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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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A really cool game with endless items :D

The drawings are really fun, the sound design very clean, and overall the game is really well polished!

I played it for a while, and I'll be back for sure!

Bravo :)

Thank you very much! Your comment makes me really happy :D

The audio is not particularly 3D, but I'm happy if it gives an immersive rendering :D

So much the better! :)

Thanks a lot <3

Thank you very much !

It's true that the game requires a lot of concentration. It's hard to pay too much attention to the UI, although I think it can become a skill that you acquire as you go along. If you don't pay attention to the hourglass, you can attack a boss when he becomes invulnerable again and take damage. So we'll have to pay close attention to the hourglass in future. In any case, I hope that players will integrate this difficulty with this philosophy. If not, maybe I could add some sound indicators to complete the UI :)

Anyway, thanks for playing and commenting :D

Thank you very much for your comment :)

I'm glad you liked the game^^ And honestly, I think my favorite is also the joker, whether it's the design, the moveset, the sound-design or the music :D

As for the little dotted line, there's a small one when you're playing with the joystick (it's more of an arrow than a real line running through the whole arena).

I didn't think it was necessary with the mouse. But for the sake of accessibility, I've just added the option in the settings to activate an aiming assist when playing with the mouse :D (The settings menu is getting a bit crowded as I keep adding options xD).

Merci d'avoir essayé le jeu :D

Effectivement, battre les cinq boss n'est pas une tâche facile au début ! Mais je suis content que le jeu donne envie de s'acharner :)

Je viens de faire une petite mise à jour en réaction à ton commentaire. Après avoir essayé de changer la couleur de l'item cœur, je n'étais pas très satisfait. Perso j'aime bien le cœur en blanc, mais je peux comprendre que ce ne soit pas le cas pour tous le monde. Alors bon, mon choix fut de ne faire aucun choix : il est désormais possible, dans le menu des paramètres, de décider à quoi ressemblera cet item parmi 14 choix d'apparences différents !

Donc merci pour ton retour^^

I've updated the game with a “skip” button. This should allow you to skip the boss choice scene with the gumball machine (for the record, in the game's built-in speedrun mode, the timer pauses during boss transitions, so using the “skip” button won't affect the time count).

Thanks a lot!

Yes, finishing all 5 bosses is hard xD I hope it's not TOO hard! In any case, I'm glad you found it fun and pretty :D (and that you didn't see any bugs!)

First of all, the game is really, really, really beautiful!

And the gameplay is very interesting. I have to admit that it took me a while to get used to the controls. But you get the hang of it!

And maybe it's just a detail, but the end screen blew me away! That exhausted face and gasping breath had an incredible effect on me!

As for the difficulty, I have to admit that I defeated the final boss (the one in the middle) in an inglorious way (I stood in front of him and threw and recalled all my scissors, frantically and without trying to avoid his attacks. In short, like a brute. Having all the scissors, this strategy worked :D)

Anyway, well done for a great game!

Absolutely adorable!

Oh yes ! I actually managed to beat both bosses! I love the ticket idea!
Really, so far your game is my Top 1 :D

Thank you very much! I have to admit I'm pretty proud of this tutorial :D So I'm glad it works!

The bosses are absolutely incredible! And the mix of genres is just right! Well, I've only managed to beat the octopus and the robot, and not even in a row. But I'll be back to try my luck :)

Great game! Well done to you :D

Great game!

And three very different bosses :)

It's great to see a game made with construct 3 :D

Well done to you for the game and to your friends for the music!

Wow! The game is so cool!

First of all, I'm a fan of the visuals! The atmosphere works perfectly and the actual bosses are very coherent with the circus universe. And the spinning top idea is absolutely fabulous and very well executed!

Well, so far I haven't managed to beat the magician, and I've only beaten the first part of the clown, but I'll definitely give it another go!

Maybe, though, I'd have liked to regain a bit of life before the second part of the clown. But maybe you want a very difficult game. The game is interesting enough for me to want to work a little harder to beat these bosses!

What a crazy story!

