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A member registered May 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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cool game, i really enjoyed some of the puzzles you built, ended up making it to round 12 before I got too confused lol. The mechanic of not being able to stand adjacent to the green tiles made for some great puzzles and being able to pull the block toward me helped keep things from getting too frustrating as kept trapping myself otherwise. I also really appreciate the instant restart button in a puzzle game like this. One critique is that the infected/unburnable green blocks are too similar looking to the regular burnable green blocks and i think some obvious visual marking on them would help a bit here. I also think the art could use a bit of polishing but the text sections and sound effects were really well done and created a nice atmosphere. Overall i think you did an excellent job building upon the puzzles from level to level and found a nicely balanced difficulty curve which is hard to do and a crucial part of a good puzzler so kudos for that. Great entry!!

thank you for playing! nice score :) and totally agree I should have had a warning symbol pop up whenever a continent resource dropped below a certain point, it would have made things easier to follow and also built the intensity as more warnings started popping up around the map

first off incredible job!! cant believe you accomplished all this in just 72 hours that is a very impressive feat. the music, SFX/VFX, art, core gameplay, etc etc are all very polished and i could see this being a popular mobile/browser game with a few minor tweaks. Its very fun to experiment with the different tiles and the mechanic of tiles influencing your future cards is an excellent unique twist on the genre.

Some minor improvements I would suggest, without the time constraints of the jam, would be to have every tile interaction do something, as its really cool to discover all the interactions and a bit disappointing to see "no effect". One that comes to mind is I wish rain on a mountain created a waterfall tile, and maybe a flood on a mountain would cause a Niagara falls super waterfall. I really liked your evolution line from grass to swamp to morass. An achievement system would be cool too like in those combine element games for the sense of accomplishment of discovering all the world has to offer.

This was an inspiring entry to see what is possible in just 72 hours (with the requisite skill and hard work of course haha) and I think you have a great foundation for a commercial project if you wish to pursue it.

cool game, it was really satisfying to burn the green. the jump and dash felt really nice to execute too.  one critique is that sometimes i would just lose and have no idea why, like two runs i performed essentially the same, and in one it said restart and in the other it said next, so some clarification on the win/lose conditions would be nice. overall I thought this was a very enjoyable experience, the world felt cohesive and the levels were laid out nicely, with a central mechanic that was relaxing despite its destruction. great job!

There was something weird going on with my wifi network that was causing issues on other websites too, I switched to a different network and it worked this time for whatever reason!

Really neat game, love the little penguin guys and the character model its fun to zoom around the map and the character handles the slopes/hills really nicely. The camera was a little clunky but I really enjoyed the rest of the snowboarder controls. The skybox is really pretty too, I jumped off the edge one run to see what would happen and it was a nice trip into the abyss. Overall, I think you have some great models and a fun to control snowboarder that could be the start of a larger game. Nice work!

I'm getting this error message unfortunately, looks like a pretty fun game too!

thanks for playing and also the kind words, i appreciate it! glad you liked the isometric earth that was my favorite part too

really like the overall aesthetic of the game the 2-bit minimal graphics and sound effects combined with the blind mechanic gave it a really nice retro cave feel. unfortunately i couldnt get the hang of the game loop at all and felt like i would lose at random. although to be fair i very much felt like i was a blind man trapped in a cave as a result so you nailed that part. overall i thought this was a very neat idea and has some real potential. cool entry!

thanks for playing and leaving feedback bro! glad you liked the overall aesthetic i was pretty chuffed with how it turned out. and yeah it definitely needed some polishing/balancing on the main game loop theres nothing really interesting going on there. i think 25 seconds might be the current record lol.

