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A member registered Nov 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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Certainly an interesting game with a lot of charm, I got very far even if I didn't have a clue what I was doing.

Main flaw is it mostly like you're just guessing majority of the time, even with a dodge of 100 it never seemed to work.  

In terms of vibes and feelings the game has it down perfectly, and I'm sure the mechanics have a lot of depth just takes a bit of commitment to learn.

So overall good job, its a nice submission and well worth a play or two.

Yes, the game is more heavy biased towards using the spin attack (right click), this is especially so when the spin speed is near max as it spins very quickly.

I do agree that some rebalancing is in order, cheaper left click and maybe no spin cost at all on the right click.

But regardless, it really helps to get opinions from people who haven't been playing it from start to finish to get a feel for things that may have been missed or overlooked. For example, I really need to make that shackle hit box bigger.

I'm also thinking that maybe an optional 'auto-aim' mode that always deflects in the direction of the boss could go a long way.

Anyway thanks for the detailed feedback.

Overall a cute little game with nice wintery sprites and pleasant music in the background.

Main flaw is how you can just spam the spin and be invincible. It makes the reflect attack (which I couldn't figure out the timing) redundant.

Otherwise its a charming gem in its own right, with just a little more balancing it could even shine.

You've certainly nailed the spin of the jam, the game is simple simple to learn and fun to play.

Overall I found hurling rocks at the boss useless. Even if I hit, it rarely amounts to anything, in the end the best strat I found is to just ram the boss with whichever spin moves them to the closest edge of their gauge and between hits ccollect the rocks which fill/deplete you gauge in opposition.

But other than that its a fun and interesting game

an overall simple game that does what it sets of to do. A fun little time waster, a visual when the bubble can be fired again would go a long way.

Only real downside is that its not a boss rush.

(1 edit)

A very cool game and great submission albeit lacking an in-game tutorial.

I will say that the bosses, or rather boss as I cant get past the first, are tuned a tad bit too high in terms of difficulty for my preferences.

Pretty much every attack hits me before I even see it and as the boss is often of screen I cant even see them windup or anything. Slightly slower projectiles and attacks would have helped.

But overall this is a me issue due to lacking the skill combined with poor reflexes.

From what little of the game I could see its really well made and well polished. And I will rate assuming the rest of the game is according to the same quality.

I may come back to this one for another attempt after checking out other games.

Really nice game that truly put in the spin of the jam.

Honestly tying movement and shooting to rotating the screen instead of the character is really clever and starts to feel really good once you get used to it. At first the game was so alien to me that it repelled me but after a few tries I began to get the spin and started beating the bosses on my first attempts.

So overall a really good submission.

And some advice for future players, give it some attempts before judging the game, I was pleasantly surprised when I gave it the chance.

Swapping characters with the boss is certainly a unique take. Overall its an interesting game with a fair bit of charm.

Overall a great submission albeit with a few flaws.

First, I found only the basic claw attack to be any use, the ranged attack has a weird delay so you miss more often than not and the other 2 attacks are too slow to activate.

Second, I couldn't beat the last (?) boss due to him spamming invincible minions over and over until I couldn't move. plus he went and sat over a pit so I couldn't even reach him.

But those flaw aside its a really nice and well polished game that with a little more balancing and tweaking could be something really special. I especially love the steampunk theming and how you're team has tied it into the character and environment arts, even the music is very fitting (albeit loud for my tastes but volume controls saved that).

So overall, good work.

For your first jam it is a good attempt and I can tell you put a lot of effort into it. Everything is a learning experience and we learn best from our mistakes.

This is my 10th or so jam and I'm still learning things from mistakes and oversights of my own.

You've got to start somewhere.

Whilst not a game for me (I suck at rhythm games) the ideas are really interesting. i.e. combining a rhythm game with a twin stick shooter. 

Overall no complaints, good work on the submission.

(1 edit)

So I've given it a second go, and all I can say is its too complex for a jam game.