I really like the game mechanics, and the characters are... wow! Magnificent and very funny! In short, I love it :D

I gave up on Hydration Man, my eyes couldn't follow what was happening on the screen xD

bravo for this great game!

Great game!

The game mechanics are simple and can evolve a lot. I can't wait to see what you're going to add, and I can't wait to beat the sun!

And the drawings are really funny :D

Curiously, Uranus has been the most difficult planet for me. When it shoots in all 8 directions, it's hard not to get hit. But, at the same time, it's a great planet for learning to slow down and speed up.

In short, well done :)

Aesthetically, this game is a little gem! And on top of that, it was made in just two days—hats off to you!

One small remark: I wish I didn’t have to start over from the first boss each time I lose, since the previous fight doesn’t impact the next one. I still haven’t managed to beat both bosses together.

That said, congratulations to you for such a beautiful and fun game!

Ahah! Being the dev of the game, my level is not very representative :) The game is hard, I know that. I wanted to make a game that was difficult but whose mechanics would be interesting enough to keep you trying.

Good luck, and let me know if you manage to beat all five bosses in a row!

Ahah! Thanks XD

Thanks a lot :D

And now there's a video on the page :D

I never expected to see a boss rush clicker!

As usual, I spend more time than I care to admit on this kind of game :D Well done!

Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed the game! And your feedback on getting to grips with the controls makes me very happy indeed.

And if you'd like to see an expert play this game, I'm streaming regularly on Twitch right now, so I'd probably do a few games (though, without an online translator, I'm really bad at English xD). And if not, I'll probably make a gameplay video and post it in the comments or on the game page.

Thanks for commenting :)

Thanks for your comment :)

The slightly long gumball machine time is mostly used to rest between bosses and quite often to let a heart appear if you run out of life. But I might consider a “skip transition” button. I'll make a note of the idea (right now I need to rest :D).

But how many lives does this third boss have?

It took me a while to get the hang of the game, but after that it was a lot of fun! Well done :D

The graphics are fabulous! And the atmosphere in this kitchen is really cool! But I'm really bad, I can't beat more than one or two eels xD When it's ready to explode, I have trouble jumping on another eel :O

I'll try again to improve!

Anyway, congratulations on a great game!

Many thanks <3

Thank you very much for your comment :D

I'm also taking part in the Boss Rush Jam :) can't wait to play your game!

I love it!!! My best score is 105 enemies downed in 106s.

Each new mutation really forces us to adapt the way we play, which is really cool!

I'll have to play it on my Twitch channel next time :D

Between the various Christmas meals, I didn't find much time to play. So I'm finally playing! It's not an easy game, and it took me a while to accept that I had to take my time and be careful not to hit any obstacles! And then, well, some houses will have lots of gifts and others none xD

Bravo again, it's a great gameplay!

My best score is very indicative of the violence that night :D

Between two Christmas dinners, I can finally come and play your game :D

I'm so glad you're taking part in the Trijam!

My best score is 119 :) there really is a time when kids will do anything to get their presents! Unfortunately, I didn't manage to destroy Christmas...

In any case, it's really cool for a first game, and especially in such a short time! Well done to you!

My best score is 54!

But I couldn't stop them - sorry, Christmas is ruined!

Well done for this game!

Thank you very much for your comment :)

I usually type blind too, so I was surprised that the game wasn't so easy. In a way, so much the better, it's a bit of a challenge :)

Not an easy last level! But Santa got the better of the evil aliens! Bravo for this simple and effective game :)

Oh, I'm so glad you're trying out your new keyboard with a game in which I'm so proud of the keyboard inside!

And thanks for your nice comment :D

At first I was all confused too. I never thought I'd have to look at my keyboard so much to play successfully. I have to say that not all the keys are there for AZERTY/QWERTY compatibility reasons.

As a groundhog appears every second, I think the best possible score is 60. Personally, I managed to get as high as 52 :)

Thanks again!

Thanks Roy4lduck :D

I love it when it's meta!

My best score is 45!

The atmosphere is absolutely fabulous! And the palette of just three colors works really well :D

Well done for creating this game on time!