Note: I'm Playing the Windows build because when you crouch in the web version it crashes.
Visuals, music and sound fx of this game were on point. So crunchy! Only gripe from a visual perspective is the UI did not scale correctly.
Things I liked. The rocket jump and rocket boost were cool movement options. However due to the blood mechanic you have to limit their usage. Which would be fine except the other core movement mechanic, the ground pound, is way too tight timing wise.
I can see what you're going for, but trying to ground pound and then jump is insanely tight timing. Instead of me bounding through the levels I had to slowly get to the edge of the platform jump, ground pound and time the jump correctly. I even practiced the ground pound for several minutes to try and get the timing. It just felt inconsistent. When I'm flying through the air and have momentum the game feels great. Use the ground pound to get back to the floor great! But the ground pounding from movement into jump is too tight. We can chalk it up to skill issue of course, but when it's core to playing the game. It should be easier to execute.
Another issue I encountered was sometimes when I respawned I would spawn above the abyss instead of platforms, forcing me to restart. Other than that I thought the game looked very cool and loved the music and sound design. Luckily it should be an easy fix by increasing the buffer time.
It's got potential to be a cool oldschool speedrunning game. Just gotta tweak the timings a bit and potentially the level design.