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(1 edit)

When I won it said I didn't sacrifice my enemies to achieve my goal, but  I literally killed them?

I was also never told I could climbo onto enemies to proceed on some levels, and I had to read the comments of the jam to figure that out.

Controls are also super floaty, I can't control my jump height so it can be very frustrating on some levels.

And for the theme, why do black holes appear when I kill enemies? It feels like something that was just jammed into the game to fit the theme.

I think you killed an enemy and then died and you passed the level without killing?

If not can you tell me which level you killed an enemy?

Jumping on enemies was something that was supposed to be found by the player! So they learn they can use their enemies in a good way!

Spoiler ahead:

And about the theme:If you kill an enemy you will see another ending(I don't know why you didn't saw that but you can check it in my walkthrough )

The ending says Each enemy you killed had a family and by killing them you made hole in their life that can not be filled.

So basically black holes represent the holes you made in their family.

Thank you for playing!