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A member registered Jul 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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I am referring to the sound. I want the gun sound to sound more punchy, distorted, bassy, and loud.

Great job on the synergies of the spells for each character! Really felt like a true Diablo-esc action rpg with the combos, espcially with the slime. For me personally, getting the combos to work felt like the most fun part of the game. Would love to see more exploration on that front with getting the slime to do maximum damage by successfully placing slime everywhere and getting that satisfying spike attack to hit everything. Would've been super fun if the clown had mini clowns with him with low hp so that the slime could have a reason to want to spread his slime everywhere.

Great job, you have something special and if you keep building on spell combos i think it would take it to the next level!

OH another thing, I kept thinking the presents were good things i needed to pick up.... I died a few times before realizing that lol.

Dig Deeper caught my eye due to the amount of polish I saw from the thumbnail, itch page and screenshots.

Immediately when launching the game I was pleased to see that this was true! From the art, audio, and gameplay feel the game was a joy to experience. My particularly favorite part was the character portraits on the UI, I wish there were more backstory on those weird circle guys!

As for the gameplay, the thing that stuck out to me was that the tank's hitbox felt too big. I really wanted to weave between the bullets but I felt way too fat. Maybe im missing some kind mechanic..

The reload mechanic was neat since it made me have to strategically plan when I took my attention off the bullets to the reload spin. Kind of a funny parallel there... changing focus from bullets that harm you to bullets that help you.

My final note, it was hard to play on browser since when you die the exit button is right in the middle of the screen when I would click to shoot bullets. I kept accidently freezing the game by dying and then clicking exit on accident.

Good job on this jam! You guys definitely should be proud.

As a fan of movement shooters such as ultra kill, quake, and apex legends this game caught my eye.

I really wanted to like this game but I was having so many issues running the game as well as crashes. The game would freeze seemingly random when shooting bullets, when I finally reached the end of the first boss, my game crashed on my last rocket that would've defeated him. Such a bummer because I had felt like I had just gotten the hang of things!

From what I did experience though, I enjoyed fighting on tight ropes, this was a new experience for me and it forced me to fight the clown slower and a bit more methodically vs frantically jumping around and risking taking damage by falling to the bottom. I would've loved to see more interesting ways to use the tight ropes to gain height or even have the boss cut ropes.

As for the spinning mechanic I thought it was fine, the animation of spinning the wheel was really well done and having the variety of "bullets" to use kept things fresh. I wish there were more interesting strategies to use with each bullet, I felt like I could use all of them at the same range and sorta get the same amount of damage done.

Other than the crashes I was having, the game was fun to learn! Would love to see you explore more player movement options with what you have already.

I am a fan of "Boomer Shooters" so I was very excited to find this game and try it out as you've labeled it "A PS1/Doom-like game".

Loading into first level I was tasked to blast a cry baby which awakens this spiral city reminiscent of the labyrinth found in Junji Ito's Spiral Horror Manga Uzamaki. I was hooked! With the rocking music and dark environment I was ready to slay some demons. I found though that I was mainly doing walking rather than finding and slaying the 10 demons I was tasked to slay. Perhaps if the spiral maze was smaller or there were more enemies closer together I would've enjoyed the game more. Additionally I kept glitching through the walls of the spiral maze and kept getting confused on my location because of that.

Overall I like the premise of getting through the maze to get to the center, I just wish the game was a bit more compact or perhaps there were checkpoints.

Had fun with this one!

Death by anime devil girl was not what I expected to experience during this game jam! With such a bold concept for your game I was really glad to see that there was a lot of style used when creating the menus and UI. It really reminded me of something I would see in the game Catherine mixed with Persona. The sense of style really got me ready for this boss fight.

After reading through the tutorial and selecting my platonic shape, I was ready to defeat the boss but really fell flat on understanding the controls. The tutorial mentioned that I needed to use my scroll wheel so I kept using that to try and launch the cube. Unfortunately I kept dying. For me, with a more refined control scheme or maybe better tutorial would help me alot.

I chose to play this game initially because of your unique art style, once I was greeted to your quirky title screen I was excited to try your game out.  After a strong start, the first thing I noticed when hitting start was the wall of text which put a slight damper on my excitement.  I think it would've been a bit more fun as the player to get to play though a tutorial before entering the fight with the boss instead of reading how to play.

Regardless, I was pleased to see that my masked muscular friend's weapon of choice was the good ole spike ball and chain. It was fun to see this guy swing around this weapon like it was a toy. Although muscle man was having an easy time with the weapons, I unfortunately was not. The controls felt clunky. The animations didn't feel quite right on the left click attack. Also the boss's attack hitboxes were unclear. I ended up opting in to use the right click throw attack and run away from the boss which worked out great for me.

After defeating the barrel demon, I was pleased to be greeted with a fun ending title scene of our protagonist eating the yummy meal he deserved.

I think the idea is there,  I would love to see more time spent on tightening up the controls and animation, which is so important for an action game like this.

Congrats on your game The gameplay and movement feel great, I like the visuals and music, its very playful and fun.

Could have more depth with enemy attacks, weapons, or movement.  You should totally keep working on this !

Love the name of your game and thumbnail, its why I clicked it! Playing through your game felt very cozy. It reminded me of exploring flash games on newgrounds and also duck game. The wheel of weapon randomization is a great way to keep player approaches to combat fresh. Adding more over the top weapon variety to the wheel could be a good way to make the game more action packed.

This game reminds me of boxhead rooms! The controls feel very responsiv which I appreciate. The sounds are a bit all over the place in terms of volume. The art could use work, but 3D is very hard to do solo esp.

Where is the spinning at? I was hoping to see that somewhere!

For what it is though I do like it!

For a game that is movement based, the controls are very hard to wield imo. I want to feel like its easy to dodge and deal damage. The difficulty feels like its more from the controls rather than the design of the bosses.

That being said, the presentation is neat! It reminded me of enter the gungeon.

I like the opening animation that you use. Very artistic and interesting. I wanted to see more of that style used in your game!

I played so much touhou and dodonpachi growing up, this is such a nice love letter to those games. love the inspired aesthetics and beautiful bullet patterns.

this really reminded me of something i would've played on newgrounds back in the day. really enjoyed the clear and playful direction you took with this. it worked and felt inspired!

Great atmosphere and fun boss diversity. The prisoner final phase rocked and I enjoyed being chased by him. My only thing is I wish the guns had more oomf, i wanted my headphones to rattle. but thats just me!

I really enjoyed the environment and the dark souls feel of exploring. First boss was a bit difficult for me but it was fun to try.

I think that there were many different things regarding mechanics being explored and imo I got a bit confused. That being said, the first half of the game I was having fun with the moody abandoned school feeling. very creepy.

Gameplay was a bit confusing for me, but i DID enjoy the care and effort put into the art and sound design. Enjoyed the art book inclusion as well.

I totally watched Beyblade growing up and this was a dope reminder of that. I liked how you handled the camera work in the boss stage.  It was fun to have so many options to attack.

I really enjoyed the retro music! It reminds me of ridge racer, I love ridge racer.