Really nice game! I love the beyblade spinners. Its always a great uses of theme.
- For me the issues its the controls. First of all, why there is no gamepad support? It should be great to play this on gamepad. Second, I feel pain in my fingers. J and K its not a great choice imo. Why there is no mouse controls? LMB/RMB + spacebar and wsad should feel better.
- Boss fights are a bit too long. I got bored in the middle of fight. Maybe adding a way for a critical damage, such as weakspots, or something extra, will make this better.
- My fantasy about the beyblade spinners its the most about the melee attacks, supported by abilities. Meanwhile in this game, the main way to deal the damage, and so much times the only way its a ranged attacks. So its not in line with my fantasy about these spinners.
And thats it, the rest is really great and I love it.