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Oh sorry, it was late hours when I write it. 

Simply check submitted games and compare html builds vs heavy UE5 builds with requirement to download. 

I realized that we have no chance to compete, no matter how good our games will be.

Its my first gamejam and I got a little upset that the only way to compete its to create a light website game, usually 2d. The games like this one, dont have a chance and its not fair.

Ok, this game isnt perfect, but I feel like this is more challenging to make this type of game, and this type of game will sells more in steam, than all of this web minigames.

Going to feedback:

  • I like the idea of no crosshair, it makes every shot more challenging, requiring to synchronize where we want to shot and where we are thinking that we will, something like in kingdom come archery. Its easy to see the projectile, and this makes fun gameplay loop.
  • I like the visuals, especially that it doesnt feel like a minigame, but a demo version of bigger game.
  • Shot shoud is not synchronized with the moment when the real projectile shot. Simply, every click make a sound, but there is an cooldown between the real shots.
  • Fata error happen on the first event, but its possible to skip that
  • Too many important text to read. Simply put me into the battle and give me short hints. Let me figure out things.
  • Bosses are too easy, I can avoid most projectiles by simple "A" "D" movement while shoting, no need to use all of this level.

Over all, its fun to play this type games, and I Enjoy it.

Really fun! I do not expect that.

Controlling the orbit reminds me kerbal space, but this time it was needed for boss fight.

Usually, I like to write a lot of feedback, but there is nothing to add. Simply I like it.

(1 edit)

Really good job on this game. Nice music and visuals. Perfect use of theme.

However I didnt pass the second boss, not because he is hard, because he isnt, but because how long this fight is. Simply in the middle of boss HP I quit.

I feel like the game have some bugs, because we can only deal the damage, when I am aiming the enemy by our cursor, and this cursor is moving.

The spinning ability is a bit confusing for me, because of inconsistency. Initially, we have to spin the sword by our mouse, then we can release its ability and while its working we do not need to spin anything. I feel like this game will be much more fun, if the spin ability wont exist, instead we will have to spin the sword manually and the damage will be bigger if the velocity of this spin will be longer.

Initially, when I got the information about how we would deal the damage to the boss, I thought that it will be messy to control 2 orbits at same time and it probably wont bring much fun. 

But I was wrong. Synchronizing the orbits to reach the destination was really fun! Doesn't matter that we have to did it over and over until the boss dies.

Controls wont be messy, but it was something like taming the multitasking, and it was difficult but fun.

My main issue its that there is only one boss and maybe he is too easy, as I beat him on my very first run, while learning the controls.

But really high score and GJ!


You have to solve small puzzle to damage the bosses and this is really cool. Especially the first boss.

Other bosses involve ability o spin around them, that is usually the best way to dodge its bullet or find weakspots, so use of theme is really cool done.

My main issue its that beside first boss, other bosses are all the same, only with more difficult level. There is a lot of them. Maybe creating less bosses, but focuses more love on 2 or 3 of them will results better.

Usually I dont realise when I die. The respawn is soo quick, we spawn almost instant after the death, so it looks more like a teleport. Additionally its difficult to recognize when we receive a damage.

Over all high score from me, so GJ!

Really polished game! 

Its really difficult setting, but it has potential.

I feel like the game will be much more cool, if combos will accept a key, only pressed synchronized with the beat, otherwise, combo will fail.

It would be also really cool if the bosses will let the player be closer and "dance" around, with cancelling animation. Right now, almost all abilities force the player to stay away.

But over all the game is really fun and I like that. 



Yeah, this is my personal decision to make this game this hard. I love the games that dont give a possibility to change the difficulty level. Its a pattern based game, initially it seems like impossible to beat, but after a time, you will learn the patterns and beat them all.

Thanks! And of course,  I will rate your game also, as everyone's games from the comment section :)


(1 edit)

Really nice job!

The level of details, the art style, everything is on really proffesional level.

I like that its a true boss rush.

I like the boss design, where we are punishing self and the boss only provoke to it. Its really lovely trick.

The main issue its with the pacing, where sometimes we have to wait for example 10 second without possibility to do anything. Phases where we should focus on dodge and survive could be fun, but over all in your boss design, we can simply spend this time in safe spot. So much time we got punished for take a effort, such as when we go through the waves of projectiles to move to the eye on the opposite site of the boss, only to shows that the boss close this eye without taking any hit. 

