I really liked this unique dash! I wish I'd been better at using it! Only against the snake do I think I made good use of it!
As for the aiming, I had mixed feelings. The fact that the aiming cursor follows our mouse but also moves with our character makes ranged attacks more complicated than they appear. You can't simply place your cursor on your opponent and spam him with mouse clicks. And that's a good thing! But I spent a lot of time looking for my aiming cursor!
Also, our life gauge is really small. Admittedly, death doesn't really affect us, except in terms of our best time. But the last boss really gave me a hard time and, towards the end of the fight, I was dying literally every five seconds, which was a bit irritating.
The reason I'm giving you this feedback is that the game frustrated me at times, even though it has real potential! Especially as the bosses are all very different, and the universe is really very interesting. Anyway, congratulations on all your hard work :D