Hey, thank you so much for your review and criticism. You don't know how happy I've got when I read this. Personally I am quite proud of this, considering this is my first game jam, first game overall and first time leading a team to make a game.
Balancing the power ups was indeed a pain, because Bet the farm was like knife through butter when it came to bosses health, you'd blitz them with it, and I still think we could have done a better balancing job. And I wanted to have more slots, but I also wanted them to be based around Casino terms, slangs, expressions, and I ran out of ideas, plus we had to finish the third boss.
We had a fourth boss planned, but we didn't have time so we focused on finishing the blackjack boss instead. But we are thinking of expanding this game once the jam is over and adding that fourth boss plus a fifth which we have concept art for.
Nice! Yeah, its always tough getting the theming to match the ability. haha. Nice! I would love to check it out if / once you all are able to add the last boss back in!! :D
Again, fantastic work! Especially for the first time doing all of that, you and the team show great promise!! Very impressive! :)