarding them, yielding a more positive result.  Friends help each other also from being their own worst enemy.  That is what I see here.

Hello again Retsu you sort of klutz! X3

Murr!  Smart overview! :D  The mundane is most horrible when it piles up and your alone! Aww! ^^  Wait he hasn't even had food yet???  Haha good one!  Hrm -.-, nah seems no reason to try reading into it here.  If only being a good person worked on everyone...  Its nice to be encouraging!  Cake! X3  The food!  Haha I forgot that detail since last time, but this was too predictable! X3  Hey there!  Oh he looks like he can sample! X3  Oh those klutzy things, funny though sometimes!  Oh! So it was intentional that he forgot!  Oh bold! X3  And that always issue being taken advantage of for just trying to be honest.  Savior to Savor!  Burger! <3  Aww!  Oph! Easy the both of you!  Some issues can't be solved so quickly!  Pff! XD I mean that is what looks like!  Oh him too WOOF!  Being some category does mean you have to act as some sort of category or even dress as it, though there tends to be exceptions to that too...  I need to get out more too!...  Its something to get used to alright!  NO SHOES FINNALY! Murr!  X//3

Sorry, but I love the romance!  Glad they are trying to not be too quick about it!

Perfect! :3

Sort of starting from/recapping end of CH3 I think?

It always important to deal with emotions and keep them form being pent up, more often than not that takes conversing with others to help ease that burden.  Excessiveness is real annoyance too.  Oph... least it was more passive solution.

I hate those who are brash and jump to conclusions, but given his species, I think I know why.  Ooohhh I had been waiting for this!  Maybe not quite yet... darn... Jeez!  Hahaha best detector there is, eh?  Being treated so harshly like that, anyone would flee, you kidding me?  Well that a sudden turn!  Hehe aww!  Indeed better questions first shoot later!!! Grr!  If that is outing it seem more subtle, but its perhaps that the tone of voice is not conveyed in text.  Oph that quite something...  I wouldn't be able to handle that behavior either.  Aww! WOAH!  Oh dear... WOAH!  Who would have thought its that easy?  *falls off my chair* !!!

Hrm........  XD the Banter!  High tensions, extremes, and desperation...  and then... let it all out and go away...  Nothing is more mortifying then knowing what you own kind or group is capable of doing...  never think any are immune to being awful!  NEVER let them be in charge or speak for you!!!  Murr!  Its hard not to compare things, but it what I do best, sometimes need to sift through the details for the differences to see they are sperate categories.  God something quite serious and making jokes..., but its far from the worst.  Well there was something fishy going on form the start, but it always felt like there were things Kitty never got to say to foxy!  ...

Nor am I ever as good as I want to be, my focus is never solely on me at least, but perhaps I do like to invest in helping others in order to ignore my own issues.  I'm not that bad, but am I even much better?  I simply don't tend to show it. Wuh!? Woah!  Damn! Look good before, but so does this!  HERE IT IS! :D  Perhaps for the best, sometimes have to try it out.  Can't lie that it seemed nice!  God I know there is this thing called rebellion, but seriously??? Oy...  Smart fox!  Its funny because it ridiculous! Right?  The joke is on you joker!  Fickle is the word... but can't expect someone to so quickly grasp in and outs overnight!!!  It is something that needs to be learned, none of us ever seem to really understand it anymore.  Thinking about obvious consequences is easy, thinking about all of them is hard.  A lot of unfortunate things, but gifts aren't meant to be squandered.  Another thing often neglected is the amount of times we are shown certain messages causing us to gradually believe in them, making it harder to believe the opposite.  It one thing to have few individuals or groups doing something every now and then, but when it becomes SEVERAL and FREQUENT, how are you ever going to repair that image???  It also matters how visible it all is made too!!!  And it makes it harder to sperate those not involved form that image too! :/  DERP!

