This is a very cool looking game. I really wanted to like it more, and for there to be more, but the controls make it hard to really appreciate. The issue is one part boss design and one part controls.
- The rover has a gun that shoots where you look. You can drive in a different direction to where you're looking. There's a big monster you have to shoot and avoid at the same time. A good start.
- The shooting is at it's worst when you have to aim upward, which would be fine if the boss weren't spending most of its time above you, which it is. Additionally, there's no tension while the boss is up there - you're just waiting around for it to come down, so you can shoot it.
- The bullets take time to travel, meaning you have to lead your shots. This would be fine if the boss were spending most of its time near you, however, most of the time it's extremely far away, making leading near impossible.
- The best time to shoot the boss is when it's chasing you, meaning you need to drive away and shoot. This would be fine, however: If you drive while you're shooting, the camera tries to look where you're moving, meaning you have to wrestle against the controls to get your shots in.
- Your only way of dodging any attack is to drive away. The boss' only attack is to walk on top of you. This doesn't really work in practice, as the boss is either chasing you and you can easily outrun it, or it's already on top of you and you just have to wait until it kills you, you kill it, or it decides to stop.
There is a kind of boss where this exact setup works. One that you have to chase around (so you can shoot where the camera wants to point), that attacks with slow moving projectiles (you drive around to avoid them), and one that stays on the same level or close to, so you don't have to aim up or down too far to shoot it.
There is a kind of handling setup where this kind of boss works, one with better long-range attack capability, better aiming angles, a gyroscopic camera, and more options for dealing with a melee boss that you need to avoid
The best part of this game is its visuals, and I liked the sound as well.