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i enjoyed your rendition of pinball, great job on your game! the color palate works nicely, the blue and grays go well together. i thought the paddles had a good weight to them and the physics of the ball were pleasing on the eye.  the bumpers lighting up when hit was a nice touch too. just curious from your page description, what other features would you have added if you had more time?

edit: also i agree with the other comment that your theme application was a bit of a reach xD

i really like your art in this game the ship and ballons are very clean and the particle effects work really well to build atmosphere, the lava looks intimidating.  the ship controls were interesting, i found them very difficult (i suck at this game my high score on easy was 4 lol) but still fun to try and master. it took me a bit of time to figure out the game loop exactly so maybe just a how to play screen in the menu with a couple pictures could help with that. overall i though this was a really cool game with a high skill ceiling and some awesome art, nice work!

thank you for playing and the feedback! good idea with the in need indicator, a little warning symbol popping up would help a lot and add more tension as the map slowly fills up with them. id definitely add that if i ever went back to this game.

thank you for playing! and completely agree the balancing is way off i needed to spend a lot more time fine tuning that. I did want the games to be short for the theme idea of no green and life not being able to survive without it, but it could defiinitely be a lot more fair/fun than it currently is.

Awesome entry!! having the planets follow their own pre set ellipses was a really unique and cool mechanic for a "tower defense" style game and added a nice amount of depth with timing your shots. one thing that might make a fun addition is targeting the bystander planets/sun purposely (for example, if you shoot the sun it gives you some energy, or if you do enough damage to one of the smaller planets it breaks and the shrapnel can damage the humans). it was fun figuring out each attack and trying to beat the humans. love the art style of both the game and the cutscenes; the aliens actually made me laugh which was cool and the sounds you chose were great. having each attack have a specific method of firing instead of all being the same was a good touch too . one critique is with the UI, when you open the shop it blocks out half of the screen and makes it impossible to see what is happening on the battlefield. and since you spend a lot of time buying items from the shop this becomes an issue.

Overall i really enjoyed this entry with its unique take on tower defense and the funny alien backstory, great job everybody!

thanks for playing! yeah theres not much interesting going on mechanically lol by the time i had the art made and started messing around with the different bars time was up. the resource management is about as barebones as it gets haha, appreciate the feedback

cool game :) I enjoyed my time playing, theres a real nice QWOP vibey thing going on feels like a game everyone would play in the computer lab in school instead of doing our work back in the day. the sound effects are really nice and work with the music to create a real feeling atmosphere. the art works perfectly with this aesthetic too, and the way the character collapses with his glasses falling off is a nice touch. a couple additions i might suggest is some kind of display to track how far you threw and maybe crowd noises (booing, heckling, cheers, etc) depending on the quality of your throw. great job overall, this was fun!

really neat game, pixel art is gorgeous, some of my favorite i have ever seen

well if you do end up pursuing it add me to the interested persons list, just followed you here (first time doing that) so i can see the progress!

holy cow you built all this in one month?!?? Such a cool game, the monster designs are awesome, each one was unique and they all felt like part of the same world. When my little dino buddy evolved into a bigger dino buddy it I was pumped. The battle mechanics were fun and had the perfect amount of depth imo; combat was actually fun and encouraged different playstyles (unlike pokemon spam the best move again and again) without being too intense/unapproachable for the game's vibe. hiding the perfect stick behind that one tree felt like a worthy reward for exploring and made me feel like i found a secret. I liked the pacing of the levelups/evolutions too, it made it easy to swap out party members when a new monster came onto the scene, since they could catch up quickly. It might have to be toned down a bit in an official game but I like that I'm able to mess around with my party composition without being punished. Really cool entry, would love to see where this game ends up if you decide to pursue it! biggest criticism is there's not more content! (fleshing out the story more would be good to but you have a great premise). really enjoyed my playthrough! 

lol the roll animation cracked me up too, it was my first time ever animating something. Thank you for taking the time to play and leave some feedback.  Stardew valley meets pokemon is the idea, obviously have a loooong way to go to get there though. this is just my first crack at it. I'll probably start from scratch again some point soon and take what I learned from this time.

Cool fan game, you nailed the vibe of the old pokemon games. The pixel art is nicely done, the table in the first room made me say "wow. thats a nice table". I like the two mon designs, especially hatatta. I was a bit disappointed there wasn't a pringles chip one tho. Overall, I think you have a really nice start to a game that does well to follow in the footsteps of Pokemon but I would love to see you put more of your own spin on things and were the game could go from there.

This was a really cool playthrough, you did a great job of setting up tension through cutscenes. You have a real knack for the cinematic, and you created real feeling when setting the stage. There's room for improvement, but there's a lot to like here (and I'm not just talking about Trix lol).