I won't say being complex is bad, only in this case it feels like I'm going against what's meant to be end game level bosses as a level 1 player. And I'm not talking stats. Ok yes, first time I played I didn't even know I was meant to use the stat stones and would constantly die in 1-2 hits. 

But even with better stats I don't 'understand' when or how to use my skills and my fingers are simply fumbling to hit the right keys at the right time. Its a simply a skill issue, or lack of skill to be more precise.

I won't say its a bad game now that I have a better understanding of what you were going for; but I will say it has a very steep learning curve that would better suit a longer more narrative driven game that gradually eases you in, slowly introducing new skills and mechanics as the game goes.

Overall very unique design, I like the attack mechanics. It takes some getting used to but once you get into a rhythm its very satisfying. 

Whilst the bosses could do with a little more telegraphing and feedback on when they hit you, the game is nicely done, hard but nice.

(1 edit)

Honestly, I have no idea what I am doing even after looking up the controls.

All I'll say is the game really needs a tutorial of some kind and some easing into the combat, maybe a practice fight against a near harmless slime. I can't even last more than 10 seconds against the first boss.

But either way its refreshing to see someone using rpg maker, if I recall these scripts look to be Moghunter's or of similar design.

Edit: I have come to realise that I should give your game a second chance and will likely do so tomorrow when I don't have a headache. However if there are any hints/tips you can provide that may improve my enjoyment of the game feel free to let me know.

(7 edits)

Thanks for your feedback, there certainly are areas to improve the game. 

For music you are right, there's only one track. And I wont deny that boss-specific themes would have been ideal.

Overall whilst the game is simple (at least to me) there does seems to be a miscommunication on certain gameplay elements. Simply put the tutorial is lacking and could do with some re-scripting to be more interactive. You are not the first person to favour left click over right click.

In short yes, there are some things you missed:

On the top left besides your health, that is your spin, the more 'full' the coloured ring the more spin you have, the middle part also turns blue when full. As long as there is still a coloured ring in this 'meter' you should be able to left click.

As for the spin attack (right click), this is faster the more full the meter is and all deflected attacks will always aim at the cursor from the moment the shackle hits them, so point that cursor at the boss and just 'spin to win'. 

Regardless I greatly appreciate the detailed summary of your experiences, difficulties and overall views of the game. 

And honestly the fact that the game can be won even with only using the left click is both surprising and impressive. I shows to me that the game can be played either way, and which is more fun that's up to the player. So in short I'll take it as part failure and part success and use it as a learning experience.

Some good ideas and cute art.

I like how the bosses get faster and their attack patterns more complex as they get lower in health. Healing and attacks using the same ammo is interesting but could respawn slightly faster.

In terms of more detailed feedback:

The player's hit box is too big as you often get hit by attacks that shouldn't even touch you, plus some attacks are basically unavoidable such as the tiger running at you then hitting you. The melee attack is also pointless as in most cases if you are that close the boss is hitting either through an attack or simply via contact damage.

Overall with a little more tweaking and fine tuning could be a really good game.

Really nice visuals and sound, the gameplay too seems solid and I like the upgrade system.

Unfortunately the web build has poor performance for me (my browser uses the crappy integrated gpu not the actual gaming gpu), and there's no downloadable version which is a shame as it seems like a really good game. 

Overall, from what I have seen its a nice polished gem of a game and I wont hold my performance issues against it on the ratings.

Ignoring the performance issues I had (felt like it was running at 20 frames), the game is an interesting take on the boss rush concept.

Rather than fighting the bosses directly you are spinning the rooms around them and trying to get them to move into traps.

Its a cool idea and one with potential, but could do with a little more fine tuning and more complex boss behaviour. I occasionally got warped into a different corner when rotating and other small bugs. Also the third boss just stopped attacking after summoning the bees so I couldn't get to to dive into the spikes anymore.

Overall the audio and visuals are great and the game has a lot of potential.

This could really do with a tutorial, I didn't even know there was a deflect or dash until second boss. I only beat the first boss because that one time he didn't use the spinning stick attack which I still don't have a clue how to avoid.

