Hey glad you liked it :)
1 - There's just the un-censored Katrina pics I haven't added a way to unlock yet - everything else is unlockable in MC/Vanilla's POV
2 - For me it's fine on my phone but might be a resolution thing.. will add a font size option to the settings next update
3 - I'm guessing this is mainly in Vanilla's chat and the OnlyFyans app? I have some plans to fix the issue in the OnlyFyans app as everything in there is coded by me - but unfortunately the message part of the app uses a dkalogue manager system that can take a while to load messages (especially the first time you open it) and that's mostly out of my control.. I have a few ideas though but it'll take a little while to fix
4 - There'll be an update soon to fix the issues above but in terms of more content.. I hope to get some new stuff on Patreon within the next week and itch.io a little after that