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A member registered Feb 23, 2020

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Really excited about this final version. Can't wait! But also I'm kinda sad it will end there. Hope you guys decide to continue making more games like this, specially some kind of spin-off to this story.

Hi, can someone tell me how to make the Spectral Poison and where to find the Unknown Specific, please. I don't wanna end up killing John's character.

Man, the new update is Awesome!!! So much has change, for the better. Great work, really. And love where the plot is going. I’m only going to ask for three things. 1: A new screenshot button since the key S no longer works.  2: Sprites for old and new enemies with still no image, plus CG for some scenes in the game, and well, new enemies and characters more based in mythology, and maybe hybrids. I'm really curious of what would happen if Korg gets bitten by the Alpha werewolf. And 3: More romantic interactions with other characters. No sex, just more romance, like we are doing with Logan.

This is my favorite visual novel so far. I just love the drama and the romance in it. It made laugh, it made me cry, and even question some of my believes and life choices. It had me hooked to the computer for hours, or days. I give it a 10/10. The only thing I wasn't a big fan of was the description Neferu gave about the Other. Don't get me wrong, is so good, just really really scary.

Yeah, I know. Sorry. Just want it to be clear to avoid misinterpretations.

Well, maybe some players  are not into that, the same way some are against dating multiple partners. In the game you literally kidnap this creatures from their habitat, then throw them in jail and visit them in order to take advantage of their lonely horny state. If on top of that you put them to work for you just because you can, it kinda sounds like slavery to me. Definitively doesn't sound like spa treatment. But hey, it's just a game and it can be played however you want. That's the hole point.

I would like to keep them as servants, like teach them how to clean and chop wood and stuff. Use werewolves as guard dogs, wererats as housemaids and lizardmen to help with the garden or something like that and reward them with food and sex. I know it sounds like slavery but it´s way better than put them in a cell to rot. Or maybe hold them in the prison in order to cure the curse of lust or give them the antilycan. But maybe for future development, I'm more interested in the plot and every new character and species than anything else.

Hi. I can't take screenshots  in this new update. I downloaded a second time just in case but still can't do it.

Oh My God, I didn’t realized how fun it’s to interact with Caleb. He is hilarious, silly and pervy. He’s my favorite. I hope he is given more interaction with the MC in the future, whether it’s romantic, just sex or simply character development. Also, thank you very much for the update, that was a nice Christmas present.

I have a question, or a suggestion? Can I have a bigger garden, with nine slots instead of six? And capable of growing in there Diabolic Herb and Succubus Leaf? It would be so helpful.

I'm a big fan of Lustful Desires and I found myself waiting for the end of every month so I can download the newest updated and see whats new. But is a great game. One of the best I've played. I hope that by the end of the game I get to have a Happy Ending with whatever character I choose because I'm literally in love with every single one of them.

And one of my favorites thinks of LS is the possibilities of meeting new characters of new different species. And looking at the map, there is a lot in the world yet to discover.

Another suggestion, I already have the horse and the dog, but it would be really cool if I could ride a raptor or have a domesticated wolf as my companion. Or capturing the stag that sometimes appears when you are fighting the satyr. Or if some day you decide to add a Kelpie in the lake. Don't know, there are a lot of possibilities.

I think that the Krampus statue can be use in here. Like invoking Krampus or something. Maybe having the statue and a few pieces of coal for being naughty this year allow you to visit or being visited by Krampus.

How can I trigger the Logan/Korg scenes. Can't find it anywhere.

(2 edits)

Oh, I like this idea very much. Yes, they should totally do it. And not only for bandits, every time I try to have sex with Arion I lose life points that I can't get back later. Nobody can take a horse dick that easy and walk away unharmed. The lube can also be sold. Keep the ideas flowing, I like the way you think.

Ok, I got the heart from the shopkeeper. Two, actually. And complete the game to the part where I have to choose between help Logan or Bernard. How can I fight either of then in the wolves den? I heard it was an option or somethig.

How can I get a heart from the Shopkeeper Bernard? He likes me at a score of 50, what else can I do?

Wow, what a game. I have never played something with a plot so intricate. Very ‘‘When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it’’. Huge philosophic cosmic shit going on. I loved the art, the characters and the melodrama. The only thing bugging me is the fact that the sexual scene of Amicus and Neferu is way more explicit, shocking, and way not, hotter than all the romantic interactions between Amicus and the protagonist combined. I'm a huge fan of Neferu but is not him the one I want to see making passionate love with Amicus. Amicus and the protagonist need more CG romantic art. Also, putting a face in the protagonist is not going to hurt anyone and it would be easier to draw in the interactions between him and the rest of the characters. Sorry if I write too much, I’m just a huge fan and can’t wait for the complete work to be released.