However, some of the attack feel cheap such as the first boss throwing balls straight in your face with little to no warning.

Overall its a good start, maybe with a little more time in the oven it could shine. 

Its an interesting take with nice visuals but could do a little more fine tuning.

Once you get the hang of it using the drill to dodge and break projectiles is fun and this part of the design certainly has potential to go further.

As a side note, I think the game should remember the last keys you held whilst charging the drill, the number of times I let go after inputting the right direction only to then dash to the side is innumerable.

Its an interesting take with nice visuals but could do a little more fine tuning.

Once you get the hang of it using the drill to dodge and break projectiles is fun and this part of the design certainly has potential to go further.

As a side note, I think the game should remember the last keys you held whilst charging the drill, the number of times I let go after inputting the right direction only to then dash to the side is innumerable.

Building your own spinning top is a cool idea and the overall look and feel of the arena and combat is great. Only I don't feel like I have any control or understanding of the game. It doesn't help the keyboard controls are all cramped next to each other instead of being split into groups for two-handed play. 

The game could also really do with a proper tutorial since even reading the instructions (the list is long) I had no idea what anything did. I was honestly just spamming keys at random hoping for something to happen.

So in short, a really flashy bey-blade simulator that part the game has nailed to a T, but still has room to improve the controls and/or teaching of said controls. Either way good work on the game.

An interesting game, had issues with the controls as it often wouldn't even register I swiped causing me not to move at all. Would prolly would better on phone than with mouse.

Don't know if its my end but there was no music.

But overall its a unique submission and could certainly be a nice little time waster for phones with a little more polish.

short and sweet little game, love the character art for the main girl.

The spin is a nice combination of dash and parry, but I feel it can be spammed to frequently considering it grants i-frames. 

Overall really nice game with a lot of love. Albeit short on content but what is there is very good.

Very true, I actually have some experience doing a world rotation type mechanic myself in one of my previous jams; so I understand the limitations and complications considering the time constraints. In the game I had made back then, getting my minimap working with the world rotation took some work, and this was just a basic metroidvania-style map with very little detail.

But regardless, its still a decent game and I'm sure its been a good learning experience for you and your team.

Not a bad game, simple but fun.

Easy to get the hang off and room for mastery with shield timings.

A shame there's only 2 bosses but good job non-the-less.

I do like how the spinning top boss actually starts taking damage and falls apart as it gets low on health.

Certainly unique, I wasn't expecting much going into this one and by was I surprised just how fun it gets.

The gameplay concepts are very simple but make for a very chaotic experience with you scrambling to live whilst trying to take down the boss.

Only real flaw is that the last fight more or less only has one real strat, store plates then get the infinite energy food and spam plates, ideally if you got him to eat a melon. Any other strat wouldn't work as he'd just heal back up.

But still, a very cool idea with some interesting mechanics thrown at you from time to time such as when he pulls out his gun.

Overall a game full of character and a lot of 'flavour'.

I defiantly hadn't planned the defensive play to fit this nicely with the theming on a conscious level, but there may have been something sub-conscious that lead to this design. At first I had considered just letting you hurt the enemies with the left click, part of why it costs so much spin, but something felt off about it and so I hard learned into the concept of reflection only.

In terms of balance, to be completely honest; the spin has always been intended to be used like 90% of the time, but does take some time getting used to. And as the dev I rarely even use the left click. Thinking back on it I should have switched the controls so that spinning was left click and the throw was right click. That way it'd make more sense which you are intended to use more. and yes the throw may be too costly.

An interesting game, rather than having some weapon you spin, you instead spin the level.

However due to the nature of the game, most of it feels like blind falling, you can't really aim for the health pickups or anything as there's little to no time to react before you fall past.

This isn't necessarily bad but it feels like you have little control. Maybe some form of mini-map with coloured dots for pickups and a simplified layout of the map would help.

Decent game, the visuals work well for it.

The spin into to dash is an interesting mechanic, my biggest issue with it is how its easy to hit by the purple projectiles whilst spinning. But otherwise its an overall fun game with some cool mechanics.