Yeah stop monetizing everything for quick ways!  HOLY FFFF!!! OPH!  This again, I'd say I'm one foot on both sides.  Boy this quite the serious and silly combo.  So embarrassing! X3  OH My God ! XD  When they are right they are right, can't have any argument then.  No one should have to pay for the sins of another, but it doesn't stop scrutiny which can still stand to lead to it.  Guilt by association is harsh, but there is a reason it exists.  Aww! Had a feeling he was going to do that! ^^  That just cruel, but...  Hard to change habits...  And then hrm... !?!

The story certainly took a turn away from what I thought it would but still quite interesting!

It been awhile for me, I see you have updated the sprites to be sharper and pop out more, without any real change to their looks, perfect! Starting from 3 where I last was, thank you for the selection, saves were broken.

Blue: Not even decent standards.  Hehehe nice!  I knew it!  Oh Cool!  I try not to jump either, but I don't ignore patterns... Love the track here!  Stupid suits!  Aww!  Oh it does look good!  The bed rep isn't undeserved, but its not the whole story either, sigh.  Oh dear...  arg! *head desks*  Derp!  Ahh getting into sorts of reasons for my sona being what it is! :D  Can't give much better speech than that!  Hmm... its all depends on who gets access...  Oh wow to have such an agreement! LOL you had to go there eh?  Big guy!  No one should deserve to be alone.  No one likes to be forced to do things, but the bigger it is the more reasonable that saying is, for there are things we are forced to do all the time that are much less consequence.

Disturbing...  On blue so head to books!  Hehehe.  Oh that closest friends thing can be issue, glad that it not case.  Haha! XD YES I been waiting to get back to this subject!

Green: Similar feeling for initial scene.  Similar here, but more Lol.  Ah I he sees he tries a different activity.  Good question! X/3  Yeah that rep again...  Wood he? X3  Its a private establishment and everything happens behind closed doors, so long as that is the case there is no reason to take issue.  Hrm...  Same pres and same card and same comfort.

Green so shopping?  Always will have some regrets.  Hahaha! XD Shameless perv! Have at least some decency! XD Lol!  Ha what were you expecting dude?  !!! That 4th!  

Red:  Similar, but indeed How?  Similar, but ruffer.  I think that why I like him too despite not being my first choice, he isn't actually aggressive, merely dedicated and focused to his work, which does come off not the greatest in how he acts, but he is not beyond kindness or mercy.  This is my sona's canon personality.  FEWD!  ... The concern is understandable, but so long as its in private areas there is no reason to take issue.  That is line we cannot be crossing by ever making such acts out in broad daylight for the world to see.  Doesn't matter your persuasion, don't make out in public, possibly aside from something short and quick and more innocent.  Blindness is not to be confused with ignorance.  Strength? All I saw was belly! X3  Same speeches...

Red Training Day!  That cute posing!  Grrr! :3  LOL! ^^;  Could argue that is a bit of my issue, I'm bit too shy.  A Mph!?...  And here is the other half of my sona's skill set.  Oh Ehlly...

Yeah your doing great job weaving each path to feel similar yet distinct!

Its unfortunate about the sprites I really loved them!!!

Oscar: Sometimes gentle nudges are what we need.  Who says otters are the only slippery ones?  Opps! or was it? XD  Aww...  Owch nice save!  Owch!  Hehehe!  Indeed with first impression and a rep like that, its becomes hard to see one in a different way.  Those teef...  I have a few ideas...  Just how I would like things, taking it slow.  

