Hey, thanks so much for such detailed feedback. I’d take any constructive feedback over positive platitudes any time.
There are many points in your feedback that were contentious discussions among the team members (firing was at one point upwards, the crab was the first boss, the last boss didn’t respawn parts once destroyed,…). It is great to confirm these from player feedback instead of our own biases and we can easily bring some of those in an update after the judging ends.
The story was written in parallel to the game development and we intentionally wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger. I see why it can feel a little disconnected from the game. I hope we can onboard a writer to the team for a future update.
Zone of the Enders added to my watchlist. Zero Ranger I’ve already played to an obsessive extend, even recording my playthrough to study it frame by frame.
Thanks again!