Here's my pretentious, over-written - and unasked for - honest thoughts while playing:

- Opening cutscene is great, the music works perfectly the color choice is bold and unique and it all really works well together. However, its just a touch too slow towards the end. I know you want a slower pacing to build suspense, and it works for the beginning but after the characters wake up and before they start getting to their feet the pacing should pick up a bit.

- The following dialogue dump is kind of bland and uninspiring and doesn't really add anything to what you've created so far. The opener did a great job with building tension but this dialogue felt like filler rather than substance and took me out of the moment a bit.

- But then the first battle starts and you absolutely nail the atmosphere, it made me sit up in my seat immediately. The boss animations and music, coupled with throwing the player directly to the wolves with the enemy attacking him right from the beginning works very well. The combat could use a fair amount of fine tuning, but the movement feels great and I'm a big fan of how bouncy the jump feels.

- Another dialogue critique: it may be a personal preference but I'd prefer if the text was written out faster and then required a player input to advance to the next speaker so that I can read at my own pace, rather than the way it is currently set up where I have to read at the specific pace the game tells me to. kind of a minor thing but it would be a nice quality of life change, imo.

- 12/10 for Trix, disregard the rest of my comment, this game is a masterpiece.

This was a fun play through, and I think the cinematic cutscenes, color palette, and character modeling give this game a lot of personality and promise. I think cutting some of the fluff out of the dialogue and maybe digging a bit deeper into the story and motivations of the players would help continue the atmosphere, and if the combat system was fleshed out a bit more I think it would be a really good game.

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edit: sorry for the essay lol

lmao true, thank you for taking the time to play and comment :) Credit for the movement (and camera, collisions, and basically all the code) goes to Shaun Spalding and his Gamemaker Action RPG Tutorial. The world design and art is my own. 

The vision is something of a Stardew Valley/Pokémon hybrid where you can turn your crops into "pokemon" and battle, farm, explore, etc. Pokemon was always lacking in world feel/lore and got carried by how cool the actual pokemon are, while Stardew Valley has the opposite problem: the narratives/world are a blast to explore but it does not have any pokemon. Which is biting off wayyy more than I can chew, clearly, but it's the "dream game" I want to work towards eventually. I have pages and pages of notes written about mechanics, NPCs, yada yada. e.g.  Typing will be decided by plant species (i.e. capsaicin peppers, fruit bearing plants, cucurbits, etc.) with mon designs inspired by their real life counterparts and evolution stages from seedling to mature plant to harvest ready.  The structure of nature itself lends really well to this approach for typing/evolution and its easy (but time consuming) to build out a simple roster of creatures following these pre-existing guidelines. Reading for a couple minutes on the Wiki of any given species leads to multiple new ideas.  

I probably won't keep anything for the next iteration of this game, but it was a great learning experience working on tile sets, animations, rpg world building, etc. for the first time. I'm glad I participated in the jam, even if it didn't exactly go to plan.

this was fun lol good job bro

this is a really cool game, nice work! all the art assets work nicely together and the sound effects are nice and juicy, the screen shake from the laser is an awesome touch. the gameplay is a bit simple but thats the nature of the theme and i liked the ultimate ability a lot as a bit of variety. the random long pauses between shots was a nice touch to add tension too. overall i enjoyed playing this game!

I love your visuals in this game: the cat is adorable, the polygons in the background and horizontal lines add the right amount of detail to a greyscale world, the dashing has a smooth look to it, and the particle trail when falling looks great too. The background song is nice enough. And i like the premise of an almost quick time event esque platformer within the theme constraints. however I had a ton of difficulty getting a hang of the controls and never got past the point of them feeling almost entirely unresponsive. the gameplay mechanic idea is great but the execution is unfortunately lacking to the point it makes the game tough to play. So overall, I loved the art style and your creative idea to satisfy the theme but I think the lack of polish on the movement mechanics takes away from the world a bit. I enjoyed this game in total, nice entry!!

well your artist kicks ass then :p but seriously give yourself a little credit for the platforming feel it came out great!

