Thanks for the review lol- I agree with a lot of your takes, some of the choices here were made because of the gamejam format like the easiness (I value people finishing the game a Lot so its something of a prototype of mechanics that have been put together rather than true puzzles- Id say the last level before the ending is the only true "Puzzle" in the game) so I agree that the general vibe would change for a full release. I agree that some puzzles order isnt perfect wrt difficulty, Im already thinking a bit about things that I would improve and cut out if this was a "first chapter" of a bigger game.. in an ideal world I think a full version of this game would start again from the beginning since this is like a condensed mechanics showcase but I know Lyoko would kill me if I made him start again so we'll see on that :) The devlog series by GMTK looks fun so Ill check it out!