where did you get stuck at if you dont mind me asking? was it a bug or a solution thing?
Viewing post in Anemia Ampere jam comments
I guess I can't really elaborate without spoilers, so other readers beware!
After the room with Roy, the following puzzle area seemed bugged in a couple ways... The wall south of the first lever and wall opposite it could just be walked through (I only tried AFTER flipping the lever, wasn't sure if it was always that way). There was a destructible wall near a leaking pipe I was able to see but simply could not punch nor shoot, no matter where I tried. Eventually I found I could grab a fuse through the northernmost room by clicking over a wall from the hanging gear room, but it still couldn't help me beat the room, even out of sequence. :(
so the ospulvis punch is a little iffy... to fix it i think you need to hover your cursor over it then punch! that should fix it! if you wanna skip back to where you were at use the 0 key to skip the rooms until youre back to where youre at! i promise you the ending is worth it :3 i hope you can finish it!!