Game softlocked here but this is how far I was.
At a certain point it becomes basically impossible to loose I think.
Here is some feedback:
- I kinda wish the randomization of stats wasn't that aggressive. It makes the combat a bit too random in the beginning and can really screw you over. Later on it doesn't matter as much as because you are just insanely overpowered.
- Movement vector doesn't seem to be normalized, this makes it feel a bit jank in my opinion.
- Shooting is just objectively better than melee. In the beginning there is a point to be made that melee makes the sniper enemies easier to deal with but after the range upgrades hit critical mass there is just no reason to use it anymore.
- Passive power regen is something that makes passive play very appealing. You can just stall out the time after only one enemy is left and fill all of your power meter and then just purchase every upgrade.
Really liked the music and artwork.
Great game overall, I enjoyed it quite a bit and would probably have continued if it didn't softlock. Great stuff.