Only got visited twice on the first day and accumulated around 6k points, slept through the whole workday. THAT'S THE LIFE!!!
Snail's Pace
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Arming the missle was a lot of fun, catching parts of the relic was a bit too easy but not boring. The power cranking felt a bit tedious, I wish I could do it faster. The art and the sounds together with switching between different systems to contol the submarine felt like really pleasant and engaging experience. Also the length of the game was just perfect.
I liked the mood of the game and the soundtrack is quite relaxing. I got stuck on the 3rd level when I puched the cube into a wall and couldn't move it anymore. So I couldn't block the ray of light with it. Then I replayed the game until that moment and tried pushing it into the gap. The cube went flying into the opposite wall, getting stuck again. That was pretty funny but I couldn't progress past that. Would be nice to have a "restart the level" button
I liked that the idea hits the theme 100%, the music made me nod my head while picking-up the energy things. I especially liked the generous pick-up range and the bounce-refresh mechanic. Felt very natural and satisfying. The score numbers popping was a nice touch too. Was a bit confused by the house
Whiskers is the hardest worker! These little manipulators refused to work without sleep but could play with their toys forever with 0 energy. I also liked that Forklift had a toy right next to the treadmill and when he got tired, he just slipped down into it and started chilling. A great choice was not to punish the player for not taking care of the cats before their resource completely depleted so I could role-play the realistic manager - tending to the worker only once they've fallen.
Haha, the setting is genius: cars ramming into a powerplant and plants protecting it.
I lost my first run because I wanted to make the shortest route and as a result my plants didn't have enough time to destroy the cars. Then I understood the goal and once I figured out the building spawning pattern, I really liked making circular roads to make their paths as long as possible.
I wish it was possible to zoom out and also an option to speed up the game because once you get to a certain scale, it takes ages for the cars to go through my circles of hell before getting to the deadly plants that end their misery. All in all, I had fun!
I liked the mechanic of throwing the scythe, didn't even slash the paper because throwing was more fun. It's nice that there was a choice like that. Please, add controls description to the game page. After finishing the tutorial I forgot how to return the scythe and some bad throws resulted in me losing and having to restart from a checkpoint. It would be nice if I used the "return" instead of "teleport to". Also level design was quite satisfying: clear puzzles (at least at the start) with little "aha" moments. Good luck with polishing it! It has a lot of potential to be a great action/puzzle platformer.
Awesome idea that reminded me of my childhood. First time I wanted to see different animals, so the bees got me. The second time I tried spamming monkeys for ranged attacks + turtles for tanking the damage. The strat worked well until I got to the dinosaurs, they left me with 2 monkeys :(
Next wave of bears and eagles finished the job. I didn't see the endgame screen, the bears just went back outside the screen and I was left with a blank page. I realised I lost but not seeing the "Game Over" text made me feel a little better than the first time. Cool idea and execution!
Right from the start I liked the vibe: gentle sway of the camera in the main menu, light music, ambient noise. I just started drinking my morning coffee on a cloudy snowy day, and I think it also contributed to the experience. The sounds of menu buttons also added to the feel - something I didn't have time to add in my own game.
The intro is so clear and funny: your boss firing you while looking at you through the window. So he waited for you to ALMOST come to work and only then sent the texts. Workers' chatting sounds were annoying so it felt nice to knock them around so that they shut up. I tried to knock the first guard too so he got me. I Loved that you can start running even before the camera pans to your first person. By the time the boss stopped texting the second time I was on the stairs to the second floor.
Then it turned into a little horror game, I was afraid of getting stuck somewhere and getting caught by the guards but their speed made it ok to loop back sometimes. Higher floors had some cool rooms I wish I wasn't afraid to look at more (cus of guards). Knocking down the boss felt satisfying, also his mid-air texts were funny.
The outdoor level design reminded me of the first level in the original Hitman and Silent Hill, pretty charming and atmospheric. Gracias for creating this experience, Luna!
Cool art. Got hit a couple of times before I figured out where I was. Then I found out that the top right corner lets you completely dodge the deers, spiders and almost all of the dogs and people attacks. It was a cool knowledge-based touch, whether it was designed or random. I don't think I would last long if I had to dodge them fair :)
Wanted to see the bad ending, so I lasted for about 15 waves. Nice experience playing the game, even though the power doesn't play that big a role in the gameplay.
I thought I'd play only once but when I saw the leaderboard, I had to get the high score. I didn't in the end but it was pretty fun to try to come up with a strategy of making money faster. The end jump is a bit unfair as no matter the power you've got, it's really hard to do a vertical jump and bouncing off walls slows you down a lot and doesn't let you land at the top platform.
It felt hard to cast and move simultaneously until I discovered that I can infinitely type. So I was spam pressing "HOT" keys as fast as I could while running around. I had a long line saying "HTOHTTOTOHOHTOHTOH" but a couple of times per second I'd get a fireball in and that was pretty fun :)
I wish I could find some "HEAL" spell though. Maybe there is one, I just couldn't find it.
Also enemy spawn rate feels quite high at the moment, it didn't allow me to look at the surroundings or explore much.
I died once while trying to figure how the systems work. It's awesome that you can do it just by jumping into the gameplay. Once I figured out that you don't really need a shield if you look at the mini-map and pre-shoot enemies from afar, it was fun to patrol the map and sometimes grab a power in order to keep the damage at the max and speed at the medium level. Good job!
Man, this is the best game I've played so far. I beat it with about 4 deaths and trying not to die more was a really cool challenge. The only drawback is that I'm not sure if it fits the theme that well. I mean the only connection to "power" is the background story.
The mechanic is just amazing, I loved how my brain was reacting to the desired positions almost automatically while I'd played only for a couple of minutes at that point. Can't remember the last time I felt like I was learning a new game skill in such a fluent and engaging way. +The shake effect, the particle effect, the sounds and music made it feel really impactful. Definitely had a blast with the game.
Was a bit confused with how the number of health points changes after death. First you have 1, then 2, next about 7, feels like a strange progression but I didn't mind it.
What an awesome game! I loved the element of chaos your throws have.
1) I really liked throwing stuff in its place. Even though it would often end up upside down, I got the +1 point which was satisfying but also funny. That was a great decision not to punish for wrong object rotation.
2) It's also satisfying to intentionally fail pick-up checks by using too much force in order to move a thing just a bit forward.
I'd add a little instruction which explains what you should do. On my first launch I thought the goal was to remove the furniture because I didn't notice the transparent copies. Then I thought these copies were the "original places" because I picked the already set furniture from it's spot.
Anyway, after restarting the game and trying the second time I realised that the next "target piece" spwans at the door and then finally understood that once you pick it up it shows you where you should put it.
All in all, a really satisfying and refreshing experience.