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I was losing 1-0 going into the top of the 3rd inning and then something clicked with me and the timing and i hit 5 straight dingers to lead off. ended up winning 7-2 and it was actually a pretty fun game. I love you pitching animation and the sense of depth/perspective of the field is nice too. I couldn't tell if my input really mattered at all pitching or hitting (besides timing of the swing to hit the ball) but i didnt really mind because the game was still fun and the animations were so charming. its a game jam, so completely understood about time but it would have been nice to have some simple sound effects (ball hitting bat, crowd cheer, etc) to really make things pop. I think it'd be cool if you made a retro baseball game with more controls and no deadline because I think this is a great proof of concept. cool entry!!

edit: and you nailed the retro aesthetic!

thanks :)

this game kicks ass such a cool gameplay idea and i think the one button controls actually add to the feel of the game because every jump is such high stakes . the timer on the double dash is perfect too it gives you enough of a safety net to get rid of unfair feeling deaths without hand holding and giving free solutions. you nailed the physics which is crucial for a platformer, loved how the character would slide justttt a bit and stop where i wanted him to, consistently. art and music were very well done. i dont have anything critical to say lol (maybe that it was a bit too hard or maybe im not a good enough gamer), 5 stars across the board, awesome entry!

cool game, i really enjoyed making things go boom, you nailed the explosion effects. when multiple colors get added to the screen and theres a big chain explosion it looks awesome (plus the screen shake, SFX, etc etc). I think this would make a pretty fun little mobile game just about as is already. maybe adding a sandbox mode where you could just draw and explode stuff would be pretty neat too. i think you made a really well polished game with a good application of the theme. the only minor critique is that the gameplay loop is a bit too simple and gets a bit stale but it is a game jam so kind of an unfair criticism. great entry!!

thanks bro :) i spent wayyy to much time on it lol thanks for playing and leaving a commen

really neat game, it felt very smooth to switch between controllers and i liked your literal take on the theme. I suck at this game so i didnt make it past the first jump but I did enjoy the time I spent messing around with the ball. The background song is a bop too fits very well with the whole scene. i'm not a huge fan of the rage game style but this was an interesting one, nice entry!

Lol and yeah i kinda cobbled it all together at the end just glad to get something "finished". Thanks for playing :)

what a great twist on the traditional helicopter style game. I really enjoyed your application of the theme; the somewhat convoluted and layered control scheme felt a lot to me like a video game adaptation of what I imagine controlling a hot air balloon would be like lol. somehow you made tapping a key on my keyboard feel like a high stakes air event, nice job. the art style is really nice too the backgrounds especially are really pretty. don't really have much bad to say besides getting stuck on the second level with my x-position not changing at all with the wind, but thats just a minor bug really. great entry!!

thanks homie! appreciate you taking the time to play my game and leave some kind words

the gravity system is sickkk. It would be pretty cool as an style multiplayer game but I guess all the physic interactions would be tough, idk. I really like the way acclerating and decelerating feels and the bullet swerve is an awesome touch. I wish there was a bit more to the combat or planet capture systems as they are very barebones, but of course it is a game jam so very understandable. Also I think it is a shame that the gameplay loop isn't built more around the zooming around space thing. You did such a good job with the feel of driving the spaceship but the gameplay kind of forces the player to slowly move around and shoot the enemy ship to avoid crashing into planets. I think if you tweaked the gameplay to be more about going fast while battling the massive forces of gravity rather than an emphasis on precise slower movement it would have taken the game to the next level. that being said this was a really neat entry and you absolutely nailed the spacey feel, i had a great time drifting around in zero gravity!

thanks for playing! agreed its too short i had grandiose plans to have a game for every letter but i'm lazy and have a lot to learn lol. appreciate the feedback, glad you liked it :)

brooo thats so good for one day lol. great job! that would be a great mobile game if you put like a day and a half more into it :p

really cool puzzle concept, i never would have thought of making a game in this genre with one button controls so great application of the theme there. the minimalist retro computer whatever art style works really well with the gameplay too. I have to say the glitchy repeating sound in the background was terribly annoying and I had to mute the game pretty early on. and then i had a bug that would mute/unmute the game volume every time i moved the character lol. but sound is a minor complaint the actual game mechanic is a very good one, nice entry!