Pretty cool start to a movement shooter, nice entry!! I liked the wheel of danger that would pop up every now and then to keep the intensity high. Some of the movement mechanics were pretty interesting, and I really liked the feel of double jumping into a dash into wall run. The boss attacks were a bit too chaotic and felt borderline impossible to deal with at certain parts, making the fight very difficult. There were a lot of performance/framerate issues on the web build which made the fight too difficult to continue. I really liked the open layout of your level and it left a lot of room for skill expression from the player. The minimalistic environment and UI could use a bit of love but they do their jobs adequately. The boss projectiles had a great level of contrast with the environment which I appreciated. I wish the game ran a bit better on my potato laptop and that things were a bit more polished because I think you have a pretty decent foundation for a movement shooter. Good job and keep up the good work!