Right from the start I liked the vibe: gentle sway of the camera in the main menu, light music, ambient noise. I just started drinking my morning coffee on a cloudy snowy day, and I think it also contributed to the experience. The sounds of menu buttons also added to the feel - something I didn't have time to add in my own game.
The intro is so clear and funny: your boss firing you while looking at you through the window. So he waited for you to ALMOST come to work and only then sent the texts. Workers' chatting sounds were annoying so it felt nice to knock them around so that they shut up. I tried to knock the first guard too so he got me. I Loved that you can start running even before the camera pans to your first person. By the time the boss stopped texting the second time I was on the stairs to the second floor.
Then it turned into a little horror game, I was afraid of getting stuck somewhere and getting caught by the guards but their speed made it ok to loop back sometimes. Higher floors had some cool rooms I wish I wasn't afraid to look at more (cus of guards). Knocking down the boss felt satisfying, also his mid-air texts were funny.
The outdoor level design reminded me of the first level in the original Hitman and Silent Hill, pretty charming and atmospheric. Gracias for creating this experience, Luna!