The audio for me was a bit broken with lot of static and such but nothing that detracted from the experience too much.

Thanks for the feedback.

Yes, reflecting enemy attacks with the shackle does seem to be more tricky and skill dependant than I originally intended. But I'm glad people are finding the game fun none-the-less.

Thanks for the feedback.

With how chaotic the game can get and the fact that you have limited agency on how you attack (as its dependent on the boss) I wanted to keep aiming frustrations at a low. 

i.e. as long as you are aiming in the right direction the attack should still connect.

Really nice game well polished game and not something I was expecting see in this jam.

The art is simple but fits the game well, the character even wears their equipment on their sprite.

There are a lot of weapons and options, though sadly the game is not randomised. This would make for a good rogue-like.

The game is more of a arena rush than boss rush as most of the arenas are basic enemies but outside of that its a good game.

Something I'd recommend looking into is how the game would work without contact damage, at least on enemies with actual attacks, especially bosses. Slimes and the spiders it makes sense but a mage hurting you if you walk into him... In fact I found the ogre thing more scary walking into me than swinging his club.

Also I could find an option to change the key binding for spell select, there's item select but not spell select. Not being able to change spells kind of scuffed my first run which was a mage run. Second run was dual wield spears into longswords.

Really fun game, the random attacks actually feel really good. Simple concept but effective

The fact that the game does not reroll attacks unless they hit means you cant just waste one you don't want but also don't have to worry about missing an attack you want. Do note I found an exploit in this with the heal, healing happens even if you don't hit the boss, so just spam it without hitting them and all your health is back.

Overall a very nice demo.

Key rebinding would have been nice since I kept stumbling with the controls, I'm a WASD + number pad for actions type of person.

Simple game with a cute stylish art-syle.

Nothing too ambitious but everything holds together decently.

I would recommend slowing the attacks a little because as it is now there's basically no time to react.

I have absolutely no idea what you are meant to do, I somehow won on my first attempt and I really don't know what I did or didn't do.

If the goal is to create a creepy atmosphere you got that nailed down.

A really good concept,  the art and music are top notch. The visual flairs of the boss intros are a nice touch too.

In term of gameplay, performance is a bit ropey and had a few bugs where I'd get stuck unable to move after picking up the turret.

Aiming with the turret takes bit of getting used to but the over-the-top hit flash makes it all worth while just for that.

In terms of boss design, I think you could have done without contact damage because its hard to grab your turret when its near the boss, that and the oyster spawns were too fast and didn't seem like they could be shot?

There also seems to be a lack of feedback when the player gets hit as I could barely tell when I was getting hurt.

But overall it seems like a game with potential, just a little more time in the oven to iron out the bugs and smooth that performance out. So good job on the submission

A really good concept,  the art and music are top notch. The visual flairs of the boss intros are a nice touch too.

In term of gameplay, performance is a bit ropey and had a few bugs where I'd get stuck unable to move after picking up the turret.

Aiming with the turret takes bit of getting used to but the over-the-top hit flash makes it all worth while just for that.

In terms of boss design, I think you could have done without contact damage because its hard to grab your turret when its near the boss, that and the oyster spawns were too fast and didn't seem like they could be shot?

There also seems to be a lack of feedback when the player gets hit as I could barely tell when I was getting hurt.

But overall it seems like a game with potential, just a little more time in the oven to iron out the bugs and smooth that performance out. So good job on the submission

I did fear that the orbiting shields may be a bit too much, perhaps I should have made them only last for 3 or so seconds then disappear.

And yes, more sounds/particles on the bosses when hit could have gone a long way.

Thanks for the feedback, it has helped bring to mind where the game could have been improved upon.

(1 edit)

An interesting prototype that with more time could have shaped into something really good. 

The shifting between shield states to protect against bullets of the same colour is a good starting concept.

More attack patterns other than the orbs just orbiting the core, more polish, actual death and win screens, and it could really shine.

For only 1 hour a day its a good effort, and as I said whilst this is by no means a game it is by all means a prototype that could, given more time and development, become one.