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This was really creative! I beat the game and quite enjoyed my time with it, trying to puzzle it all out! Really nice work! :D

Neat little mechanics for a little rage game! I'm a bit uncertain about the crowns as the first one I got would randomly despawn or get stuck in the ceiling with my extra high jumps, but I like the size of the map and the jumping mechanics at their core for sure. :P

Maybe I just didn't understand how the crown worked very well or some of the disappearing blocks that wouldn't disappear, but it's pretty cool on the whole

Really cute little game! The art was nice and the music was good! I feel like I was able to max out all the upgrades pretty early on compared to when the end of the game was, but then I just got to watch some cute cat carnage. :P

Fun stuff! :D

Fun little game! You absolutely fly around those dungeons! I liked the Mega Man style sprite, the art was cute, the music was nice and learning the mechanics was pretty cool! I wish the upgrades told you what they did, I could tell on a couple of them, but not all of them.

Nice game though! :O

I think I have moved up in the snail world with my quick-thinking improv mad libbing!

That was a really silly little game, you did a nice job! Was fun and a bit panic-inducing coming up with words and for whatever reason I've learned I cannot come up with negative adjectives on the spot I guess, haha

I was a very good little frong. Nicely programmed little game with a couple of visual bugs on the tongue at times, but the game played pretty well! :D Nice work

That game was really awesome! The art and animation is great, the gameplay feels really good, the music and sound are nice!

My only issues are just kind of nitpicky... There wasn't a super clear indication of when an enemy was at low health and the ranged and melee enemies were hard to tell apart until they started attacking. Trying to throw someone near any wall, even away from the wall often had them hit it immediately...

But the game as a whole was really well put together! It's very well polished and feels incredibly competent and good to play! :D

I was out of the loop for a while but I have finally completed Shpoobo. I apologize for the late review and rating, was a very intense experience. Thank you for the game

Cute and simple little game! :D I liked the fun little text messages throughout. 'sup to you too!

It sure was over-powered after I set it up just right, hohoho

This is why you gotta clean the room or the sports equipment and food will rebel.

This got maybe  a little too chaotic once that aforementioned "event" started up, haha. Definitely added challenge

A relatively simple concept of a game with some cute artwork to make it more appealing. Silly moles making me look bad as I fumble around my keyboard, dang. :/

Cute stuff!

Cute art style and a really simple concept, but done pretty nicely! :D

The first time the intense music kicked in it was the second I ran out of fuel on my very first attempt so I thought it was just the theme for having no fuel, which seemed weird, but was still an awesome theme! :P

Got that cat all sorts of cat foods and ended in the top 19%, wooo!

Super nice custom sound effects, really creative idea, some of those missions popping up can really put you in a bind down the line when you got so much stuff cemented!

Really fun, nice and creative! I got a windmill going SO powerful though that the effects would continue happening if I stopped, moved stuff, and started again before it all had a chance to die down from the previous attempt. :P

Real cool stuff!

This game refused to work with a couple of my controllers, but I eventually found one that works! I like the idea of diverting power between different stats to help you out, but I don't think I'd have the reflexes and memory to know what to switch and when. Still, really nice art and gameplay! I feel like the music may have started looping over itself a couple times and I couldn't really tell how much health I had, but it was a fun little game!

Dang, this was something I was not getting into at all at first. I made the mistake of skimming through the instructions for controls and that was it and I didn't get how weapons worked, but once I understood, I was really enjoying this. The sprites are silly and expressive, the atmosphere is goofy overall and the mechanics are creative!

My only gripe in trying to judge it by its deadline release was that I did get softlocked right near the end... :(

The art style is really cool and low-poly! The groundwork is here for a cool little game for sure, definitely would like to see more variety in turrets and enemies, but as it stands with the short time you had to work on it, you made a cool little game!

Eyyy! Punched them all out! Scrolled down through the comments here and saw that someone else experience the lack of ending, thanks for sharing what it would have been! Would have been a bummer to have missed it altogether! 

Nice art, good game, really putting my typing to the test with some of those onomatopoeias. :P

Beat them all, no enhancements. Winners don't use drugs. >:(

Really nice art style, cool music and sound, really captured that old Resident Evil era fixed camera angle thing! That last gauntlet was really rough to memorize and there were some points around the room with the gears where I feel like the camera angle didn't really change when it should have leading to some repeated, blind deaths, but overall the game was really well put together! Nice work!

This game looked great, sounded great, and was super easy to pick up and play! The tutorial did a nice job teaching the mechanics as I went, really awesome little game! Very well done! :D

I got to 10! Powerfully jumping fella. Some of those jumps feel nice and satisfying to really calculate and figure out! 

Very simple game, but it does its job! Nice work

I thought this was really cool! I watched the cutscenes through the game page as I went through the game, they were quite sad, but nicely animated. 

There were some moments of near softlocking by exiting possessions at the wrong time and that conveyor at the end, goodness. The character design looked really good! Nice work

This is really rad! :D

The art style is really awesome and the sprites turned out great! The combat is tough, but you kinda figure it out steadily the more you play!

My one main gripe is that I feel like the multi-directional punch upgrade should almost be a starter ability... Still really cool!