Lucas:  I like having routine, but it doesn't have to be perfect all the time.  Teddy Bear!  Nothing ever wrong with admitting it, but there is no need to broadcast it, not everyone needs to know.  I admit that sounds like a lovely idea.  That is a bit of the issue, sometimes flamboyance can come across as pushy or invasive because of the wording, BUT that tends to be more because others are not used to it.  Like anyone, its the insinuations over something serious and trying to play it off as a joke but saying it like its nothing... that sort of mismatch is unsettling.  Like it not even a light topic, its going for the worst possible scenario topic and phrasing.  Instead of teasing it sounds more like bullying.... and THERE spiking doubts and fears over something that should not have been a concern!!! ugg... feels bad to point it out, but his is the concern I have over that too carefree attitude, the intent may not be malicious, but its the fact hat it still plants the seeds.  And so fast too!  It does not feel encouraging one bit!  If one always tend to be joking how the hell are you supposed to tell when they are serious?  The opposite also applies! arg!

This is why I like things to be kept more simple and casual and not free spirted to the point there are no boundaries.  This is one of the reasons why I love Lucas.  Get the chance to talk things out.

Well I been begging for awhile for a sprite for him... I am glad to know one is coming, he felt like an important enough one.  The difference here is he is pointed but sensitive, he knows how to measure his words.  And that here is it, its normal that people act differently form each other, it when you have someone who acts far beyond it or seemingly alien that there can be problems, you no longer know how to properly communicate or react, and results could be unpleasant, all form lack of understanding.  It is sad, nor do I like feeling this way about it.

It does feel bad to feel watched, but here your not in a truly private space, so if you have nothing to hide, you will need to get over it.  I still am and always curious about something new too, I've always been strange, but when there was something new I wanted to try to understand it.  It doesn't always work out.  One could say I'm frustrated with trying by now.  That is behavior I resent and that doesn't belong as its not even an ounce of effort to understand things, violence without good reason..., but who says it can't be done the other way around too!? Gah!  And who says violence has to be physical?

I don't feel like I'm worth much either!  Got nothing to really show!  I do like being honest and humble.  I have to acknowledge that I do not have the full picture.  I only but have a grasp at a broader canvas.  I still am though alone in many ways.

Always frustrating how any sort of narrative can be twisted into something its not by far.  Hugs... we all need them, but they need to be genuine too!

Jeez ease up girl!  Choc! Honesty!  Good friends keep you from being your worst enemy.  Hard to put down a book.  Guilt really messes you up, but to have no guilt is really messed up.

No there is nothing to be proud of for writing all of this, but it cuts deep to what I feel.  I can't help noting that there do stand to be exceptions, as it all does not apply in all cases.  Nothing is simple, but can't help but feel like we ignore the more obvious at times and try to explain away things like its nothing.  No, no pride to be had.

Back to cash in my check again. Pardon me.

Only question I have is it honest revenue?  Only reason for them to get involved is if other issues are being pinned on this guy.  The mind games... Such is the risk of being alone... that pride...

Oohh it changed! NICE!  And found the spot, now lets see here...

Well at least he isn't boring to have around, ya clutz! XD  D- oh I get it! Not good! Damn! Woah!  Oh jeez...  Good questions, lots!  Oph! Damn...  Oh will you be a deer? hmm...  Seems this path not done just yet, but its good!

First Case interesting, job first, crazy.

Xmas XD ROFL so much! Aww!!!

All from 4.

Heavy wet blanket!  Ah the ol angel and devil!  Hehehe! Giant puppy ride!  Hm... smart!?  Poor Julius! Oh god dammit! Lol! ooohhh!!!  Oh dear...

LMAO! Points for creativity!  Oh I see... oh boy... Derp! oooookkkkkk that was something!  Oh god dammit! You idiot! XD

Well looks like things are progressing with equal tone!  Frictiony but that the dynamic rather than style.  A headache enough for three!

What saddens me most is that I'm never as sad as I feel I should about he passing of another, just had my third grandparent go a couple months ago...

