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Iggy イゴル

A member registered Nov 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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I'm sorry, I can't account for mods. This is meant to work with vanilla, mods may add new elements that Dwarven Surveyor simply cannot parse

Awesome, thanks!!

Hello once again, I have added a button that does what you did (setting it to 1920x1080) and saves it on the preferences, so hopefully you can just click that button and then you don't have to worry about command line stuff. Let me know if it works, if not I can patch it quickly!

Oh... huh, interesting! In that case I might be able to devise a solution! Let me check again :)

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Yeah, I'm taking a look and it just breaks completely on such a massive resolution. Do you have another smaller monitor to run DS on?

Hey, I will give it a look. I'll try to simulate your resolution and see if I can fix it.

If it is THAT EASY then I can give it a try and see if it works!

I would but I am but a humble unity/windows developer and I have no idea how to do that! haha

Hey! Not quite, it's more like an external tool/helper that helps you visualize data with exported files! I hope you enjoy! 😋😬📮

Oh shoot that is amazing! Thanks for sharing!!

Just a tip, it's not a good idea to use the theme of the jam as the name of your game, not only it's not very original, but also when I download multiple games from the jam to test, your game will be mixed with the games of people who did the same.

The concept is really nice, but it is really not balanced at all. i know it's a gamejam but it's possible (and happens frequently) that I just start the game dying, or I jump into a hole and then instantly die because I have 0.0001 seconds to react.

Balance and polish it and you have a nice little mobile game. Go get rich!

The art is nice, it's especially impressive if you made it from scratch for this jam.

I could not figure out what to do. The slime is too op, he keeps bouncing me around and the range of my pickaxe seems to be too short.

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Windows flagged it as a virus so I'm not going to install it :(

-Controls are veeery floaty and there is a lot of decay. I understand the gravity/space theme but I feel they could still be a bit tighter

-There is no tutorial (unless it was explained in the beggining text which was very slow) so I took some time to learn how to play

Not bad! I love how it's a rocket flying through this medieval-looking cave with torches for light. haha The fact that you have a working global scoreboard is impressive. May I ask what asset, if any, are you using for that?

One tip, if you make the particles (for the thruster) be in world space instead of local space, it looks a lot more fluid!

Good job!

The UI is nice, but I wonder how does this fit the theme?

What did you make the game with? Chrome blocked the download because it's an exe and then I forced it to download and then windows defender blocked it as well. I guess i'm not playing it

The game gets stuck when I reach the end of the first level ): I press every button and key and nothing happens.

 It's nice. Reminds me of that oldschool mechanical arcade game where you lift a ball with a bar and you have to put it in one of the holes. I like how it's possible to play with 2 players. Good job!

You are new to unity? If so that's impressive man. Good joob :)

Oh no? That's a bummer :/

Wow, if you made the art and music from scratch for this gamejam I am impressed.

Great to have little things like choosing the gender of your character in gamejams :) Good job.

Just be careful with naming your game though :( A very popular and successful game with the same name already exists.

Haha such a cute game.

Nice overall!

Interesting! That might be a bug. As you get closer to the final level, you get less and less reference objects (by a random amount). I might have forgotten to force the game to give you 1 or 2 at the very least every single time. Thanks for playing!!

Congrats on your first game :) Construct is a nice tool.

Watch out for high pitched noises and volumes in games. I was playing with headphones and the initial sound (plus the sound effects) pierced my eardrums.

Also the about section is impossible to read, it's such a tiny text that I couldn't read it even by squinting.

I pressed all the buttons on my keyboard and they did nothing. I couldn't figure out how to play.

What I meant by game name buddies is that the games that we made for this gamejam are similar (mine is memory lane, yours is memory hole) and that's kinda nice haha

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Very nice - is the art and music made from scratch just for this gamejam? If so i'm impressed.

Level design is great, except that there are no checkpoints. After the fourth try i just closed the game. Remember that in gamejams people have dozens of games to try so oftentimes they don't want to spend 15 minutes on a single game.

Also what ties this to the theme? The fact that there are "holes" between each level?

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Nice! Feels a lot like papers please.

And the model looks awfully similar to Eve from Wall-E.

Sound effects are quite nice!

I found a bug - when you try to quit the game you get an error on your browser.

Also our games are game name buddies :)

Graphics and UI look really nice - did you make it from scratch?

The AI cone of vision isn't super precise, I could hide in a corner where it would clearly collide with me but the AI wasn't triggered.

Also I can't seem to beat level 2, when I find the sun, I get a weird message ("think you"?) and a retry button as if I failed.

The controls need to be a bit tighter. Brackeys made a video on this (look for 2D movement in unity, on youtube). 

It is very frustrating when your character doesn't jump when you press space, or when it gets stuck on ledges. The level design is a bit ruthless, when you start to reach the top it seems that certain platforms vanish on you with no way to get back up. If at least the controls were a bit less frustrating it would be easier to circumvent, but as they aren't, it ends up being super frustrating when you're near the top.

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When I won it said I didn't sacrifice my enemies to achieve my goal, but  I literally killed them?

I was also never told I could climbo onto enemies to proceed on some levels, and I had to read the comments of the jam to figure that out.

Controls are also super floaty, I can't control my jump height so it can be very frustrating on some levels.

And for the theme, why do black holes appear when I kill enemies? It feels like something that was just jammed into the game to fit the theme.

Lovely game! I love how you have a simple set of mechanics adn rules and you iterate a lot to get as much as you can out of them. Good job on the level design.

Interesting. I played for a bit and couldn't see that the damage in the tower was actually made by holes. Nice work with physics, good job :)

Curious, how does your game fit the theme?