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Wow, what a game. I have never played something with a plot so intricate. Very ‘‘When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it’’. Huge philosophic cosmic shit going on. I loved the art, the characters and the melodrama. The only thing bugging me is the fact that the sexual scene of Amicus and Neferu is way more explicit, shocking, and way not, hotter than all the romantic interactions between Amicus and the protagonist combined. I'm a huge fan of Neferu but is not him the one I want to see making passionate love with Amicus. Amicus and the protagonist need more CG romantic art. Also, putting a face in the protagonist is not going to hurt anyone and it would be easier to draw in the interactions between him and the rest of the characters. Sorry if I write too much, I’m just a huge fan and can’t wait for the complete work to be released.