Forgive me for having to put it this way, but
>can barely see where I am
>screen gets darker when I'm hit too much, making it even harder to see where I am and where the projectiles are
This shit.. is so ass...
HOWEVER your game was engaging enough that I wanted to play it to the end, despite this asinine constraint. I liked the concept very much, a bullet hell with sigils to seal and sinful souls to sanctify
Gold and Purple bosses were really good. I liked how the purple boss punishes you if you seal from outside to inside, as the final phase bullets are too intense for that closed environment. You can go the whole game going out-in, but the final boss basically demanding you go in-out makes it really differentiate itself from the other bosses.
Hitting sigils with divine thunder while bullet helling is a great concept, and the songs were pretty fun too. The camera was a sin, but gameplay, the sound design and enemy design was very good. I'm happy you made this game.