There's a lot to like about this entry, great job! The art style is pretty unique and mostly cohesive throughout. I liked all the boss designs and the duck animations were very lovely. Sometimes the color palatte felt a bit all over the place so maybe locking yourself into a more limited selection of colors would help with that. The click to throw mechanic was a very fun addition and added a puzzle element to the platformy boss fights which was a really nice touch. The kitchen/chef level was brilliantly designed, and I really enjoyed figuring out how to beat the boss, really clever stuff there. The theme was not very well explored, the only reference to spin is the attack which doesn't have much to do with the game itself, so that is certainly an area of improvement. I also didn't like the voice over sections, they feel like an AI-generated voice and would have preferred some kind of sound effects over narration. Overall, there was some really interesting level design and some very nice looking art in this game with an adorable main character. I enjoyed my playthrough, good work!!