I am a fan of "Boomer Shooters" so I was very excited to find this game and try it out as you've labeled it "A PS1/Doom-like game".
Loading into first level I was tasked to blast a cry baby which awakens this spiral city reminiscent of the labyrinth found in Junji Ito's Spiral Horror Manga Uzamaki. I was hooked! With the rocking music and dark environment I was ready to slay some demons. I found though that I was mainly doing walking rather than finding and slaying the 10 demons I was tasked to slay. Perhaps if the spiral maze was smaller or there were more enemies closer together I would've enjoyed the game more. Additionally I kept glitching through the walls of the spiral maze and kept getting confused on my location because of that.
Overall I like the premise of getting through the maze to get to the center, I just wish the game was a bit more compact or perhaps there were checkpoints.
Had fun with this one!