And that is what I love about Carlos he isn't flamboyant or a show off about his sexuality.  Sexuality does not define a person, their personality does.  What irks me the most is those who use their sexuality to try to explain away all of their behavior.  While this explains why I'm not so taken by Bryan or Nate, after the first impressions I can tell they learn or know when to dial it back.  No one should have to hide who they are, but not everyone needs to know either.  Time and place.  This "we must show off" is the reasons for the tensions we have, even among our own!  As there was a time when these thing weren't such an issue after rights were established because we kept things private private.  Then came social media and freedom to do as we pleased.  So that what bothers me about this given situation with Carlos the most, he is trying to be like everyone else in the face of public, he is not trying to flaunt his private life, he is not letting his sexuality dictate his actions (so yes this does indeed apply to straight people too).  All around keep those PDA simple, save more for places where permission is granted or lack of prying eyes.

And that is one of the biggest problems people and their egos, ego is not confined to one demographic or another, ego is what eats things from the inside out, to some degree I resent myself over whatever ego I may have.  Where has people's sense of humility gone???

God all of this simply because of avoidance of problems and with holding of information...  How easily it ends up twisting things... and here I feel like Ben as larger issues fly around with reckless abandon...  all because there is no longer any sort of proper boundaries.

Can't expect people to simply understand, but it would be great if they would listen, but that goes BOTH WAYS.  It does not mean it would fix things, but it would be progress towards finding a solution, even if not perfect.  Under control does not mean full control, it means to keep from getting out of hand.

Not wrong there, the whole freedom vs safety argument.  Always needs a balance, but many times those few who get abused are because of those same freedoms.  Just how many people there don't live to even regret it?  I'm all for freedoms, but we need to take it seriously.

What "Lord"? All cults have some form of religious mantra, but not all religions are cults.  So who is the one leading?  They are the one who change the tone and feeling, or even blind others.

... No not the ice cream! D:  It might be unfair but rules are rules, can argue case later... but who says anyone will believe you? or even take action? :/  Who says an issue laid to rest is ever actually at rest? *sigh* or is it just an attempt to cover and gloss things?

Routine is good, but I agree it needs to be flexible.  Can't have things too same all the time.  Oh gawd Ben XD  Well we try not to judge..., but the more we know about someone the less we stand to judge them, but don't let that blind you.  Oh you nosy kitty!

That is my dilemma... how do I address the regrets I have when I have no way to contact the recipient or know if they will even listen?  I do want to be free, but I must admit I am also one who is holding myself back and down, like my whole life.

I'd still love to be able to meet E in the VN, but given his species was multiple choice, that may be asking to much, not the first time I've asked, but I do not expect it to ever be delivered.  I think that may the biggest problem for all of us these days, running form our problems instead of solving them, and those that try getting denied, without ever getting some sense of closure and left hanging.  It can be hard to be upfront, but it is what is needed, but so often those are the ones who get ignored and feelings discarded...  Emotions are far more powerful than we realize, but it can be hard to keep them in check.  Being able to talk things out, being able to vent, being able to listen, being able to be understood, and being bale to work things out and find solutions, all something important to being something called human, and to feel like you and others exist.  And that what we all tend to suffer from, not being able to practice what we preach. *sigh*

I wouldn't want yo give up either, not without trying.  The sincerity the honesty, that is what breaks me down.  Its fine to have walls or be guarded, but don't sound proof yourself from the outside.  That outside to is all around you, there is no one direction. To live our best, but not at the expense of others.

Ugg.. essays, how may jobs actually require those?  Though you also have reports and research papers too...  It really does depend.    That is what is frustrating for me... I want it I do, but it never feels quite right when I tried.  That is another issue though, is that I've seen ace as anything between adverse to full denial, but never something solid, as what is said to be sexual keep changing depending on who you ask, or even using it as an excuse or defense mechanism to get out of something or because of abuse!... without an established boundary you have nothing but confusion that throws some people way off.  The definition and the practice do not match up, leading at times to anger and mistrust.  He has weighed the options, he knows the consequences, I VALUE honesty, it WILL hurt, but LIES hurt more.