Over all my score is really high, and GJ!

I just started the game directly from this page and I got really confused, while on the game webpage there is complex description. It would be cool to see this description inside game. The visuals are nice, giving a sense of unease, which is great. 

Some animations needs a bit more love, such as sword attack. There is several bugs, for example i can see the damage vignette only on 1/4 of my screen, but nothing gamebreaking. Of course the V/O is not very polished, but come on, its a gamejam :D

Over all good job!

Yes, but you knows, it's still not what I meant. It's not clash. It's more like a way to collect heal than hit with force in our opponent body.

Oh too bad that you dont have controller. Im sure your game on controller will be much more enjoyable. 

About the melee, I was trying to force myself to use melee, through the dash etc but simple the ranged attacks and focus on dodging is much easier. Maybe there is no enough reward for melee attack? something like big first damage when melee hits with a lot of velocity.  Or simply, nothing force me to use melee on a bosses.


The models comes from the quixel bridge, I link them all in the submission description :)

For sure I will test and review your game tonight!

The music is dope!

I like the boss design and its balance, but healthbar is needed. I knows probably cuphead is a reference, but cuphead shows the boss HP when we die in a summary popup, and through the stages.

Also I dont like the our character art design. This is not a character that I would like to play.

Over all good job. I think its the highest rated game by my for now.

Good use of the theme. Initially unintuititive, but after the time I adapt and this is really fun.

To be better, the game require small tweeks, especially in balance and feedback, such as boss attack range decal or feeling of dealing damage.

(1 edit)

Great game!

I like the controls and the fact that the UI react to controller.

My main issue are the visuals. So many times the projectiles that we have to dodge, do not contrast enough from the background, so its difficult to see them.

Also i feel like there should be the ability to crunch or something like this, since I hate when the boss shot the projectile impossible to jump over without platform, but still low enought to register hit.

But this is a great game and it looks loke something that can sell on steam etc. 

Really nice game! I love the beyblade spinners. Its always a great uses of theme. 

  • For me the issues its the controls. First of all, why there is no gamepad support? It should be great to play this on gamepad. Second, I feel pain in my fingers. J and K its not a great choice imo. Why there is no mouse controls? LMB/RMB + spacebar and wsad should feel better.
  • Boss fights are a bit too long. I got bored in the middle of fight. Maybe adding a way for a critical damage, such as weakspots, or something extra, will make this better.
  • My fantasy about the beyblade spinners its the most about the melee attacks, supported by abilities. Meanwhile in this game, the main way to deal the damage, and so much times the only way its a ranged attacks. So its not in line with my fantasy about these spinners.

And thats it, the rest is really great and I love it. 


This game doesn't look like a game made for a gamejam but a prototype for something bigger. There is so many things that are great. So instead of trying to list them I will focus on my concerns. 

  • And my main concern its that it isn't a true boss rush in a classic way, where we have to beat all bosses, and death brings us to the beginning. Because we can jump from main menu from one boss to another, regain full.  
  • I feel like the bosses could be a bit harder. There is a great learning curve from one boss to the last, but I almost beat all bosses on first try. Maybe a difficulty level witch one hit to death mode I will have possibility to spend more time in this game.
  • Controls are great on gamepad, but on keyboard they are a bit difficult, requiring time to adapt

And again, great game. GJ!

To be honest I dont understant what is going on. First we are a boy and we have to walk without any jumping etc, then we become a small and spinning ball.

The art style during this platformer stage is quite nice,

But the controlls are difficult, seems like there is an cooldown after jumping into small platform. This issue ruin the experience as instead of satisfaction for another jump, we have to fight with controls to force this ball to jump.

Nice visuals and controls.

I see heavy inspiration of hollow knight

The sfx needs more love, for example the footsteps are not in sync with steps and the balance of sounds is wrong.

The onboarding is difficult. I have no idea how to go to the next level. in current level I meet only the ant common npc

I have beat the Godot icon!

Is it supposed to be a spinning slot machine game? Because for me, its a game where we shoot into godot icon

Seems like cool idea.

