I appreciate the clarification. But reading your comment felt very much like you expected this game to be something it wasn't. it felt angry and wasn't overly pleasant to read first thing in the morning. personally if I were to ask the same questions I would never use "YOU" as it feels more like a personal attack against the dev as opposed to asking "why is spin its own turn". clearing the air and approaching these questions at face value. yes I am proud of my work. the classes are important in regards to the modes system. simplistically it boils down to:
attack mode = knight does more damage
balance = all do more damage with an extra boost being given to the Rogue
magic = mage does more damage
defence = all do less damage with the added benefit of taking less damage from the bosses
why is rotation its own turn?
simplistically it boils down to making it an equally important to moving, attacking or using an action. this is to both help it relate to the theme of spin and to elevate the importance of positioning when attacking or taking damage from a boss as yes positions party members to hit from the sides and the back was something I wanted to focus on.
what's the deal with the arrow?
the arrow is both a technical and game design decision. due to the hit boxes of the party members and their ability to work out their distance to the boss and weather they are in range, they are quite large. this leads to trying to click one party member while accidentally hitting someone else. the game play reason is due to the size of the boss it can completely obscure the party member. creating the arrow allows you to engage even if that party member is not visible. for a follow up I would add a secondary hit box to detect if the player is clicking the party member as well as utilising the pointer.
as for the last question I am a fan of the games that inspired NOVA. but those games aren't what you're thinking of. my greatest inspirations for developing Nova where Final fantasy Xiii and The last remnant. (games that if you've played id suspect you wouldn't be a fan of) while this game may look like into the breach in some ways the actual games to inspire my work weren't into the breach or final fantasy tactics.