I hope you enjoyed the demo! I fixed the previous bugs and finished the game, so the version available now is the complete experience.
I am planning to make a follow up on some of these games I've downloaded and played, maybe replaying on stream. This is why I tend to skip games that have a word "demo" somewere in the title, desciption or file name - I am recording them, completing and moving on to the next one so I want the version I playing be the final experience. Right now I still have my goal of completing 1k games. Most of them are short not being demos anyway, so it's not hard as it sounds. I think I am at mark of 250 or something like that
So yeah, there probably will be a second list of games for replay :) Games like "Doomspiral" or "Lost cause" for example - the first was really raw and second was completed blindly so I miss a lot of content in it. Also I consider "obscurity" criteria - no point in playing something that already was played and recorded by literally everyone on yt (like YumeNikki clones, for example).
About your game specifically - there is also a guy on yt by nickname "CreepiCatfish", who also in a search of something rare and weird, so maybe he gonna be the first one who will play the newer and final version before me :D This how I found your itch.io profile in the first place btw - he completed "You Me and Yourself" and "Blage" before me and then I decided to record them with an upscaler myself.