This visual novel is very polished, with very beautiful art and well written, with a nice selection on music.
The way the characters are written feels really good and grounded. Even the slightly xenophobic investigator.From the conflict of the parents to the little things Jamie would reminisce of his brother, the things left unsaid weighting heavier by the possibility that they were hiding something from each other and he may have ran away, while the weight of the possibility of death stayed on the back of their minds.
As someone with a family member who disappeared and was never found, this hits very realistically. The initial wait and hope mixed with uneasiness, the fact that months after the fact little maybes appear everywhere, both raising hopes and destroying them after, until eventually you have to make a closure.
And I’m going to go back to the art. This looks beautiful.
Overall, this is really high quality. Cheers to the creators!