Honestly pretty impressive what you've done here.
It's got a nice clean pixelated art style with goofy character designs, this honestly brings me back to PS1 era with Rayman and Tombi.
All the player attacks are unique and interesting each with their own take on the theme. And bosses spinning through a wheel of attacks was a cool idea, I recommend making the wheel slightly bigger, or moving it more central as I didn't even know it was there first 2 bosses. There was also little time to look up at it whilst dodging attacks. But regardless its a really cool idea.
I do greatly appreciate the inclusion of keybinding, its always good to see on pc games as everyone has their own preferences. Just to add, your keybind screen has no icons for number-pad keys, they still work it just doesn't say what keys they are in the menus/tutorial.
Some nit-picky feedback:
the player's hurt box could be a little smaller as I kept getting hit by attacks that barely even touched me.
I'd recommend making the arrow telegraphs for attacks a little more visible, at first I didn't even realise there even were any. However as I came to learn the attacks this was more of a git-gud moment, so maybe its fine.
And as a small personal gripe, I'd recommend seeing how the game feels without contact damage. The number of times I got hit by the boss just walking at me or by teleporting through them but not far enough. For bosses like the cogs it makes sense but when a boss just walks at you with little to no warning it gets a tad bit annoying. Just to clarify contact damage is simply just something I have a personal grudge against, but I understand why games include it.
Nit-picks out of the way its a really good fun game which I can see being a contender for the top places. Whilst it takes a bit of time to learn and master the bosses, once you do its very rewarding.