Oh yes, I think a hero's path would be very useful information so you can plan accordingly! :D

Keep it up!

Really nice animating! The lower frame rate of the character on the smooth camera works kinda made them look stop motion or something! The combat was a little iffy and the walls seemed more like suggestions at times, but it was still pretty well made and cool!

Really interesting game and twist on a dungeon! There's a lot of cool ideas in here, the sprites are nice! I feel like the hero teleports around a bit in the boss fight which makes them tricky to hit...

I wish you could scrap or move or recycle objects and I wish you got a little more description on some of the items like the key's one-time use... It also was a bit of a bummer that the hero knew the direct path as I tried to set up some of the side rooms and they became utterly useless until I could buy a key. :P

Still, a really awesome idea and some really nice visuals, I think it's great!

Oh nooo! My Aperture Science Jedi Training was almost compleeeete! There's a bit of geometry in what I assume has to be the final stage where you can get stuck between the wall and a small platform... The game was SO good and really clever! Really great visuals and sounds and polish it felt so great to play... Good job!

I played it for a while! I think it's been mentioned below, but there's a point where the game gets as hard as it's going to get and it's pretty early on. That said, I pushed around, I liked seeing the buildings become transparent as you pass behind them! 

The pixel art is really well done, lots of nice effects with limited colors and some nice dithering transitions for gradients, I really like the nice touch of using the same page background color as the Game Over screen's darkest purple, it looks really good! 

Very solid game, just needs more on top of the foundation you've set up!

This game was wild and took some serious getting used to. You do get the hang of it at a steady pace as the levels continue to grow more difficult, elaborate, and complex! Some of the stages feel a little insane as you make progress and I kind of wish there was maybe a button to allow movement without grabbing...

The art is nice, the opening cutscene was silly, gameplay is very creative! Nicely done! :O

This is a super awesome little game! The song's cool, the story's funny, the graphics look nice, I feel like my only complaint was hitting the end for the first time and seeing that that was the end of the course and game. :(

Would love to see more, great work!

Thank you! Yes, we only had three people on the team submit their voice to the game, but I wanted to make sure each character spawned specifically using one voice set, haha.

I think it's a very common and completely understood complaint that it's hard to read the power bar not only because it doesn't typically show where your red health is, but in combat it's very out of the way and difficult to look up at when planning attacks.

Thanks for playing! <3

I felt bad about leaving so much criticism in frustration and after cooling off a bit I played through the game again in its entirety. A very important thing in the game is pressing R to restart the stage. I was expecting the game to be something that I could claw my way back up from if I got knocked down too many power levels, but it feels more like trying to string together a combo throughout the stage and if you mess up in the middle, you need to reset.

That's not a bad thing at all, but I misunderstood that being the angle and must have overlooked the R to restart thing the first time. First attempt, any time I messed up I would just sit back and wait for the train to try again. Re-rating your game with a new perspective, sorry for not understanding it the first go around

Hey, that was really cool! The puzzles were nice, the sprites were real cute, I didn't run into many bugs (definitely nothing game breaking anyways!).

Certainly could have used some music or sounds, but for a solo, first-time project it was awesome! Nice work! :D

This has a lot of potential, but I think the combat is a little unfair and the platforming and wall collision could use some work, as well as shadows on the checkered tiled obstacles.

The art is really cool, the music is fun, the story is pretty funny, I liked the tutorial at the start! :P

Alright uhhh... There's a lot of cool ideas it looks like! I don't think most of the puzzles in that first puzzle room work or do anything. I'm not a big fan of slider puzzles, but I solved that one, that seemed to work, yay. I think the first puzzle was making sure you collected all the files so the game could run...

Playthrough one: The green ball got stuck and couldn't move overhead, the blue ball fell off the puzzle in the back of the room and couldn't be retrieved or reset and the puzzle with the peg you could place didn't seem to do anything regardless of what peg it was inserted in.


Playthrough two: The green ball got stuck and couldn't move overhead, the blue ball fell off the puzzle again.


Playthrough three: Jumped the gun and pulled the stick down and the ball was able to advance where it fell out of the map and slowly rolled across the floor of the museum. Blue ball fell off the puzzle again.

I think the game has potential, I just don't think anything works at all. The art is really cool and the setting is nice and the game sounds good on paper! :(

Really nice pixel art and effects on the background through the marble itself! Nice music, solid, simple sounds. This was absolutely beautiful and you all did a really fantastic job on it! :D

Really nice models and animation! The music is fun and sounds are OK! I feel like some of those pitch patterns you just wouldn't know where to be without some trial and error or RNG. :P

Neat little game, cool environment to walk around. If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend the show "Breaking Bad", seems like it'd be up your alley. :O

This was a really awesome little thing you put together, super creative, really well-made and bouncy animations and models! I was quite enjoying the creative puzzles and mechanics! I ended up softlocking the game here in the screenshot where I couldn't give, take, or leave, but the frog seemed pretty happy so I am too. :D

Absolutely fantastic work, the polish and everything just look so great on this!

That was a really interesting experience. Really nice art and perspective work. Funny twist. :P

Y'all baddies don't wanna see me when I got my teddy bear