Honestly I do feel a bit guilty for being gay, even worse was that I think I took it out on a girl, lightly, for no good reason as if I was using her as a target of my trying to deny it.  That is one of my regrets.  To forgive and forget can be hard depending on the reasons, but keeping things in perspective is of greater importance, sometimes we need other to help us see it all.  Ugg... blaming others for your own crappy choices the hell..., can't say I no Saint either no matter how hard I try.  Do be careful with "family" as any of them can disown you all the same and break their own vows.  Mmm... I like the slight tubbiness!  Body type though is only ever a perk or bonus.  That how I feel too, if that is what they want and they aren't hurting themselves, its fine.  Damn gas prices!  Aww!  To deserve something we must earn it, it cannot be so freely given.  Yet never forget you need to but blink for it all to be gone -.-.  Murr!

Oh that is a worst fear... called it!...  Ah... how easy it is for us all to just discard things, nay PEOPLE, simply because it easier to do so...

Once again it is annoying how I go off on all this, but this is just how deep it goes, how deep I go, these are not matters we can simply look the other way on time and again.  This is why I love the VN, it does not sugar coat anything, it does not hold back.  Keeping going, for its all we can do.

Oh... Sho has a new look!  More defined!  I uh... haven't touched this since last year... And animated! :D

Salmon! <3

That certainly is my ongoing conundrums, I wish to help, I wish to do right, I do not wish to be pushy or pressuring, yet it never ends up EVER mattering, gentle OR firm! Loud OR silent!  Ignoring it doesn't help either!  So what he hell am I ever supposed to do if even shutting up solves nothing!  People aren't mind readers but boy even when you are direct they still miss the mark! ARG! @.@  Can try to not get involved, yet one way or another I am involved because the situations by extension impact me too, maybe not right away, but I want to give a damn! *sigh*

DAMN! was not expecting that!  Yet that where up above leads one way or another something explosive...  When those who SAY they CARE, but never actually give a damn, because "its in your best interest" and push you around into their own ways!...  Far form supportive if the focus is only ever on what THEY want... grrr...  nothing worse than having pent up anger being given direction no matter who it is... ugg... and the vacuum form the one forcibly even of own accord doing all the work vacant...  I all around hate people who force their own agenda on others!... it happens WAY more often than we may realize, we just tend to bend to it in effort to be nice or even mutual interest, so there is no consistent line...  No bending though means no society, so some is required.  Its a right headache!  God I'm snarling over this... how can even our great big "Family" be the one to pull these kinds of things when the PROMISE was to free us of it???  So much for being accepting as advertised.  Ugg... advertised, makes us sound like marketable wares... oh wait that does indeed line up with things going on... and so where is it genuine and where is it self serving? Gah...  And that too I fear myself for how far I feel compelled to fight back, last thing I want is for innocents to get hurt, BUT if nothing is done innocents ARE getting hurt anyway!!!  Can't go turning a damn blind eye to ETHIER SIDE!  Can't go too far, yet it seems like anything less won't get any sort of message across.  And it all started with people refusing to deal with their own problems, and being given outs or outlets that never address the issues themselves.  The worst things aren't what we see, its what we are not seeing behind them as the driving force. It pretty damn annoying for me to go off like this, but his whole situation is too picture perfect of so much that is wrong and ignored.  Restoring reasoning and rationally, god do we have got to get away from entitlement!

Rushed media and rushed projects brought to you by those who say they support you!  All cause they want to to 1 up things! *screams*

She is not wrong, but his what happens when you let a situation fester or get out of hand, the extremes emerge!!!  People are already suffering and you are going to make them suffer more??? Yet if you do nothing they WILL still suffer!  At least in this case no one is going to forcibly DIE!  Unless choice... but ugg... that is maddening in of itself!!!

Ugg.. I hate going off here, but this is my frustrations of many societal issues this is my buried anger and resentment, over how we could ever let things get so far.  So far that the reason for things coming into existence is no longer the reason they still exist.  Everything is getting overwritten somehow...  and I'm just sad knowing there is nothing I can do about it.