However the fact that arrows are not in sync with rythm is gamebreaking for me.

More love to this feature can release its potential.

Interesting game. Unique controlls, but they are ok. 

Some bosses are quite fun, while some force us to wait too long, ruining pacing.

The crafted artwork and sound are quite nice, really professional job.

Interesting concept. Its like a beyblade spinners and over all implementation of rules is quite nice.

The type of combat can be really fun in local multiplayer pvp, especially on mobile.

Beating AI is a bit too easy, but its ok.

The sounds :D Glad you for adding mute option, but I was trying to be fair and play with them. They are simply too hard and stiff. I almost fall from my chair into ground when the music start at main menu.

Promising boss abilities. I like to dodge these projectiles.

But there is no sound for me, spin attack is to easy to avoid, over all just simply run away, make quick turn, shot and continue and the boss is dead. 

I meet here only one boss.

Just tested.

This project could be fun if you will speedup everything twince. Mana regen is too low, damage is too low, movement is too slow, boss windups are too long, attacks take too much time (we have to wait for a long time outside attack range area).

I like that the bosses have different abilities, but over all everything is too slow and this makes game too easy. Personally I only take a damage, when I get bored of waiting for a window.

An interesting meeting


Yeah, it's pattern based game design. Something like puzzle or rhythm games but in realtime combat. It feels difficult, but then you learn the patterns and beat something's that initially feels impossible. It's very rewarding and I like this style games.

Thanks for your feedback! I totally agree with you. This ranged attack is unbalanced and under polished. 

I joined this gamejam a bit too late, and this leaves me no much time for pivoting, but over all this is my first gamejam and it was quite fun experience!

I will try to rate as much games as I can and for sure I will priority all people in my comments section.

Bosses like this one usually have a stage where the boss is invulnerability untill the player will destroy something else that requires platforms. Maybe this is a way.

First of all, maybe the issue its not the square models, but the texture. 


Texture blending

and over all the character model, and some other models on the map had the fuzzy texture

something like this

but in dark fantasy style (btw ToonCar is a good reference for models shape imo, but maybe your should looks a bit more spooky)

But these square walls uses more realistic style brick texture, which seems like from the another style game.

and this seems off.

About the boss. I feel like there should be an attack, that is quite hard to dodge, so it will serve as a time limit. Noone will want to let the boss use this ability too often, so everyone will try to speed up the boss when he is easy. Speeding up things makes the mistakes.

Also, it will be more fun if there will be a possibility to deal more damage by doing something. For example hitting weak spots, or a heavy attack but with long recoil, or a poise bar on the boss. 

And its only my opinion. Over all good job!

Very interesting mechanic, you should create a tutorial or at least write somewhere how to play, because I must figure out this by myself. 

Idea is good, but I feel like some changes are needed, because while its fun, its very unfriendly. I dont knows exactly when the projectiles will start its orbit and when not. Usually orbiting objects stays very close to our character, so trying to push them into boss, make a big and unfriendly risk of collide with a boss. Maybe the boss should not deal the damage just because we touch him, instead he should make a quick melee attack. Or the orbiting range should be much bigger.

Brutal level and 5 start of fun! 

I will want to spend more time in this game but I want to test as much submissions as possible. But for real maybe I will back to this game later. 


The 2d art style is top level, but the game is in not very high quality 3d, why? If you have such a big talent in 2d, you should make 2d games.

About the game. Interesting idea, i like how we can deal the damage to this boss. I dont figure out what it shit slime balls for. 

Nice platformer! It was fun to figure out how to pass to the boss.

Good controlls for gamepad, but it could be nice to have the possibility to change the camera rotation speed.

I like this player character model, but the boxes enviroment breaks the visuals.

Boss is too easy to predict I found the way to beat him on the first time. The hitboxes are not in sync with animations but it doesnt matter. The worst part of it is how long this fight is without aby changes. While it can be exited battle, this make the fight a bit too boring.

Microsoft defender tells me that its a trojan :(


This program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker.

Game is fun but requires a lot of multitasking which for a new player is too overwhelming. 

Its sad that this must be a bossrush, If this game wont be a bossrush and first teach the players by normal opponents, it will be much better FTUE.